Monday, March 06, 2006

A Discussion with Alexandra.

*This is my response to Alexandra on the controversial issue of race. Enjoy. My response is in bold and her's isn't. I agree with her on some issues and not on others. _____________________________

Don't forget that countries should have the right to decide who gets to immigrate into their nation and who doesn't. I never forgot that nations have the right to decide on who gets into their countries.

The Bible still says not to treat their neigbhor wrongfully (Ezekiel 22:29). A nation doesn't have a right to hate their fellow man or treat their neigbhor wrongfully as well.

I think what Eric is driving at is what God did in Genesis 11--scattered the people. Why? Because they were trying to all stay together and have a one-world government. That's where racism CAN be good.

Racism is never good at any circumstance period. Eric wants more than the simple existence of nations in the world, which is truthfully outlined in Genesis 11 and Genesis 10:5 that I've quoted before. Eric believes in seperate nations based on race or ethnic groups. I don't agree with that, since that's not only silly and infeasable, but people of different backgrounds can co-exist together without too much conflict. Many of the Elite agitate conflicts between groups to cause more control among all groups. That's why you see hate-groups like La Mecha, KKK, N.O.I.,etc. Not to mention that many races have occupied one nation for years like in Brazil, England, USA, etc. The average, everyday human being doesn't want a conflict between ethnic groups, but the Elite does, so the Elite only has the power to agitate massive conflicts among races for control. Also, I completely realize that people uniting into an one world government is wrong, because an one world government infinges on people's rights, their diversity, and their uniqueness to exist in the world. Again, Racism is never good in any circumstance.

To promote diversity among nations and wanting nations to exist in the world is common sense and pro-freedom.That's not racism at all. God wants nations and diversity, but God doesn't want any racism since racism is the hatred of your fellow man or woman by virture of their race. That violates God's commandment to treat your neigbhor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:31). Racism additionally subscribes to the lie that certain groups of people are inferior to other groups of people. Also, racism is the belief that the intentional discrimination of people of a different race is fine, which I also don't agree with. I agree with you and Eric on the Jesuits, but not totally on this issue.

(Please note--I'm primarily white, part Native American.)

I have no problem with that.

Tracy Broadhurst (Jesus-is-Lord) even has it on her site (family page) about someone saying that they don't mind black and white CHRISTIANS marrying each other...but that the WORLD is using it for their NWO agenda. I would agree with that.

To a certain extent, the Elite are definitely using interracial marriage to justify an one world government. On the otherhand, just because the Elite use it or select concepts, doesn't mean, all of it isn't biblical. The Bible does permit interracial and inter-ethnic marriages as long as each person are believers (Numbers 12:1-5, Deut. 20:14, Genesis 46:20, 2 Chronicles 6:32-33, etc.) I guess you need to be reminded again that all men can fellowship together in worship regardless of race and spiritually all believers are one regardless of our background (Galatians 3:28, Acts 13:1, Leviticus 19:34). That is the spiritual equality of all believers, which is 100% Biblical.

As always, I'm citing tons of Bible verses to back up my statements plus science, not opinion or stereotypes. Tracy is right to promote interracial marriage among believers. I use the word "race" to be simplistic. The Bible makes firm distinctions in language, culture, peoples, kindreds, or ethnic groups, not race necessarily, since race is never mentioned in the Bible. Many scientists say that there is only 0.2% genetic variation that exists among all people on Earth. There is only 0.012% genetic differences among so-called "races" like eye color, skin color, and other physical differences between people. Even the word race has changed over time and many anthropologists call race as not a reality, but a social construct.

One such man is Professor of Epidemiology Raj Bhopal, who is the head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Newcastle, stated in the British Medical Journal: "Humans are one species: races are not biologically distinct, there's little variation in genetic composition between geographically separate groups, and the physical characteristics distinguishing races result from a small number of genes that do not relate closely to either behaviors or disease.”

A lot of it has to do with national sovereignty. That's why you see the Minute Men out on the Mexican border. God instituted nations. Satan wants a one-world government. That's why national sovereignty is so important.

I have no problem with national sovereignty. As in the case of the Minutemen and illlegal immigration, I don't care who comes here as long as it legal. This nation, America, isn't perfect. One of the gifts of America though is that every culture of people existed here to maintain its diversity yet America is still stabilized as one nation. I don't agree with illegal immigration not because of Mexicans or any race, but because it is immoral to come to a land that doesn't beyond to you or without proper permission. Also, I know God instituted nations and I've mentioned that plenty of times. You seem to forget that many nations are composed of numerous races or ethnic groups. God instituted that as well since they are nations.

