Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pro-Prostitution and Pro-Fornication Quotes from the Birth Control Review

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Pro-Prostitution and Pro-Fornication Quotes from the Birth Control Review

"All the children you now see are suitably dressed; they look now as neat as formerly only the children of the village clergymen did. In the families of the laborers there is now a better personal and general hygiene, a finer moral and intellectual development. All this has become possible by limitation of the number of children in these families. It may be that now and then this preventive teaching has caused illicit intercourse but, on the whole, morality is now on a much higher level and mercenary prostitution, with its demoralizing consequences and propagation of continuous diseases, is on the decline."

Dr. J. Rutgers of the Neo-Malthusian League of Holland. "After Thirty-Five Years of Birth Control." Birth Control Review, Volume I, Number 3 (March 1917), page 14.

"One of the strongest arguments of our moralists and purists is that the knowledge of contraception would lead the young to enter upon forbidden sexual relations. Granted that this may happen in a number of instances, the benefit derived from a diminution of venereal diseases, a greater number of happy and successful marriages among the younger people, fewer but better and healthier offspring, instead of an unrestricted procreation of the underfed, the tuberculous, the alcoholic, the degenerate, the feeble-minded and insane, would more than outweigh the isolated instances of sexual intercourse prior to marriage."

S. Adolphus Knopf, M.D. "An Arsenal of Argument." Birth Control Review, Volume I, Numbers 4 and 5 (April-May 1917), page 8.


"As for the argument that many girls would become immoral were it not for the fear of pregnancy, I feel that it would be far better for a few more girls to become immoral without any illegitimate children to be born, than for a large number of fatherless children to be born yearly and countless girls driven to a life of prostitution, because of either uncontrolled passion or seduction by some man for whom there is more love than prudent feeling."

Claude T. Smith. "The Real Immorality." Birth Control Review, Volume II, Number 4 (April 1918), page 14.


"Every embrace of love is a new phase of being ) a new sublimation of consciousness ) a fresh inspiration of life. Even if love touches lips over the bars surrounding our conventional breeding-places, would it be wise to suppress, if we could, the divinity in our souls; to destroy the poetry and the spice in our lives with puny and puerile laws? For my own part, I thank whatever gods there are that we can not!"

From "Some Aspects of Adultery," a study by Dr. Ralcy Husted Bell, Birth Control Review, Volume V, Number 6 (June 1921), page 10.


"Birth control makes possible such clear-cut distinctions between mating and parenthood that it might be expected to produce radical changes in theories of sex attitude or relationship, forcing the discard of many an argument for personal suppression for the good of children or the honor of the family, and forcing redefinition of concepts of honor and sincerity between the sexes."

"Press Clippings: Elsie Clews Parsons on Birth Control." Birth Control Review, Volume VIII, Number 6 (June 1924), page 190.


"If women are the ones primarily leading the present "sex uproar," it is because they are fundamentally less prudish than men ... Freedom of action on the part of women has brought with it a desire to attain the heights of love enjoyed by men, heights which could make Malthus, famous for his "Essay on the Principle of Population" say, "Perhaps there is scarcely a man who has once experienced the genuine delight of virtuous love ..."

Percy L. Clark, Jr. "Is Love Worth Saving?" Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 2 (February 1925), page 42.

"Many people fear birth control because they are told that it will increase extramarital immorality. They do not stop to consider whether if true (which is open to much doubt) this might be a low price to pay for the normal advance gained in avoiding the hideous immorality of enforced maternity and of easing that population pressure which bids fair to be fruitful cause of international discord."

"Population and the Food Supply: National Scientific Bodies Forecast the Future." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 2 (February 1925), page 53.

"Experience has amply demonstrated the evils of attempting to suppress the gratification of this impulse, and its utter futility, except in rare subnormal individuals ... To the accusation that the general knowledge of contraceptive practices will increase promiscuity by "making vice safe," we simply reply that the pressure of population leads to celibacy, delayed marriage, and unspeakable housing conditions in which chastity is almost impossible."

Charles V. Drysdale. "The Neo-Malthusian Philosophy: Part II." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 6 (June 1925), page 181.


"What does the World League for Sexual Reform aim at?

"It aims at being the headquarters of a campaign against a false sexual morality, a false morality, to which already endless numbers of human beings have been sacrificed, and which continues daily to demand its victims.

"In this fight we mean to use exclusively those mental weapons and those facts, which sexual science (in the widest sense) gives us.

"What is out of accord with the laws of nature and science can never be ethically right or truly moral. Where opposition exists between the forces of nature and of society (as, for example, in the population question) one must be at pains to do away with this opposition by using the conscious will of mankind to bring these forces into harmonious cooperation.

"We are unable to recognize as binding the varying rules prescribed at different times by the moment. We can recognize only what is in agreement with the teachings of life and love.

"The following ten points deserve special consideration:

1. Marriage reform. Wedlock must be raised to the position of a living comradeship between two people. This necessitates a reform in the marriage contract, conjugal rights and divorce.

2. The position of women as members of society. Women have not by any means everywhere as yet won the equal rights that are their due in political, economic, social and sexual spheres.

3. Birth Control i.e. greater sense of responsibility in the begetting of children. We believe in making harmless contraceptives known, combat on the other hand both abortion and the penalizing of abortion.

4. Eugenics in the sense of Nietzsche's words: "You shall not merely continue the race, but move it upward!"

5. A fair judgment of those who are unsuited to marriage, above all the intermediate sexual types.

6. Tolerance of free sexual relations, especially protection of the unmarried mother and the child born out of wedlock.

7. The prevention of prostitution and venereal disease.

8. The conception of aberrations of sexual desire not as criminal, sinful or vicious but as a more or less pathological phenomenon.

9. The setting up of a code of sexual law, which does not interfere with the mutual sexual will of grown-up persons.

10. The question of sexual education and enlightenment.

"All these points have in the last fifty years been the subject of lively discussions, which have not only often fundamentally altered the whole conception, but also the whole organization of sexual life. We can in this sense speak of a sexual crisis. The old morality with its terrible sexual misery still has the upper hand, and the human prejudices and condemnation are still heaped higher."

