Tackling the Tough Topics
April the 19th
(Lest We Forget!)
Issue # 27 (Newly updated) // Date first published: April 14, 2003
(Updated: December 6, 2003; March 22, 2004; and January 19, 2006)
Reviewed on April 11-13, 2006 and released for Internet posting on April 14, 2006
Editor: Darryl Eberhart
((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”. Some issues of my TTT newsletters and my “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)” newsletters can be read on the following three Internet web sites: , , and The last site has a link to the first site.))
WARNING: This issue of the TTT newsletter may seriously “disturb” some folks’ “comfort zones”. However, TRUTH is more important than any of our “comfort zones”.
((NOTE: This issue of TTT is a “re-do” (with some changes) of TTT #10, dated May 17, 2002. This further update of January 19, 2006 is for posting on the Internet.))
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to REPEAT it.”
George Santayana (1863-1952; Spanish philosopher & writer)
Why “re-do” such a lengthy, former issue of TTT? I am doing so because until JUSTICE is done in regard to the massacre at Waco, Texas in 1993, then there REMAINS the likelihood and danger of such events being REPEATED in the future! Additionally, it gives me the opportunity to put this “editorial” on compact disk (CD) for posting on the Internet. Hopefully, it will also serve to REMIND us all that we Americans should NEVER give up our RIGHT to keep and bear [fire] Arms – No! Not under ANY circumstances!
Editor of TTT asks those who read the first version (TTT #10 – entitled “Lest We Forget”) and/or the earlier updated version (TTT #27 – also entitled “Lest We Forget”) to PLEASE read this new, and hopefully slightly improved, updated version, because we MUST NEVER forget any of these events! Otherwise, we may find ourselves condemned to repeat the past that we fail to remember!
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And FIRED THE SHOT heard round the world.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882; U.S. essayist, philosopher & poet)
“…The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall NOT be infringed.”
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
“The said Constitution shall NEVER be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the PEOPLE of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
Samuel Adams (1722-1803; American statesman & Revolutionary leader)
“No free man shall ever be debarred [Ed. Note: forbidden by law] the use of arms. The strongest reason for the PEOPLE to retain their RIGHT to keep and bear arms is as a LAST RESORT to protect themselves against TYRANNY IN GOVERNMENT.”
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826; 3rd President of the United States)
The weeks and months leading up to April 19, 1775 were immensely exciting times in Massachusetts. The British authorities, who were the “ruling government” of that day, had already done some “gun confiscation” in Boston. Now reports were coming in to British General Thomas Gage, whose headquarters was in Boston, that American patriots were storing arms and gunpowder in the area between Boston and Concord. There were also reports reaching General Gage that the patriots had 14 cannons in the town of Concord.
General Gage had made the decision to move his “gun confiscation” efforts beyond the city limits of Boston out to the surrounding countryside. Plans were made to send General Gage’s crack British army troops to confiscate the cannons stored in the town of Concord, and also any gunpowder and musket balls that they might find along the way. (They also hoped to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams, two of the top patriot leaders, during the “gun confiscation” operation.)
On the morning of April 19, 1775, the British troops encountered a small number of patriots from the Lexington, Massachusetts’ area militia. The advance party of British soldiers ordered the patriots to disperse. The patriots, realizing that the odds were greatly against them, began to disperse – but obviously not quickly enough. The British troops opened fire, killing eight of the Lexington “Minutemen”! Indeed, the “shot had been fired” that was “heard round the world”. (These men in the militia were called “Minutemen” because they were to be ready to perform their military duties “on a minute’s notice”.)
((Important Note: The men who served in the militia of the Lexington, Massachusetts’ area had been trained by Jonas Clark, their pastor!))
The British troops continued their march to Concord unhindered. However, they encountered some serious problems when they started to head back for Boston. The Minutemen (i.e., the patriots, the men of the militia) from Concord, Lexington, and the surrounding area had raced towards the road that the British troops would have to use to get back to Boston. These Minutemen were farmers and townsfolk who also happened to be excellent marksmen! The Minutemen fired with deadly aim from behind trees and stonewalls at the now-terrified British troops. The British suffered heavy casualties at the hands of these citizen-soldiers as the British troops raced back for the safety of Boston!