Even Mexicans aren't homogenous, but have white Spainard/Aztec and other Native American blood. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have a lot of black African heritage, so even in the case of Latinos, very few people on Earth aren't purely of one ethnic group in their lineage. God wanted this since God said from one blood, all people existed from Adam (Acts 17:26). The vast majority of Mexicans are hard-working people, but Mexicans and other people who come here illegally are exploitated by the Globalists to end American soverignty, so CAFTA, the American Union, and other programs can be instituted. Mexicans, who come here illegally, and all people in America are the victims of this crisis, not the prepratrators. I harbor no hate of Mexicans or any other group of people.

Once upon a time, the USA had many immigrants, and from what country.

Once upon a time, the USA had slavery, oppression, sin, etc. America isn't perfect, but there were tons of bible-believing Christians back then. As for quotas, I have no problem with them if it solely dealt with the economic stability of the country or other legitimate reasons outside of someone's background. Someone's race and color is God-given, so that shouldn't be condemned or margainized. Someone's background should have no effect on the case for being in or out of this country.

Unfortunately, you have instigators like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the like who just want to stir up a bunch of garbage. I find it offensive that Al Sharpton wants reparations for slavery. Um...wasn't two of my ancestors fighting in the Union Army enough for him? (One of them was allegedly Cherokee.)

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are members of the Prince Hall of Freemasonry, so they are puppets of the Elite. Even Julian Bond is of the Prince Hall Lodge as well. Freemasonry is occultic and incomptable with Christianity as always. Now, they are certainly right on some issues like voting rights, civil rights, war in Iraq, civil liberties, etc. They are wrong on other issues like abortion, Terri Schiavo, homosexual rights, etc. On several occasions, they blame Republicans and conservatives for everything, therefore they're into the Left/Right paradigm. As for reparations, it is just for call for reparations since Japanese, Jewish, and other groups of people had reparations for the suffering inflicted unto them. That's very justified. Native Americans suffered through oppression as well.

It's hard for black people to call for reparations now since black people today weren't the immediate victims of slavery, but our ancestors were. Hence, Sharpton and crew are right on some issues and wrong on others. I don't demonize them, but outline the truth about them. I also think that Rush Limbaugh, Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly have spoken tons of garbage about Bush, etc. Even Sean Hannity denies the existence of the PNAC document, that wanted Saddam to be deposed as said by those Neo-Cons. As for the Union, the Union didn't gave us our freedom. Ultimately in the final analysis, God gave us our freedom. Lincoln not only tried to apply to become a Mason, but he believed that blacks were inferior to white people and that blacks shouldn't have social and political equality. I don't agree with them on everything, but Lee and Thomas Jackson not only weren't racist, but they abhored slavery. I don't agree with the Confederacy since their leadership wanted to continue slavery with oppression to black people and the leadership of the Confederacy said degatory comments about black people.

On the otherhand, not everyone in the Confederacy were evil, racist men. Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jackson had 10X more Christian character than Lincoln will ever have. In fact, Thomas Jackson taught Sunday school to black children. In fact, Lee called slavery "a moral and political evil." He also said "the best men in the South" opposed it and welcomed its demise. Thomas Jackson said he wished to see "the shackles struck from every slave." I'm a black man and even I knew this when I was young, so the mainstream media won't mention their strong Christian character. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclomation didn't free one slave, but was a war measure used to inspire blacks in the South to rise against their masters. No real freedom from slavery existed until 1865. According to the testimony of Chinquy and other authors alone, that Lincoln became born-again just before he died.

I give homage to the Union only in allowing slavery for blacks to not exist and thank all of the good Union soldiers (since some Union people were just as evil as the Confederates) nothing more or less. Like always, the American-form of slavery was unbiblical since they kidnapped black people to be sent to America, men-stealing, and captured run-away slaves, which is against the Holy Scriptures (Exodus 21:16, Deuteronomy 23:15-16, 1 Timothy 1:10). Therefore, if anyone tries to justify the American form of slavery by the Bible, they are either mistaken or a liar. I don't care who it is. The Elite funded and infiltrated both sides of the conflict anyway with the Knights of the Golden Circle, Freemasons, Jesuits, and others. Both sides had their villians. You know I'm smart Alexandra. You know that I was going to bring it. They don't call me TruthSeeker24 for nothing since I've been through tons of debates on a wide variety of issues before. This isn't new to me.

Note--I think having separate bathrooms for each race is flat-out asinine.

I agree.

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