"News Notes." Birth Control Review, Volume XII, Number 7 (July 1928), page 215.


"The refusal of contraceptive information to the unmarried ... is a highly expensive policy to the taxpayer. It is an even more expensive policy from the point of view of the Eugenist. If the laws of heredity are valid, it frequently means an insistence on the continuance of poor stock, and a multiplication of those least fitted to pass on the torch of life to future generations."

Annie G. Porritt. "A Question of Morality." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 3 (March 1930), pages 74 and 75.

"Adultery should not be considered as a grounds for divorce. Adultery in the physical sense, at least, should be considered a natural consequence of a modern marriage. Where in the past, only men were adulterous, and that clandestinely, women should not have the same privilege of having extramarital sex affairs. Russell believes that these adulteries, when once we recognize the wisdom of them, will facilitate rather than mar marriage as an institution ... "What has Russell said that has caused such a furore of concern and confusion? To begin with he has stressed the wisdom of pre-marital intercourse, and pointed out that women who are virgins are seldom equipped to choose fitting husbands for their marriage. The virgin is naive, and, therefore, without that sexual experience and wisdom which are necessary to an intelligent selection of a mate."

Favorable review of Bertrand Russell's book Marriage and Morals in V.F. Calverton. "Morals in Search of an Answer." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 3 (March 1930), pages 75 and 76.

"Furthermore, it is his [William J. Robinson's] conviction that the profession of prostitution should be declared perfectly legal and legitimate, which would tend to eliminate the evils that are now incidental to its practice ... Cease hounding, persecuting and humiliating her ... and she will at once begin to resist the terrible exploitation to which she is subjected on all sides."

William J. Fielding. "Prostitution ) Past, Present and Future." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 10 (October 1930), page 285.

"The great ideal is still a happy love, leading into marriage and parenthood. But it is precisely that they may gain that ideal that so many of them [college women] are deciding that marriage must not be confounded either with love or with sex. They would remove the confusion of sex as far as possible from parenthood. For a good lover may not be a good husband, and a good husband may not make a good father. The trouble with the present system is that it has attempted to imprison love in sex and in marriage.

"I do not think that youth is tending toward immorality, nor that is [sic] can do so while its ideals are set so high. Out of the temporary confusion due to changing customs, there must emerge a higher morality. Youth would set free what has been long a captive. May the marriages of tomorrow find a new freedom!"

"An Unofficial Questionnaire: Seventy College Girls Express Their Opinions." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 10 (October 1930), page 287.

"The gale of laughter which swept the magistrate's court in New York when Judge Rosenbluth asked if doctors required marriage licenses before treating patients should have disposed for good and all of the desire among birth controllers to pass legislation restricting information to married people ... An unwanted child in an unmarried woman's home is not in a more enviable position than most unwanted children in legal families."

"A Symposium on Nullification and Repeal." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 11 (November 1930), page 309.


"The greater facility of divorce aids the formation of the most satisfactory union. A greater freedom between the sexes before marriage, even if it has sometimes led to license, is not only itself beneficial, but the proper method of preparing for a more intimate permanent union. And the exercise of contraceptive control is the indispensable method of selecting the best possibilities of offspring and excluding from the world those who ought never to be born."

Havelock Ellis. "Marriage ) An Enduring Institution." Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 6 (June 1931), pages 166 and 167.

"I find myself in complete agreement with Havelock Ellis in his article on Marriage ) An Enduring Institution. I believe that monogamy is the ideal to which society should approximate. There should be nothing compulsory about it. Marriage should be made harder and divorce easier. Plenty of sex education and probably sane and decent sex experience should precede permanent marriage. The new sexology, far from destroying marriage and the family, is the

only thing which can make possible a happy and enduring marriage for the majority of mankind. Most marital discord is due to absence of sex knowledge and to sexual maladjustment, both of which would be eliminated if we were civilized enough to disseminate scientific knowledge on sex matters and to permit pre-conjugal sex experience.

"... Obviously, the bonds of theological and legal intimidation are bursting. The new family order must rest upon intelligence, freedom, and adequate information."

Harry Elmer Barnes. "Comments on Ellis' Article: Freedom and Knowledge Needed." Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 7 (July 1931), page 210.

"... And Mr. Packard seems to believe that the medical men are in some way capable of being policemen of our private affairs. Is it not just as "benighted, illogical and absurd" for one to assume that contraception can, or ought to be, restricted to married people as it is to oppose all ideas of birth control? ... I sympathize immensely with nullification [mass disobedience of the law]. All liberals must practice such nullification of many laws ..."

Gordon McWhirter of Berkeley, California. Letter to the Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 10 (October 1931), page 302.

"In an effort to secure representative opinion on the supposedly promiscuous tendencies of women of today, with sidelights on the attitude of men, the writer interviewed Mrs. Marjorie Prevost, assistant to Margaret Sanger in the newly established Marriage Relationship Clinic, Dr. Isabel Beck, a gynecologist whose work includes instruction in Social Hygiene in the Y.W.C.A., and Mr. J. Edward Sproul, Program Section Secretary of the National Council of Y.M.C.A.'s. All of these authorities agreed that modern conditions have brought into existence not a new type, rather a new outlook and a new attitude; none was ready to admit that modern men and women differ from their predecessors except in superficialities."

Howard K. Hollister. "The Disappearing Double Standard." Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 11 (November 1931), page 314.


"It [birth control] has the authority of that upon which all the rest of civilization is constructed, and to which intelligence directs us, the authority of sensuous enjoyment not merely physical pleasure, but esthetic satisfaction, which can only be had through physical pleasure."

Gordon McWhirter. "The Fundamental Reason for Birth Control." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Numbers 7 and 8 (July-August 1932), page 222.

"It appears, to say the least, highly improbable that in a radically rationalized society sexual reactions and behavior will acquire a uniformity which has never existed in the most coercive societies. With the disappearance of the most coercive moral and economic values, promiscuous behavior will become easier. But so, on the other hand, will relatively monogamous association. To an enormous extent the conditions fatal to the latter and its common failure are the effects of an un-rational and coercive society. With the disappearance of those irrational conditions more than half of the causes which wreck the close association of human relations between men and women would no longer exist.

