Thursday, February 12, 2009

Something old I wrote back in 2004

Let the truth be told though the heavens fall.

Intro: I've should have said this a long time ago....This is nothing more than Bush's Reichstag fire which was 9/11. Similarities can be made to Roosevelt who was the most prominent 33rd Freemason during the time and he knew of the Japanese attack and did nothing to avert it likewise Bush is the most prominent Skulls and Bones member in the world and he knew about the attacks on 9.11 and refused to take action.

That killer with Bohemian Grove member Dick Cheney allowed NORAD to stand down and have war games (a 2002 Presidential directive gave Cheney the power to control all war games in America) to use a bait so 9/11 can be operated which was pure a government engineered event. NORAD even had drills simulating hijacked planes flown into the World Trade Centers and Pentagon before 9/11. Tons of warnings from 14 nations describing 9/11-like attacks came to the White House and they did nothing in response to prevent it from happening. There is no great liberty here or abroad in Iraq. People dying for what??? Nothing, but imperialistic adventures created by Trotskyites Communists (the NEOCONS)

Now there is even more evidence of torture committed by criminals unto Iraqi civilians and I'm not aligning with Iraqis who commit terrorism unto American G.I.s. That would be stupid, but 2 wrongs don't make a right and real patriots ought to have the backbone to go out and label terrorism committed by anyone achieving heinous acts whether by those of different nations or Americans. Many American G.I.s suffering with their limbs gone and their body disfigured for life when they come home by virtue of falsehoods is tragic indeed.

The election was sham. Both men are cousins, Skulls and Bones, pro-big government, pro-Patriot Acts I and II, etc. Yeah, that Election of 2004 was stolen and tons of evidence points to the discarding of provisional ballots, the disparity between the exit and actual polls, and the distortion of a lot of the results. Bush is nothing more than being a part of a Satanic family tree.

George W. Bush presents himself up as a Texas cowboy, when hes actually a Blue Blood who was born in Maine, up in the Northeast. You can go back to WWII when Prescott Bush funded Hitler and supported guys who were involved in eugenics. You can go to Bush Sr. who in the 1950's-1960's had the Zapata Oil Company and trained Cuban exiles for Operation Mongoose then was involved in the death of JFK (validated by even more sources) .This clown Bush Sr. in 1969 wanted population control for black children.

This clown was an ambassador for Communist China under that Nazi supporting traitor Nixon (another man who covered up the evidence that Allen Dulles funding Hitler as well in 1942 when Nixon was in the Navy). Other scholars have Bush Sr. involved in Iran Contra and other events. With Bush, there is a division in this nation, there is stagnant economic growth, and there is suspicion about the circumstances in society.

That killer Bush just brainwashed a lot of the evangelical people to vote for him. The good news is that there are plenty evangelical sites that oppose Bush for his hypocritical stances on issues like gay marriage when George W. Bush had sex with another man like Victor Ashe. I think Bill O'Reilly is funny as well proclaiming morality yet having phone sex with a woman not even his own wife. O'Reilly, you're not looking out for me and you're a Media shill. We have no choice, but to oppose these tyrannical fascists.

It's a shame with Moore since he's not even showing other info about 9/11 on how Bush had plans to invade Afghanistan and Iraq before 9/11, how Bush is apart of a Secret Society, the New World Order Agenda, the torture going on, the Shill 9/11 Commission made up of many folks who are members of the CFR, how the CIA funded Saddam before the 1980's but as early as 1959. Dan Perez is right that we must fight against Bush since he's acting as a Red Coat. Bush Sr. is even knighted by the Queen which is illegal since that violates our sovereignty as Americans.


Escaping from our jobs as human being isnt part of the game plan, but a strengthen resolve to do what is right is a glorious proposition to succeed. Now, Im 21 years old and I feel different in a way now reaching full manhood age. Now its time to comment on Michael Ruppert.

While I respect much of his research involving 911, Victor Thorns research that shows that he advocates population control and his on occasion character assassination must not be ignored. I think Mike Ruppert needs to wake up to the fact that people can disagree and you dont have call people fakes just because people dont subscribe to your notions of Peak Oil. I cant believe I would to see this happen to American: biometrics overload, mayhem death and torture in the 2 undeclared wars of Afghanistan and Iraq (in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution). The Police State in America is definitely all around us. Bliss Alexandra [a woman from Albany, New York] was forcibly drugged by the police because she put up a free speech sign. If that can happen to the woman it can happen to any citizen and this have been reported in the Empire Journal.