1. The colonists were indeed “FED UP” with “taxation WITHOUT representation”, the FORCIBLE quartering of British troops in their homes, “general warrants”, and a host of other ABUSES at the hands of the ruling British authorities. However, it was the British military’s attempt at MASSIVE GUN CONFISCATION that provided the SPARK that set off the Revolutionary War! Yes, it was none other than GOVERNMENT-sponsored “GUN CONTROL” that sparked the American Revolution! ((QUESTIONS: WHY is this FACT ignored in many American history books? Who benefits from this omission?))
2. “Citizen-soldiers” [e.g., the Minutemen] are capable of defeating well-trained and highly disciplined professional military forces!
3. “GUN CONTROL” perpetrated on honest citizens STINKS, and should NEVER be tolerated! ((Gun registration leads to gun confiscation which leads to GENOCIDE of people!))
((NOTE: “Gun Control” rarely, if ever, disarms the criminals in society! Rather, “Gun Control” generally disarms ONLY the good, decent citizens in a society! (The criminals are always able to get guns.) We must NEVER FORGET that the civilian populations of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China, etc., were DISARMED through “Gun Control” BEFORE GENOCIDES of targeted population groups began!))
((Special NOTE: “Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership” (JPFO) offers a great documentary film (VHS or DVD) entitled “Innocents Betrayed” that makes the connection between gun control and a number of 20th century genocides. This documentary film is $29.95 postpaid, and can be ordered by making check or money order payable to “JPFO”, and sending it to: JPFO // P.O. Box 270143 // Hartford, WI 53027. For credit card orders, you can call their toll-free order line at 1-800-869-1884. For information on JPFO, please call 1-262-673-9745.))
4. A government that does NOT trust its citizens with guns is a government that CANNOT itself be TRUSTED!
5. Our founding fathers felt so strongly about the British authorities’ “Gun Control” efforts that they penned the 2d Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which PROHIBITS government infringement upon the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear [fire] arms! (Those first “Ten Amendments” – the Bill of Rights – are an integral part of the U.S. Constitution!)
“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for ANY reason, is a government with a taste for blood and a thirst for power, and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.” – John Salter (retired U.S. Air Force officer)
((NOTE: Governments used military tanks against citizens of their own country at BOTH Tienanmen Square in Red China AND at Waco, Texas in the United States of America!))
((NOTE: Here is the definition of “Posse Comitatas” as found in “Black’s Law Dictionary”:
“A federal law that, with few exceptions, PROHIBITS the Army or Air Force from directly participating in civilian law-enforcement operations, as by making arrests, conducting searches, or seizing evidence. …The [Posse Comitatas] Act was originally enacted in 1878. It does not usually apply to members of the Navy, National Guard, or to the Coast Guard.”))
“Are you gonna come in and kill me?” – Branch Davidian child
“No, honey…nobody’s gonna come and kill you.” – ATF Special Agent Jim Cavanaugh
“…but basically they [Ed. Note: the Branch Davidians] were good people. I was around them quite a lot. They were always nice, [and] mannerly. They minded their own business. They were never overbearing. They were always clean and courteous. I liked them.”
Jack Harwell, Sheriff of McLennan County (in which Waco is located)
“To this day we don’t have a case that we could make against Vernon Howell [i.e., David Koresh] or anyone [at the Branch Davidian Church] for child abuse.”
Jack Harwell, Sheriff of McLennan County
“The [Branch Davidian] children appear to be smart and well-educated; [they are] very sharp children. They seem to have been very well cared for.”
Joyce Sparks, caseworker for Child Protective Services,
Texas Department of Human Services
“I think [David] Koresh was NOT a criminal psychopathic type.”
Alan A. Stone, Harvard University professor of law and psychiatry
“…perhaps we need to look at anyone who literally believes in the Book of Revelation [the book of the Apocalypse for Catholics].”
President Bill Clinton (spoken in the immediate aftermath of the Waco atrocity)
((NOTE: Editor of TTT does NOT remember hearing any of those last five quotes in the supposed “free press & media” of the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media, i.e., the Dominant Media in the USA! It sure seems that the CONTROLLED media here in America acted as the “propaganda mouthpiece” for the federal government during the assault on the Branch Davidian CHURCH at Waco, Texas. One would think that the Dominant Media would have been interested in comments by a case worker for Child Protective Services who had examined the Branch Davidian children, or in the comments by Sheriff Jack Harwell, who had personal knowledge of the Branch Davidians! One would think so; however, the CONTROLLED media ONCE AGAIN showed that it can NOT be trusted at all to give the American people UNBIASED reporting on key issues or events!))