"There can be little doubt that in a more rationalized society the relations between the sexes will present a combination of promiscuous and monogamous behavior ) as they do now, and as they have done in every period of mankind's career. Promiscuity will perhaps be more general, though probably less in degree. It will have lost the attraction which revolt against moral and social coercion's imparts to it. The contrast between it and uncoerced monogamous relations will have lost the fierce opposition imparted to it by moral zeal and by revolt against it.

"From the moment that such a contrast becomes shifted from the field of moral to that of hedonistic values, from a matter of obligation to one of freedom to do as one pleases, it ceases to have the portentous importance with which it has been invested by moral authoritarianism. To disapprove of people's tastes is not the same as to disapprove of their morals. Condemnation or commendation of either monogamy or promiscuity becomes irrelevant."

Robert Griffault. "Will Monogamy Die Out?" Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Numbers 7 and 8 (July-August 1932), page 223.

"Another international gathering, the Fifth Congress of the World League for Sexual Reform on a Scientific Basis, was held in Brno, Czechoslovakia, September 20-26. According to the preliminary program, qualitative and quantitative Birth Control, Population Problems, Marriage Reform, Sexual Education, and Prostitution were fully discussed. The chief points of the League's policy are:

1. Political, economic, and sexual equality of men and women.

2. The liberation from marriage (and especially divorce) from the present Church and State tyranny.

3. Birth Control, so that procreation may be undertaken only deliberately, and with a due sense of responsibility.

4. Race betterment by the application of the knowledge of Eugenics.

5. Protection of the unmarried mother and the illegitimate child."

"News Notes." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 10 (October 1932), page 250.


"Mr. [Havelock] Ellis advances as his basic thesis that all sex activities that lead to normal sex fulfillment are normal."

Henry G. Alsberg's review of Psychology of Sex by Havelock Ellis. Birth Control Review, Volume XVII, Number 7 (July 1933), page 178.

Racist and Anti-Immigrant Quotes from the Birth Control Review

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Racist and Anti-Immigrant Quotes from the Birth Control Review
Exactly Who Are the Racists?

Planned Parenthood often attacks pro-life activists, labeling them "extremist," and claims that any and all restrictions on abortion "hurt poor women" and are therefore "racist."

However, statistics reveal that abortion itself is an incurably racist institution.

The average annual number of abortions among White women is 1,031,500 (66.2% of all abortions), and the average annual number among minority women is 526,500 (33.8%).

During 1980-1996, 25.5% of White women's pregnancies have ended in abortions, while 40.1% of minority women's pregnancies have been aborted. This means a pregnant minority woman is 57 percent more likely to abort her baby than a pregnant White woman [1].

The average 1980-1996 abortion rate among White women of childbearing age was 22.4 abortions per 1,000; the average rate among minority women was 55.8 ) two and a half times higher [1].

Because of the long-term disparities between the abortion rates of White and minority women, pro-life activists maintain that abortionists target minority women. An examination of the number of abortionists in cities with high and low minority populations verifies this allegation.

Human Life International researchers used U.S. Census Bureau and Alan Guttmacher Institute statistics to analyze the 198 U.S. cities with 1992 populations greater than 100,000 with regard to minority populations and number of abortionists. They found that the 11 U.S. cities with more than 70 percent minority populations (averaging 78 percent minority) had an average of 52.74 abortionists per million people, whereas the 11 U.S. cities with less than 10 percent minority populations (averaging 6 percent minority) had only 15.75 abortionists per million [2].

This means high-minority cities have more than three times the number of abortionists per million citizens than low-minority cities.

Abortionists not only target minority women's preborn children, they kill the mothers themselves at a tremendous rate by providing grossly substandard "care" to them.

Kevin Sherlock's compendium of legal abortion deaths, Victims of Choice, documents the case studies of a sample of 126 women who have been killed by so-called "safe and legal" abortion. Sherlock positively identified the races of 72 of these women. The dead included 35 Blacks, 20 Latinas, 2 Asian, and 15 Whites. This means that 79 percent of these legal abortion deaths have occurred among minority women.

By comparison, as noted above, minority women obtain 33.8% of all abortions.

This means that the death rate among minority women who abort is seven times higher than that of White women who abort [3]. This number is underestimated by Planned Parenthood, which still admits that the risks of abortion for Black women are more than three times as high as for White women. Planned Parenthood says that the death rates for second-trimester abortions for Black and White women respectively are 24.8 and 6.8 deaths per 100,000 abortions [4].

Read the Quotes and Decide.

These actual quotes from the Birth Control Review can be used to show exactly who is really "extremist," and are excellent for use in debating, call-in shows, or research papers.

Remember that Planned Parenthood leaders have never denounced the racist statements of Margaret Sanger or the other writers in her magazine. In fact, PP leaders have frequently praised Sanger's work and its goals. At the annual luncheon of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America held in St. Louis, Missouri, on February 5, 1979, then-President Faye Wattleton boasted that "First as you know, as we celebrate the 100th birthday of Margaret Sanger, our outrageous and our courageous leader, we will probably find a number of areas in which we may want to find more about Margaret Sanger than we thought we wanted to know ... we should be very proud of what we are and what our mission is. It is a very grand mission ... abortion is only the tip of the iceberg ... I believe Margaret Sanger would have been proud of us today if she had seen the directions that we have most recently in this organization taken."

Sanger's grandson, Alexander C. Sanger, became President and Chief Executive Officer of Planned Parenthood of New York City in January of 1991. This organization has a budget of $18 million a year and 250 workers. Sanger boasted that "I intend to be out on the front lines of our issues. That is why I'm here ... Right now, we have three clinics in this city and I want ten more. We currently have a small storefront office in central Harlem, and it is my first priority to see if we can transform that into a clinic ... With all her success, my grandmother left some unfinished business, and I intend to finish it." [5]

Any Questions?

If you have any questions regarding this document or the Birth Control Review, or if you would like any further information on Margaret Sanger, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) or the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), call Human Life International (HLI) at (540) 635-7884, or write to HLI, 4 Family Life, Front Royal, VA 22630.


