Battling for the truth is a Must. I’ve came to many places destroying Freemasons, 7th Adventists, Oneness, racists, and others for years in debates. I’m only 21 years old, so I will communicate on the Internet for decades to come. The United Nations now wants the United States to hand over Internet Control to them according to the UK Inquirer in July 15 2005. Let’s be clear about the United Nations being an Elitist group. I know many people from the Left would disagree with me, but this is the truth my Left Wing friends. See, the Rockefeller family (involved in eugenics, funding Hitler, abortion, and racist policies) used 18 acres to form the capitol of the U.N. in the 1940’s. The Rockefellers not only funded the Nazis, but also funded the Soviet Communists since he shook Khruschev's hand in the 1960's. I saw the picture of it, so this isn't a Left/Right thing, but a control thing. It's a Hegelian Dialectic wherefore the Elite fund both sides, so regardless of if the "Left" or "Right" is on top, the Elite wins. The government also funded Mao into power and other evil men, so that Cold War was staged. The G-8 control the Security Council with the Third World having only the Group of 77 and other limited powers. Since the Security Council has veto power and other capabilities, the vast majority of the U.N. is run by the G-8 Elite nations.
The U.N. have been involved in population control [including the insane 1 child policy in China], sterilization, gun control extremism, theft of private property, and other anti-liberty policies. Even U.S. Congresswoman Cythnia McKinney from Georgia (I don’t agree with her on Terri Schiavo) admitted that the United Nations had been involved in child/sex rings globally. Agenda 21 is another United Nations program that uses treaties to steal private property. Many of the United Nations' Secretary Generals were Communists and Kurt Waldhiem of the U.N. was a Nazi war criminal, who was buddies with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarznegger is the man who praised Hitler in the 1970's, dreams of being a dictator, his father is a Nazi, he supports abortion and embryonic stem cell research (a real pseudo-science which has materialized no real treatment of diseases unlike adult stem cells having tons of treatments under its belt). So, the U.N. is a corrupt group just like the Bush administration. It’s obvious that George W. Bush is anti-civil liberties, anti-alternative energy, etc. As for the London bombing, UK officals are accusing a couple of men as being involved and planting the bombing to explode a bus and other areas. MOHAMMAD SIDIQUE KHAN (a 30 year old from Newsbury), HASIB MIR HUSSAIN, SHEHZAD TANWEER (a 22 year old from Leeds), and the Jamacian born LINDSEY GERMAINE (accused of another bombing) are their identities.
Note that everyone of them except Germaine (whose life is not very known) were not Muslim radical extremists, were called nice human beings as said by their own neighbors, and even according to BBC News in July 13, 2005 that one of them weren’t even interested in politics. The London Independent in July 12 2005 reported that the bombs used were of military origin (according to Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Co-ordination Unit) and that the bombs exploded in synchronized, timed bombings. This is similar to the Madrid bombing back in March 11, 2004 when the bombers weren’t members of ETA, but folks who were in police informants (reported by the BBC) with close links to the Spanish security services. They had access to the most secure areas of the Madrid train system. Now, why would bombers in London blow themselves up in a suicide when the bombs were timed and you can easily placed the bombs in London, then escape to a distance to blow them up? The only answer is that the so-called “bombers” that the news will tell you are most probably patsies and the Intelligence community (MI5) was involved in the execution of the bombings.
We all know that a drill occurred in London at the same time as the bombings. We have another fighter for Freedom Jon Rappoport in July 13 2005 writing that the CCTV cameras malfunctioned, so the real bombers couldn’t be identified. This excludes the fact that there are hundreds of cameras all over London now. London is one of the most Big Brother cities on the planet Earth, yet they couldn’t immediately figure the identities of the bombers. Jon also reported on the pristine documents and property of the “bombers,” yet big explosions occurred. Magically, these items existed to drum up these patsies as the perpetrators similar to 9/11. In both the ITN TV interview and the BBC radio interview Peter Power makes it clear that the team of crisis managers who were overseeing the drill quickly switched from exercise planning to real time management of the actual bombing itself. It's just like in 9/11 when the U.S. government had drills sending planes into the Pentagon and WTCs years before 9/11 and drills on the day of 9/11 in that inside job.
The bombing obviously possessed the 777 symbolism and Cutting Edge Ministries reported that the bombings were located in Black Magic regions of London. Israeli intelligence warned Britian of a terrorist attack. Blair must have known of the Bomb scares in the cities of Cardiff and Edinburgh days before the attack. The northern city of Sheffield had bomb scares days before the attack as well. This appears to be an inside job, so Blair and their crowd can promote his police state anti-terrorism policies of an ID card plus more action in this invented “war on terrorism.” Even Prison Planet reported that Blair denied the existence of al-Qaeda by saying that “Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working...but this has the hallmark of that approach." I don’t agree with RIIA member/Knight of the St. John of Jerusalem member Tony Blair on everything, but he’s right on Al-Qaeda. Remember that al-Qaeda is a CIA/Osama/MAK/ISI creation in the 1980’s. al-Qaeda can't have 5 wargames in 9/11, send warnings to Americans not to come to NYC on 9/11, not have insider trading, not use explosives to have a controlled demolition of the World Trade Centers, etc. There is a tribute in London which has the words "One City, One World." That is a blatant reference to the New World Order which is contrary to our existence as nations. Abortion in Minnesota Drops to Lowest Rate in 30 Years after Informed Consent Law, so that’s a good thing. Regardless of the Karl Rove outcome, what Rove did was immoral since he intentionally said that Valerie Plaine was part of the CIA to have revenge over Joseph Wilson’s doubt over the Niger/uranium theory promoted by Bush in the run up to the war inside of Iraq. Fight for truth and have activism. I'm not following those in the Left/Right paradigm with people like Chris Matthews blaming conservatives for everything neither Rush Limbaugh blaming liberals for everything and claiming that Bush is a true conservative, when Bush isn't.
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