On February 28, 1993, approximately 100 federal agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms [BATF; later known as the ATF; later known as the ATFE] launched an assault on the Branch Davidian Church and living quarters. ((NOTE: It was NOT a “compound” as the “feds” and the establishment-CONTROLLED media constantly called it.)) During this “initial phase” of the carefully-planned and practiced assault, four BATF agents were killed, and a number wounded. Six Branch Davidians lost their lives in the initial assault.
Although the assault on the Branch Davidian Church and living quarters occurred on February 28th of 1993, it had been planned since late 1992. In fact, the BATF had begun then to make plans for executing a “dynamic entry” on the Branch Davidian Church and living quarters. ((Not only did the BATF and the establishment-CONTROLLED media consistently refer to the church and living quarters as a “compound” during the siege, but they also referred to the storage vault as a “bunker”!)) The BATF agents had done full mock rehearsals in preparation for this assault at an army post in Texas (Fort Hood) for three days – practicing such things as using ladders to get on the roof, making “dynamic entries” through windows, etc.
Indeed, the overly confident BATF had made contact with the media the night BEFORE the assault, and had also brought along lots of their own videotape to record this assault on American citizens. The blank videotape had been marked “Show Time”, since the BATF was hoping to record their expected “quick and easy victory” for posterity (and for Congress)! You see, dear reader, the BATF was coming up for funding before Congress, and a successful massive assault with “dynamic entry” recorded for American television screens would surely win them some “points” with Congress!
Despite being warned that word of their planned assault had leaked out, the BATF went ahead and launched the February 28, 1993 assault by driving two cattle-type cars covered in tarp and filled with BATF agents to the front doors. As David Koresh opened the door, he and another Branch Davidian were met by a hail of bullets from BATF agents, and were wounded. One of the first BIG LIES told by federal agents was that the Branch Davidians had set up an ambush for them, and had many heavily armed men standing behind the steel doors who supposedly fired a ton of bullets through the doors at the charging BATF agents. ((This BIG LIE was portrayed in a made-for-TV movie by a segment of the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media. This was just another example of the mainstream media’s outright collaboration with the government!)) ((NOTE: Great video documentaries such as “Waco – The Rules of Engagement” and “Waco – A New Revelation” CLEARLY show that the bullet holes in the front steel doors were coming from the OUTSIDE, and NOT from the inside! Both of these outstanding videos can be purchased from “Radio Liberty” by calling their toll-free order line: 800-544-8927. PLEASE order these videos, examine them for yourselves, and then share them with others if you think they are as important as editor of TTT does. These two videos show a clear pattern of collaboration between the “feds” and the CONTROLLED media in LIES & COVER-UPS concerning the assault at Waco in 1993.)) Fortunately for the BATF, the front steel doors, along with the video footage taken from the 3 or 4 cameras the BATF had pointed at the front steel doors, later conveniently (for the BATF) DISAPPEARED!
The evidence clearly shows that the BATF never really intended to do a peaceful “knock on the door and serve a search warrant”, but rather to carry out a massive paramilitary assault with “dynamic entry” against American citizens! Had the BATF wanted to arrest David Koresh, it could have done so easily at any time it wanted since David Koresh jogged unarmed and by himself along the road leading into Mount Carmel. Additionally, David Koresh had offered to LET the BATF come out to inspect the Branch Davidian buildings, but the BATF was NOT at all interested in doing a peaceful inspection of the buildings. No – the BATF wanted a “Show Time”-type, large-scale paramilitary assault on American citizens for maximum publicity (i.e., to show how well-trained and skilled they are in executing “dynamic entry” and quick seizure of a building or group of buildings)!
After the initial “exchange” of gunfire, the approximately 100 BATF agents, wearing body armor and helmets, and well-armed (with some carrying large shields) RETREATED, LEAVING their wounded BEHIND! ((Editor of TTT has seen film footage of the RETREAT, and one has great difficulty seeing any return fire from the Davidians hitting around the retreating BATF agents. Yet the BATF agents can be seen furiously laying down fire on the doors and windows of the Davidian buildings, which the BATF agents knew contained many women, children, and elderly folks! And many of these Branch Davidians were UNARMED! By the way, the BATF agents used both semi-automatic pistols and “assault rifles” in their shootout with the Branch Davidians!))