[1] Stanley K. Henshaw and Jennifer Van Vort. "Abortion Services in the United States, 1991 and 1992." Family Planning Perspectives, May/June 1994, pages 100 to 112, Table 1 (1973-1992 figures). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Surveillance Summaries, September 4, 1992 (1970-1972 figures). 1967-1969 figures allocated and interpolated by state.

[2] City populations and minority population percentages are from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1995. "Cities With 100,000 or More Inhabitants in 1992 ) Population, 1980 to 1992, and Land Area, 1990." Abortionists by city are from Stanley K. Henshaw and Jennifer Van Vort (editors). Abortion Factbook, 1992 Edition: Readings, Trends, and State and Local Data to 1988. New York: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1992. Table 16, "Number of Abortions, Number of Abortion Providers, Percent of Abortions in Nonhospital Facilities Performing 400 or More Abortions, and Percent of Abortions in Hospitals, by SMSA of Occurrence, 1987 and 1988."

[3] (79%/0.338)/(21%/0.662) = 7.4.

[4] John Benditt. "Special Report: Second-Trimester Abortions in the United States." Family Planning Perspectives, November/December 1979, page 359.

[5] "Another Sanger Leads Planned Parenthood." The New York Times, January 23, 1991, page B2.


"Brownsville is the most thickly populated section of Brooklyn. Here the working people live. Here are the dwelling-places of the very poor, a whole city of Jewish and Italian inhabitants housed in the most assiduously investigated and frequently condemned type of tenement. Block after block, street after street, as far as one can see in every direction, there is an endless stretch of dreary walls bursting with their excess of wretched humanity. Unkempt children swarm the alley ways and fire escapes and you seldom see a woman without her inevitable baby."

Elizabeth Stuyvesant. "The Brownsville Birth Control Clinic." Birth Control Review, Volume I, Number 3 (March 1917), page 6.


"Polish men are often immoral because they have been born of too young mothers or preceded by many born before."

Rev. T.V. Jakimowitz. "A Priest on Birth Control." Birth Control Review, Volume IV, Number 3 (March 1920), page 12.

"The black people, however restless and discontented, are comparatively inoffensive and in any case easy to placate, while the American Indians are a small and diminishing race."

Havelock Ellis. "The World's Racial Problem." Birth Control Review, Volume IV, Number 10 (October 1920), page 15.

"It is the lower elements of the population, the negroid aboriginal tribes and the Pariahs or Outcasts, who are gaining the fastest."

Lothrop Stoddard. "Population Problems in Asia." Birth Control Review, Volume V, Number 12 (December 1921), page 11.


"It is difficult to study the history of India and China and not come to the conclusion that much of the misery of these unhappy countries is the result of centuries of uncontrolled breeding of children. Excessive increase of population means periodic visitation of famine and plague and the horrible custom of infanticide.

"If we can restrict the population of each country of the world to a reasonable limit, we may not end war, but we shall at least remove one of the excuses and causes of international conflict."

Sidney E. Goldstein. "Control of Parenthood as a Moral Problem ) The Case For and Against Birth Control: A Paper Presented at the International Birth Control Conference." Birth Control Review, Volume VI, Number 10 (October 1922), pages 195 to 197 and 206.


"We have no reason to fear that by reducing our population we should be driven to the wall by lower races. Let us take care that our descendants are healthy men and healthy women with vigorous bodies and cultivated minds and our race will never go under even in the presence of the Chinese."

Harold Cox. "Socialism and the Population Question." Birth Control Review, Volume VII, Number 11 (November 1923), pages 298 to 301.


"Even now in China, people live all the year round on boats because there is no room for them on land.

"I offer for your approval the following remedies [for overpopulation]:

"2a. We may solicit the aid of God by prayer and dropping coins into the contribution box ) to hurry along a glacial period. Meanwhile we can beg Him to send down some great pestilence as the Black Death, or a few earthquakes, or a couple of flu epidemics.

"2b. We can always start a war.

"2c. We must get rid of the inferior colored races ) the Blacks, the Yellow and the Red races must be exterminated ) of course you must convert them first to religion because their souls are very valuable.

"2d. The white race then may proceed as follows: Let the Christians exterminate all Jews and Moslems, then the Protestants kill all Catholics, then let the Ku-Klux-Klan kill everybody except the one-hundred-per-cent; then let the Nordic race with blond hair and blue eyes kill off all the dark complexioned ..."

Bernard Sacks, M.D. "Overpopulation." Birth Control Review, Volume VIII, Number 9 (September 1924), pages 252 and 270.

[***] "Only the inconceivable eventuality of an alliance of all the other races of the world against the white race could seriously threaten white civilization, and by the time the colored races reach the stage where this would be possible, they will long since have been forced to adopt birth control themselves.

"The white will practice voluntary restriction of their numbers while "uncivilized" races remain prolific, with the ultimate result of the extermination of white civilization by a `rising tide of color.'"

)Malcolm H. Bissell. Review of J.B.S. Haldane's book Daedalus or Icarus: Is Science to Be Man's Servant or His Master? Birth Control Review, Volume VIII, Number 10 (October 1924), pages 277 and 279.


"... Considering the fact that the average Russian sympathizer with the Tzarist regime, has, after seven years of Bolshevism, already become as sterile and emasculated, socially and intellectually, as the average Southerner in America (barring myself as a notable exception) it is important to record that many of them practice Birth Control in one form or another.

"... the Japanese government was bitterly opposed to the teaching of Birth Control because the Imperialists knew that in increasing the population was an argument for aggression and an extension of territory."

"Emigration and the Birth Rate." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 1 (January 1925), page 8.

"No nation wants the dregs drained from the bottom of the vat. Those of Italy are not less welcome than those of any other nation, but they are not welcome. We know Italy's greatness, her Galileos, her Leonardos, her Michelangelos. Does she send us these, even in humble imitations? She does not. Look over "Who's Who in America" for Italian names. They are conspicuous by their absence. Look at the army intelligence test records. They are low, so unconscionably low that they are a reproach and a shame to Italy's greatness. She is as well rid of them as an individual would be well rid of a cancerous tumor. I yield to none in my appreciation of Italian art, architecture, literature and science. Our culture here would be immensely improved we could import and make our own some of the creative geniuses comparable to those who built so grandly in the Renaissance. Have we the slightest chance of obtaining them? Again I say no. The Grade A men of Lombardy and Tuscany are not squeezed out by economic pressure. Such people take care of themselves. Furthermore, these northerners are men of brains, thoughtful and foresighted. They are not producing Italy's excess. The excess comes from below Rome, people of a different race, people where Grade A men are negligible in quantity, where Grades D and E predominate. The incompetents from Italy's population curve are the ones the astute Senator asks us to receive. And he is so complacent in his absurd proposal. We don't need these people, that is all. We produce enough of that quality ourselves."