Me thinking about this issue, Ive just released that this Intelligence Bill is worse than Ive once thought. It only has provisions for a National ID card system, which was documented by Texas Republican House member Ron Paul. Also, according to Al Martin, it weakens the Media Shield Act so anyone displaying massive dissent can be labeled as sedition and be not given Media shield protection. According to the hero Al Martin, the President have the power to control all briefing meetings involving the Intelligence Czar [whatever that means] and the President can now clear all dissemination of public information. Purely a hoax is my opinion of this Intelligence bill since the bill wont protect our civil liberties or make or borders adequately protected.

Yesterday, I listened to the Hannity and Colmes and usually Hannity go and rant and worship George W. Bush incessantly. One Democratic strategist though said that Charleton Heston was idiot, which was cowardly in mind. The man is dying of Parkinsons and that strategist coward apparently doesnt realize the many contributions of Heston.

When I was child and even today, I looked at the Ten Commandments movie and felt that it was one of the best movies of all time. Heston, back decades ago, promoted freedom for all people. This strategist must have forgotten that in the 1960s, he endorsed civil rights and even went to the Washington Mall on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King [a man who is given credit for his fight for liberty, but recent information proves conclusively that King made terrible mistakes in life like adultery and having a liberal theology. Tracy from recorded his work from college where he questions the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, etc. I even knew that he committed adultery back years ago, but never realized his liberal theology until around 2001 or 2002. At the night before his death, King spoke at a Masonic Temple. discusses Dr. King some more. As a Black man, its sad to see a man like King doing so much good for civil rights then screw it up for convenience or compromising with the world.] Later, Heston promoted legitimate environmental rights (not Gaia worship or New Age extremism] when it was in its infant stages. Also, in the late 1990s, he was head of the NRA and he was dedication to the decree that man has a right to self-defense with a gun if he or she wants to. (Protected by the Second Amendment) I disagree with Heston on his support for the Gun Control Act of 1968 though.

So, this guy is obviously wrong just like Hannity. Now according to an Associated Press Article written by Lisa Leff in December 15, 2004, San Francisco supervisors are proposing a total ban of civilian ownership of firearms. No other city has this explicitly except Washington D.C. and D.C.s crime rate is very high as we all know. So, the instruments of disarmament and an anger of self-defense still plague America today.

I guess everyone desires me to tell them what I feel on more issues. Well, as for Laci Petersons death and the death sentence for Scott Peterson, I will have to give respect to James Northstar. The man was convicted by circumstantial evidence. Even if you support the death penalty (like I do in extreme cases. I dont believe in the death penalty by circumstantial evidence), executing the death penalty on a man by circumstantial evidence with no witnesses is immoral.

His column on Laci Peterson is classic for to kill a man without just cause is sin. Dont get me wrong though, the death penalty is supported in the OT and NT [I debated people before on this issue and have over 2 dozen verses recorded months ago, so dont believe that I dont the means to show them if I wanted to], but in this imperfect society, the death penalty need to be either reformed or temporary abolished so justice can be a reality. Its as simple as that. McKinney from Georgia, Ron Paul from Texas are the very few patriots that I see standing for real liberty for all Americans.

The military industrial complex engineered 9/11. They also continue to persist with its massive destructive forces out to make permanent problems for us. I do enjoy many activist groups opposing the Bush administration and sponsoring for legitimate causes like for peace, civil liberties (shining light on the torture still going on at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Iraq, liberty threats home, etc), but we need to end the Left/Right Paradigm. Some folks subscribe to the belief that all of the Left or all of the Right is at fault. The fact is under global government, ideology won't matter a bit since oppresssion and tyranny would reign. All ideologies oppose that. The Left and Right can unite on certain issue to seek out real changes and reforms.


Outto: Well, the battle lines are drawn. The war is something hard, but the victory will be assured. Truly, I feel so sad for the reporters of Faux News. Media emperor Rupert Murdoch (CFR member) controls the company. From the propaganda of Bill OReilly to the worship sessions of Sean Hannity [an admirer of Rush Limbaugh who is a drug addict and notorious racist spewing racist quotes for 30+ years. His recent quote is when he compares NBA players to people wearing gang symbols and thats racist. I dont care if people hate me for mentioning that. ] are truly like comedy shows instead of fair and balanced journalism.

Also, you have other reporters on the network spewing the White House line like Page Hopkins, Lauren Green, Laurie Dhue, and Dari Alexander like Bush is a god to be venerated. I think people like Dari Alexander need to wake up from their slumber and project real news unto the public like the Nazi Intelligence bill, how a man was killed in Hollywood, Florida with a M-26 taser gun [having 50,000 volts of electricity], solutions to social problems, or how the Bush/Cheney team or destroying America. I kind of To all of the real fighters of the New World Order: Good Luck.

By TruthSeeker24
December 17, 2004
2:53 pm. EST






1 comment:

Tim Fleming said...

Dulles's full complicity with the Nazis can be found by studying Operation Paperclip.

Tim Fleming
author,"Murder of an American Nazi"