The BATF requested a “cease fire” so that they could retrieve their wounded, and the Branch Davidians mercifully agreed (or more BATF agents might have died)! ((One has to wonder IF the BATF would have agreed to a “cease fire” HAD the “shoe been on the other foot” – i.e., if the Branch Davidians had wanted to retrieve their wounded from an open area!!!))
On March 1, 1993 the BATF handed control for the siege over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The demonization of David Koresh as “the evil messiah” and of the Branch Davidians as a bunch of “cultists” was now reaching FEVERISH LEVELS in the CONTROLLED media, FED by constant input from the “Feds”. ((Oh how the CONTROLLED media loves to play the “prostitute” for the government, always COLLABORATING in LIES, DECEPTION, AND COVER-UPS (on such issues as Agent Orange, the prisoners-of-war & missing in action (POW/MIA) tragedy, and Gulf War Illness)!)) Allegations of sexual and physical abuse of the Branch Davidian children abounded in the press and mainstream TV, yet no such abuse was ever proven in a court of law! Additionally, the Texas Child Protective Services found NO evidence whatsoever of child abuse by the Branch Davidians! ((Please read again the earlier quote by Joyce Sparks, a case worker for Child Protective Services.))
At least three FBI sniper team positions were set up surrounding the Mount Carmel Center. A major “psychological warfare” assault was then initiated against the Branch Davidians by the “Feds”. This included cutting off both water and electricity; playing at night LOUD music and audiotapes of “rabbits being slaughtered”; and shining BRIGHT SEARCH LIGHTS on the buildings during the night. Additionally, at least ten members of Squadron B, Combat Applications Group (i.e., “Delta Force”) were brought in to supposedly “advise” the FBI. ((These military forces, including combat engineering vehicles, would later be used in the “final assault” on the Branch Davidians (including women, children, and elderly) on April 19, 1993.))
FALSELY claiming that negotiations had broken down, the FBI, using military troops and military vehicles, began the “final assault” on the Branch Davidians at 5:55 A.M. on April 19, ending a 51-day siege. The Combat Engineering Vehicles (CEVs – converted M-60 tanks) began the “final assault” by inserting a whole lot of a mixture of CS gas and methylene chloride through their booms into the buildings. This mixture is highly flammable, and produces hydrogen cyanide when burned! The CEVs also knocked down entire walls of some of the buildings. The high levels of dried CS gas made these buildings a tinderbox! The holes which had been poked in the buildings ensured that if a fire did break out, it would burn furiously like a vented potbellied stove. Indeed, a MONTROUS fire did break out! 79 Branch Davidians, including 17 LITTLE CHILDREN, lost their lives in the INFERNO that resulted from this “final assault”! ((By the way, the video film evidence CLEARLY shows that a shaped-charge explosive had been placed and detonated over the ceiling area of the concrete storage vault into which women and children had fled! Who at Waco, except for “Delta Force”, had the expertise for such a “job”?))
The FBI admitted during Congressional Hearings that it had NO “fire plan”! The FBI did NOT call for fire trucks until 30 minutes AFTER the fire had started; then they held the fire trucks back! (NOTE: There were strong winds that day!)
Later, the FBI DESTROYED the crime scene – this included moving vehicles (which destroyed valuable trajectory evidence). The FBI INTERFERED with the coroner’s efforts, and seized his videotape (which they NEVER returned despite repeated requests)! Somehow, the FBI “ALLOWED” the electricity to be cut off to the two vans which held the remains of the Branch Davidians who had perished in the “final assault”. Item after item of evidence, including the steel front doors and on-scene activity logs, kept “DISAPPEARING”!
((All this sure has the “smell” of a massive cover-up!!!!!!!))