Edward M. East. "The Fascisti on Birth Control; An Italian Problem: Reply to Count Cippico." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 9 (September 1925), pages 245 and 246.

"Children are not born fully equipped for productive work; they have to be supported and educated for 18 to 20 years before they become productive, so that they are actually a drain on the resources of the community until they are mature. The foreign workers are already fully fledged producers, and are in most cases unmarried, so that they actually help to support the French population."

G. Hardy. "The Truth About France." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 11 (November 1925), pages 309 and 310.

"And none need hesitate to heartily take up a fully Eugenic attitude towards life through fear that it will perhaps mean a departure from our ancient Aryan civilization."

"Eugenics for India." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 11 (November 1925), page 316.

[***] "I am hoping that your influence will be felt among the masses of three races in particular, the Hebrew, the Italian, and the Negro. From casual observation it seems to me that these races are less observant of Birth Control than any others."

"The Correspondents Column." Birth Control Review, Volume IX, Number 12 (December 1925), page 357.


"Some people believe that the Chinese and Japanese want an unlimited number of children ... What we need to avoid the so-called `yellow-peril' is some real missionary work that will put into the hands of these people the power to so order their own lives that the number of children they have may be adequately cared for."

Percy Clark, Ph.D. "Sowing the Seed in the West." Birth Control Review, Volume X, Number 10 (October 1926), page 300.

"Over 70 per cent of the recent immigrants are from southern and southeastern Europe, and these particular immigrants by means of a very high (it may even be called luxurious) birth rate are increasing their stocks in the United States many times faster than the native born of native parents. Were these recent immigrants of superior quality there would be no rational objection, but according to Dr. Laughlin's report in regard to all forms of social inadequacy, the foreign-born and their children, who make up about 34 per cent of our population, are even inferior to our native negro population not long released from slavery."

"Book Reviews." Birth Control Review, Volume X, Number 11 (November 1926), page 345.


"There are too many Americans, both native-born and immigrant, who are quite definitely and demonstrably no good. Improvement ought to begin at home. The worst immigrants that anybody could be induced to admit would compare quite favorably with considerable elements of our present population."

E.E. Free in the February 1926 The Scientific American. Birth Control Review, Volume XI, Number 1 (January 1927), page 23.


"In county after county in China you will not find a rood of land reserved for recreation or pleasure. No village greens, no lawns, no flower-beds or ornamental shrubbery, no parks, and very few shade-trees. Children are employed as early as possible, and few have much opportunity for play if their services can be used. There are no outdoor games in China, or indeed any games except in a gambling sense. Absolute dullness and dreariness seems to prevail everywhere. As these two demons drive the Caucasian to drink so they drove the Chinese to opium."

Edward Alsworth Ross. "Ten Good Reasons for Birth Control ) The Preservation of Civilization." Birth Control Review, Volume XII, Number 12 (December 1928), page 335.


"According to the charts of Thompson and Whelphton, the Negro population in this country will decrease from 10 per cent to 9 per cent between 1929 and 1975, and the foreign white will decrease from 13 per cent to 6 per cent.

"While there may not be a rapid increase of people to buy goods in the future, those who are here will have more money to spend, and for a greater variety of goods. When all of the different factors are carefully considered, the changes that are now taking place in the composition of the population would seem to be of advantage both biologically and economically to future civilization."

Guy Irving Burch, Executive Secretary, Population Reference Bureau. "Population Section." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 5 (May 1930), page 152.

"One might perhaps question whether there were too many farmers or not. He might affirm that there were simply not enough other people to buy farm products. This would follow the theory of the colored boy who said there could not be too much water-melon, the difficulty was with the smallness of the stomach."

Thomas Nixon Carver. "Occupational Congestion." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 7 (July 1930), page 198.

" ... when defense is made that racial progress is involved, that racial betterment is furthered, and that Birth Control adds to the upward march of all mankind, attack is difficult ... No more convincing evidence can be obtained than these essays written by the leading Anglo-Saxon scientists ..."

Book reviews of Francis Mason's Creation by Evolution and David Starr Jordan and Sarah L. Kimball's Your Family Tree. Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 7 (July 1930), page 211.

"From this discussion it appear that the social and biological worth of the individual is determined by his inheritance; that the different races are radically unequal in mental endowment, and that civilization in America is threatened with deterioration through overpopulation, the unrestricted reproduction of persons of bad heredity and inferior racial constitution. The remedy is tersely given, ) Birth Control, although the detailed application of the corrective is not elaborated. Thus man, recognizing the problems which beset him as a social animal, has at his hand the instrument through which his newly won possibility of control may be realized."

Review of E.M. East's book Heredity and Human Affairs, by L.C. Dunn. Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 11 (November 1930), page 326.

"COLORADO: Dr. Albert Van Dusen, Professor of Sociology at the University of Syracuse, New York, spoke at Pueblo on October 13th, on "Race Problems and Birth Control." He made a plea for the support of Birth Control and for information for those who need it."

"News Notes." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 11 (November 1930), page 330.

"What is Dr. Marie Stopes' address? Does she have an organization for Birth Control?

"Dr. Stopes is President of the Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress, 108 Whitfield St., London W1, England."

"The Answer Box." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 11 (November 1930), page 332.

"There is, first, the mere question of quantity of population, quantity of Americans in the world versus the quantity of Englishmen, versus the quantity of Africans, versus the quantity of Chinese. That obviously is a question of the utmost importance. If you have one race whose population is going down and another whose population is going up, there is always the possibility of race suicide ..."

Julian Huxley. "Towards a Higher Civilization." Birth Control Review, Volume XIV, Number 12 (December 1930), pages 342 to 345.


"In discussing what we can hope from eugenics and eugenic measures for decreasing the dependent and delinquent groups, Professor Jennings mentions among other methods suggested "that the present ban on the dissemination of knowledge as to how to decrease the number of offspring produced be removed, so that such knowledge may become available to the less efficient or intelligent groups," but he warns us that such measures are slow improvers so far as changing the general drift or tendency of man's racial heredity is concerned.

Some of the most thought-provoking chapters deal with biological fallacies and human affairs, the relative importance of heredity (genes) and environment, the biological basis of marriage and the family, race mixture and its consequences ..."

Orland White. Review of H.S. Jennings' book The Biological Basis of Human Nature. Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 3 (March 1931), page 86.

"Furthermore, it is debatable whether the Italian race is any more fertile than any other race, or that the Italian race glorifies family life any more than any other race. Some people may be inclined to believe that these statements of Dr. Dublin are merely an apology for reckless breeding. We fear that such statements as these and those of Dr. Warren S. Thompson that Italy and Japan are merely in the swarming stage, are not very popular, if true. In any event, it would seem that these countries picked out a rather unfortunate time to begin swarming."

Guy Irving Burch. "Population Pressure and War." Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 6 (June 1931), page 178.

[***] "Too many Negroes are born, too many are sick and too many die each year, for these vital processes consume energy that might otherwise be accumulated for advancement. So the Negro's program should include the conservation of vital energy. The best way and perhaps the only practical way is to control the birth rate. Birth control propaganda and techniques should be disseminated till no more Negro babies are born than can be properly cared for and prepared for efficient citizenship. The great bulk of Negroes everywhere are overburdening themselves with progeny to whom they can give only half a chance in the world. Thus they keep themselves impoverished and their race down. They give hostages to the white man by making themselves dependent upon his charity whereas by prudent breeding they might be independent. Dependency of any kind is weakness. Is it any wonder, therefore, that the responsible white community looks upon the average Negro as being irresponsible, without pride or self-respect when he supplies more than his quota of dependents and delinquents? Birth control should be urged as a step toward independence and greater power."

Newell Sims. "A New Technique in Race Relations." Opportunity, April 1931. Quoted in Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 6 (June 1931), pages 187 and 188.

[***] "I wish to reiterate that all objections to birth control can be met unanswerably except one ) that the human race will degenerate if the superior races and the superior classes among civilized races will curtail the number of their offspring while inferior races and the inferior strata in civilized countries will continue their high birthrate. This must be prevented by all means, and it can be if we go about it earnestly and zealously, and if the civilized governments give us their cooperation."

Editorial in The Critic and Guide, July 1931, quoted in "In the Magazines." Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 9 (September 1931), page 268.

"The present essay was awarded first prize in the W.P. Draper Contest for essays on the "Relative Birth-Rates of Nordic and Non-Nordic Peoples."

Joseph J. Spengler's review of J. Sander's book Comparative Birth-Rate Movements Among European Nations. Birth Control Review, Volume XV, Number 10 (October 1931), page 290.


"In the meanwhile, it should not be forgotten that we do not use the quota against the nations of this hemisphere. This is a most curious discrimination, because Europe unquestionably is sending more desirable immigrants than we are receiving from Mexico. A very great proportion of these Mexicans are in large part of Indian blood and of a low cultural and economic level. There is also an immigration from Brazil and the West Indies which is in part negro. It is obvious that the quota plan, so long as we have it, should be extended to all the world."

"In conclusion, any country has available a very rapid, cheap, and effective tool in a eugenic program by the very simple device of making its own median (or higher level) in mental tests the basis of its immigration control."

Roswell H. Johnson. "Population Control by Immigration." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 2 (February 1932), page 58.

"I'm afraid there's no question but that it's unpatriotic not to believe in limiting our population ... Birth control is essential for the slums, anyway."

John Galsworthy. Maid in Waiting. Quoted in Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 3 (March 1932), page 87.

"The extent to which persecution must have affected European races is easily measured by a few well-known statistical facts. Thus, as regards martyrdom and imprisonment, the Spanish nation was drained of freethinkers at a rate of 1,000 persons annually for the three centuries between 1471 and 1781; an average of 100 persons having been executed and 900 imprisoned every year during that period. The actual data during those 300 years are 32,000 burnt, 17,000 burnt in effigy (I presume they died in prison or escaped from Spain) and 291,000 condemned to various terms of imprisonment and other penalties. It is impossible that any nation could stand a policy like this without paying a heavy penalty in the deterioration of its breed, as has notably been the result in the formation of the superstitious, unintelligent Spanish race of the present day."

Quote by Francis Galton, from Leon F. Whitney. "Religion and the Birthrate." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 4 (April 1932), page 103.

"The Negro problem is one of the most complicated and important confronting America ... Whatever the ultimate answer may be, such an attitude brings to light the function of birth control as a necessary agency in its solution. The present submerged condition of the Negro is due in large part to the high fertility of the race under disastrously adverse circumstances ...

Thus the question arises to what extent birth control has had a eugenic effect upon the Negro race ..."

Editorial. Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 6 (June 1932, the "Negro Number"), pages 164 and 165.

"There is no great opposition to birth control among the twelve million brown Americans ... Negroes are perhaps more receptive to this information than white folk. Despite their vaunted superiority, the white brethren have a full quota of illusions and, one might say, hypocrisies, especially about anything dealing with sex ...

"After all, a woman is biologically a child factory, as a cow is a milk factory an a hen an egg factory. Certain ingredients of a certain quality are necessary to produce a healthy child under proper conditions of rest and security. If these are absent, the child will usually be an inferior product."

George Schuyler. "Quality or Quantity." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 6 (June 1932, the "Negro Number"), page 166.

[***] "Basing their prognostications on the Negro's mortality rate as compared with that of the white population, they have seen the solution of the vexatious Negro problem achieved by the mere passing of time. And not a few anthropologists and sociologists have valiantly maintained that the difference in Negro and white mortality rates is conclusive evidence of the innate inferiority of the Negro.