CEVs, Bradley fighting vehicles, tanks, helicopters, and military troops (“Delta Force”) were used at Waco, Texas against American citizens – against women, little children, and elderly! What ever happened to Posse Comitatas? And how could Congress, after several hearings and lots of evidence to the CONTRARY, basically exonerate the BATF and the FBI, giving them only a very mild “slap on the wrist” by saying that “some mistakes were made”? ((The Congressional Hearings on the Waco tragedy remind editor of TTT of the “stellar” findings of the Warren Commission, which told us that a lone sniper (i.e., Oswald) killed JFK, along with their infamous “magic-bullet” theory!)) ((NOTE: If you have not seen Oliver Stone’s film “JFK, the Director’s Cut”, then you really should rent or purchase a copy of it. It totally DISCREDITS the Warren Commission’s “lone assassin” conclusion!))
LIES & MORE LIES BY THE “FEDS” ((“Space” limits how many I can list.))
Here are just a FEW of the biggest “WHOPPERS” (i.e., colossal LIES) told by the “Feds” (i.e., the BATF and the FBI) during and immediately after the Waco tragedy of 1993:
LIE #1 – “The Branch Davidians laid an ambush for the BATF.”
This LIE was examined earlier in the newsletter. Video footage of bullet holes in the front steel doors (before the doors DISAPPEARED) showed CLEARLY that the bullets were coming from the OUTSIDE into the building, and were NOT coming OUT from the inside! Had a massive “ambush” been laid for the BATF as the Feds maintained, the BATF would have suffered FAR GREATER casualties than they did during that “initial assault” on the Branch Davidian CHURCH!
LIE #2 – “We would not use dosages [of the CS gas] that would harm those children.”
FBI “spokesman” Bob Ricks speaking about the CS gas that the Feds had pumped for six hours into the Branch Davidian buildings, including for two hours into the small storage vault into which women and little children had fled!
Initial reports referred to “tear gas” being used; however, it was NOT “tear gas”. It was CS gas (which is much more potent; and is potentially lethal in tight quarters)! It is interesting to note that the American military is forbidden to use CS gas on enemy soldiers; however, that did NOT stop the Feds from using CS gas on American citizens, which included women, children, and elderly! Benjamin Garrett, executive director of the Chemical & Biological Arms Control Institute in Alexandria, Virginia stated: “[The CS gas] would have panicked the children. Their eyes would have involuntarily shut. Their skin would have been burning. They would have been gasping for air and coughing wildly. Eventually, they would have been overcome with vomiting in a final hell.”
LIE #3 – “We [i.e., the Feds] did not use pyrotechnic devices.”
The Feds frequently repeated this LIE. Yet at least four (4) “pyrotechnic devices” were found at the “points of origin” for the fire (this included two “Mark”-651 CS projectiles that burn for 25-30 seconds). Additionally, six (6) “flash-bang devices” were found at two of the “points of origin” for the fire!
LIE #4 – “The Branch Davidians committed ‘mass suicide’.”
A former FBI forensic Crime Scene Analyst stated: “The majority of the people – the bodies that I saw – were clear-cut HOMICIDE victims.” The Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) film shows two “Delta Force” personnel firing automatic weapons fire into the burning dining room area of the one Branch Davidian building. At least fifteen (15) people were found SHOT in this area!
LIE #5 – “The Branch Davidians set the fires.” ((See also LIE #3))
Branch Davidian survivors said that neither they nor any of the other Branch Davidians set the fires.
LIE #6 – “We [the FBI] did NOT fire [shots].” ((FBI agent stating that the Feds had NOT fired on the Branch Davidians during the “final assault” on April 19, 1993.))
Yet FBI special agent Charles Riley, in his April 19th “after-action report”, stated that he had heard SHOTS from [FBI] sniper position #1 [which was headed by FBI special agent Lon T. Horiuchi of the Blue Sniper team]. Additionally, four (4) expended shell casings were found at sniper position #1!
LIE #7 – “We did NOT notify the news media in ADVANCE.” ((Said by BATF agent))
In fact, the BATF HAD NOTIFIED the news media the night BEFORE the assault!
LIE #8 – “We’re a law enforcement agency. We don’t fire through walls indiscriminately at people. We have to have a target.” ((Said by BATF agent)) ((See LIE #1))
Pictures of the front steel doors and the walls surrounding the doors and the windows close by tell a DIFFERENT story!
LIE #9 – The Feds said that the thermal “signatures” on the Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) film ((that other FLIR experts said was clearly automatic-weapons fire)) were “sun reflections”. ((This lie by the Feds was ABSURD & LUDICROUS!))