" ... Negros who by virtue of their education and capacity are best able to rear children shrink from that responsibility and the Negro who, in addition to the handicaps of race and color, is shackled by mental and social incompetence serenely goes on his way bringing into the world children whose chances of mere existence are apparently becoming more and more hazardous.

"The probabilities are that the race problem in America is infinitely aggravated by the presence of too many unhappily born, sub-normals, morons, and imbeciles of both ["negro" and white] races ... For at present the practice [of birth control] is confined to those whose offspring would be best fitted to carry the lance of racial progress."

Elmer A. Carter. "Eugenics For The Negro." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 6 (June 1932, the "Negro Number"), page 169.

"Recently I made a public address, in which I touched the subject lightly, somewhat as an experiment, and suggested that it is time for some colored woman to become the Margaret Sanger of her race ...

"If birth control is to progress rapidly among colored people, it is important that colored physicians, especially women practitioners, and colored nurses and social workers be thoroughly initiated. This is one of the vital considerations to which the proponents of the movement have not given sufficient consideration."

M.O. Bousfield, M.D. "Negro Public Health Work Needs Birth Control." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 6 (June 1932, the "Negro Number"), pages 170 and 171.

"Many of the colored citizens are fine specimens of humanity. A good share of them, however, constitute a large percentage of Kalamazoo's human scrap-pile ...

"As among the whites, there are cases of degenerate Negroes whose propagation will be checked only by sterilization or institutionalization, but the practice of birth control among the majority of colored people would probably be more eugenic than among their white compatriots. the dissemination of the information of birth control should have begun with this class rather than with the upper social and economic classes of white citizens."

Walter Terpenning. "God's Chillun." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 6 (June 1932, the "Negro Number"), pages 171 and 172.

"For some time our Negro population will have to contend against the odds of a relatively high death rate in its struggle for numerical superiority with the whites. We may expect that the birth rate will continue to be high in the rural South, which has heretofore been the great breeding ground of our colored population."

S.J. Holmes. "The Negro Birth Rate." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 6 (June 1932, the "Negro Number"), page 172.

[***] "He [the Negro] would seem to stand a far better chance to gain by limiting his progeny. This gain would be immediate from the energy to be conserved by lower birth and death rates. As it is, too many Negroes are born, too many are sick, and too many die each year for the good of the race. The vital process, like every other one in the social order, is costly, and the Negro indulges it far beyond what he can afford.

"... So much for the immediate benefits from Birth Control. There are other more remote but equally important gains. One is the enhanced respect to be had from the dominant white race. That the Negro must acquire if he is to enjoy the rights and prerogatives he covets. But acquire it he cannot and will not so long as he remains the thriftless, childlike irresponsible dependent that he is, for such behavior does not command respect.

"In virtually every community where Negroes dwell one finds them in fat times and lean alike contributing a disproportionate number to the rolls of the dependents and delinquents. They make excessive demands on the white man's charity and overtax his patience with their delinquencies. Recent data from several towns and cities indicate that the Negro is furnishing a quota in the fields mentioned, four or five times in excess of his portion of the population. Whatever the explanation, one thing is certain: too many Negro parents have made themselves and their offspring public dependents by having a too numerous progeny.

"It is this sort of behavior that the white man is coming to resent. Time was when the dominant race was over indulgent, but that is rapidly passing. The Negro can no longer ask indulgence, he must command respect. If he will learn to control his fecundity, he will not have to give hostages to the white man till the white man despises him for his weakness and counts him a social menace."

Newell L. Sims. "Hostages to the White Man." Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Numbers 7 and 8 (July-August, 1932), pages 214 and 215.


[***] "The fact that this is the best work on the subject of human heredity which has yet appeared emphasized only the more strongly the need for more extensive and intensive research and for more scientific methods of reasoning in this vitally important field.

"The book begins with an exposition of the general principles of heredity by Professor Erwin Baur, the leading geneticist of Europe engaged in active work at the present time. Despite the points of disagreement noted below, we would commend this section of the book highly, along with everything else that has issued from Baur's pen.

""Great women" endowed with "greatness" in the sense of outstanding creative faculty are practically unknown ... a person whose mental hereditary equipment is a good one can be recognized with great probability when his forehead, his nose, etc., are of a particular shape ...

Criminals often exhibit characters which remind us of Neanderthal man or of other primitive races ... Average specimens of the mongoloid races greatly excel the average Negro in mental equipment ... [But] brilliant thinkers inventors, and investigators ) men of genius as we know genius in Europe ) can hardly be said to have existed among the Mongols ... It is indisputable that the population of southern Europe is less well equipped mentally than that of northern Europe, and the population of eastern Europe than that of western Europe ... both by temperament and character, and also in respect of rational endowment, the Mediterranean occupies an intermediate position between the Nordic and the Negro ... The near Eastern race has been selected to excel, not so much in the control and exploitation of man ... On the whole ... it is indisputable that in the domain of mental life, too, they [the Jews] are more prominent as intermediaries and interpreters than in the primary work of production ... I do not think it would be an exaggeration to say that in respect of mental gifts the Nordic race marches in the van[guard] of mankind."

"As to the crossing of human races, it may sometimes be harmless, especially if the races are closely allied, but "injury to the constitution may also result from hybridization" (Fischer), and "the crossing of Teutons and Jews, is likely, as a rule, to have an unfavorable effect (Lenz)."

"Indeed, Hitler is said to have studied the Baur-Fischer-Lenz book very seriously, and to have been won over to it, while Lenz has recently written an article favoring Hitlerism.

"Hence, Lenz settles down into the position that "degeneration is the central problem of racial hygiene, and the prevention and the overcoming of degeneration are its main objects."

The prevention of degeneration is laudable enough in itself, but how weak-kneed, negative, and uninspiring as the major ideal of eugenics!"

H.J. Muller. Review of the book Human Heredity, by Erwin Baur, Eugen Fischer and Fritz Lenz. Birth Control Review, Volume XVII, Number 1 (January 1933), page 20.

"Criminologists and eugenists have both studied the subject [sterilization] as a device for the control of the criminal and the mentally defective. They are almost unanimously agreed that it is for the benefit of society as well as for the very protection of the defectives and the insane that these numbers of the race shall not continue to reproduce themselves.

"A forth and most illustrative family of degenerates was the tribe of Ishmael, known as the American Gypsies, generated in 1840 in Marion County by the coming of John Ishmael and his bride, a half-breed woman. Their descendants have been in all our penal institutions, have registered heavily in our alms houses, have borne severely upon township poor relief, and have annoyed peaceful communities by their begging and petty stealing. The tribe is characterized by pauperism, licentiousness and gypsying. Owing to their wanderings their numbers are now beyond fair estimate, but their germ plasm has been traced throughout seven middle western states."

"Human sterilization is distinctly a eugenic and therapeutic agency, intended to improve the quality of the race and the health of the individual.

"Sterilization has an advantage over all other contraceptive methods in that it is certain to be effective.

"Sterilization, when it becomes more popular, will go far to decrease the number of abortions that take place. If a physician were given the right to sterilize a woman who asks for it after she has several children, the larger percentage of criminal abortions would immediately become unnecessary.

"Sterilization can become a tremendous instrument for happiness. As in abortion, the state can make intelligent use of it and surround the act with safeguards and restrictions against abuse.

"Many women (I have found in my years of practice) are willing to forego the pleasure of their sex life because it is surrounded and hemmed in by precautionary details that re repugnant to them emotionally and psychologically."

A.J. Rongy, M.D. "Birth Control and Sterilization." Birth Control Review, Volume XVII, Number 4 (April 1933), page 96.


"In Madison House, a settlement on the lower East Side of New York, the first mothers' health center in the city was established in 1930 by the New York City Committee of the American Birth Control League. The community which Madison House serves is now composed of Italians and Jews with an infiltration of Negroes. It is estimated that about 50% of the families are on relief at the present."

Rita Irwin. "Fifty Underprivileged Women." Birth Control Review, Volume III, Number 3 (New Series, November 1935), page 4.


"The deteriorating intellectual average of the American people, a down hill trend speeded by the continual entrance of immigrants of low intelligence into this country, could be checked by a limitation of family size on the part of the dull, who furnish so largely school retardates, delinquents and criminals. Thus could be salvaged normal intelligence which, after all, is a low standard to seek."

Clairette P. Armstrong, Ph.D. "A Psychological Basis for Population Control." Birth Control Review, Volume III, Number 7 (New Series, March 1936), page 4.


"The authors report, "The foulness of the Puerto Rican peon's existence can hardly be described. He lives literally in chronic starvation, crowding his filthy scarecrow body into a hut where his female counterpart and their numberless wretched children almost always share at least one of his diseases. Beyond this ) his sad body, his hut propped up on its wavering sticks and his unhappy family ) he has nothing of his own, seldom even a bit of earth to grow things."

"The authors in summarizing, however, state "No matter what political or economic destiny is eventually in store for the island, its first need will continue to be healthy regulation of its population.""

"Puerto Rico: Old Woman in a Shoe." Birth Control Review, Volume IV, Number 5 (New Series, January 1937), page 6.

"The longer I was in the Orient the more I appreciated the tremendous difficulties in the way of launching a scientific measure like birth control. The masses are still in the Middle Ages. Their outlook is mystical, fatalistic, unpractical; they do not relate cause and effect. They still wear charms against disease and sudden death; they still grovel before hideous gods ) fat bellied, elephant headed, always hungry ... Meanwhile, bombs and cholera are mowing down some of the population."

)Eleanor Dwight Jones. "Birth Control in the Orient: Part II." Birth Control Review, Volume XXII, Numbers 3 and 4 (December 1937 - January 1938), page 38.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Falun Gong Demonstrator Speaks Out On Chinese Government's Ghoulish Organ Harvesting

A Short History Of Secret US Human Biological Experimentation.


A Short History Of Secret US Human Biological Experimentation.
Filed under:CIA Drugs

May 27, 2003 - 17:26

1931: Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

1932: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated.

1935: The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occured within poverty-striken black populations.

1940: Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.

1942: Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.

1943: In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.

1944: U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite.

1945: Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.

1945: "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs.

1946: Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.

1947: Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.

1947: The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

1950: Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.

1950: In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

1951: Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.

1953: U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

1953: Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

1953: CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.

1955: The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.

1955: Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical incapacitating agent. More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until 1958.

1956: U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.

1958: LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army's Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.

1960: The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the european population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.

1965: Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.

1965: Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along.

1966: CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.

1966: U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.

1967: CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKULTRA and designed to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.

1968: CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.C.

1969: Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists.

1970: Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.

1970: United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.

1975: The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).

1977: Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1978: Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

1981: First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine

1985: According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.

1986: According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.

1986: A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.

1987: Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.

1990: More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.

1994: With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.

1994: Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War .

1995: U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.

1995: Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.

1996: Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.

1997: Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.

William Webster refutes Stephen Ray

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Norman Vincent Peale - Proud 33rd Degree Freemason



Norman Vincent Peale - Proud 33rd Degree Freemason

Here is a letter I obtained from the "Transactions, The Supreme Council 33º 1975" Masonic book on page 48. This letter is addressed to the then current Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Masonry offering praise for his antichrist book. At the bottom of the letter shown clearly underneath Peale's signature is the 33º Symbol stating that Norman has recieved the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry.

Here Norman is listed in the masonic reference book '10,00 Famous Freemasons'. When this book was published Norman was only a 32nd Degree Freemason.

Links To Prove That Norman Vincent Peale Was A Luciferic 33rd Degree Freemason

Freemasonry On The Internet
This is a list of Famous Freemasons listed on a Masonic web page. Norman Vincent Peale and his close friend Billy Graham is on this list of Masons.

Norman Vincent Peale : Apostle Of Self Esteem
This is a brief but good expose of Norman, it states that an oil portrait of Peale hangs in the Headquarters of 33rd Degree Freemasonry in Washington D.C. This portrait can be viewed at and the homepage for this Masonic Temple is located at

Why I Am Proud To Be A Freemason
This is taken from the Masonic Scottish Rite Journal 33rdº magazine and includes Norman Vincent Peale's statements why he is proud to be a 33rd Degree Freemason!

Much more will be added including a confession by Peale himself in one of his books that he is a 33rd Degree Mason!

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