The fact is that the FLIR film CLEARLY shows automatic-weapons fire (approximately ten (10) “flashes”, i.e., SHOTS, per second)!
LIE #10 – Initially, the Feds said that the helicopters did NOT fire upon the Branch Davidians.
They LIED!
LIE #11 – When asked at a press conference if the Feds were using psychological warfare such as loud music, bright [search] lights at night, etc., on the Branch Davidians, FBI agent Bob Ricks stated: “Chances are minimal of [us] doing that type of activity.”
LIE #12 – The Feds constantly maintained that military personnel were NOT being used in the Branch Davidian areas.
The Feds LIED! Both Gene Cullen (Senior Case Officer, Special Operations Group, CIA) and Steven Barry (Sergeant First Class, Retired, U.S. Army Special Forces) have stated that over ten (10) military personnel from B Squadron, Combat Applications Group (i.e., “Delta Force”) WERE at Waco, Texas in April of 1993 for the “final assault” on the Branch Davidians. ((Again, what ever happened to Posse Comitatas?))
LIE #13 – In response to “why” they [the Feds] had launched their “final assault” on the Branch Davidians, the Feds said that the “negotiations had reached an impasse”. Later, Janet Reno (Attorney General at that time) said the final assault was launched because the Feds were getting “fatigued” with the siege and standoff.
The facts are that the negotiations had NOT broken down!
((NOTE: There were other LIES; however, the above LIES should be sufficient to show a consistent PATTERN of Federal agents TELLING LIES & MORE LIES!))
On April 19, 1993 the “final assault” by Federal agents and military troops on the Branch Davidians (who were American citizens and human beings created in God’s image) resulted in the deaths of seventy-nine (79) men, women, and children. Many of the children were LITTLE children!
During the 51-day siege, Federal agents “distinguished themselves” by making “obscene finger gestures” to the Branch Davidian women and children watching from the windows of the Davidian buildings, and by dropping their drawers and baring their buttocks to the same women and children. Yes sir, now that’s some real “PROFESSIONALISM”!
The FBI Director at the time of the Waco tragedy in April 1993 was Judge William Sessions. Sessions had wanted to fly to Waco, Texas to conduct face-to-face negotiations with the Branch Davidians; however, the Justice Department REFUSED to let him go! WHY???
The FBI gave the Branch Davidians videotapes so that they could make some “home videos” of themselves during the siege. Yet the FBI REFUSED to release these “home videos” of the Branch Davidians during the siege (which they had gotten back from the Davidians) because the FBI feared those videos would win sympathy for the Branch Davidians! ((These home videos showed the Davidians to be nice, NORMAL people.))
Congressional Hearings in 1995 about the Waco tragedy of April 1993 TOTALLY WHITEWASHED Federal wrongdoing, LIES, and COVER-UPS! ((Surprise! - Just like the Warren Commission’s WHITEWASH of the JFK assassination! How does the expression go? “How can you tell when a politician is telling lies?” Answer: His lips are moving.))
1. It is okay to LIE if you are a federal agent, to include telling LIES to the U.S. Congress.
2. It is okay to murder innocent American citizens – human beings created in God’s image, including women and little children, if you are a federal agent.
3. It is okay to destroy a crime scene PREMATURELY if you are a federal agent.
4. The BATF/FBI operation at Waco, Texas in 1993 was essentially a “GUN CONTROL” operation conducted against peaceful American citizens that resulted in the deaths of four BATF agents and 86 Branch Davidians (six perished during the February 28th “initial assault”; one perished during the siege; and 79 perished during the “final assault” on April 19th).
5. The federal government’s propensity for WHITEWASHING its own wrongdoings appears to be almost unlimited! (Lying, deceit, & corruption seem to be the norm in Washington, D.C.)
6. It is okay for the Feds to use military troops and military combat vehicles and aircraft against the American people (including women and children) in total DISREGARD of Posse Comitatas and in total DISREGARD of the norms of decent, civilized behavior!
7. It is okay for the Feds to use CS gas (in potentially lethal doses) on the American people, including on women and children in a small-enclosed area.
8. It is okay for the Feds to do “dynamic entry” on a CHURCH building full of women, children, and elderly!
9. It is okay for the Feds to assault various segments of the American civilian population as long as they first demonize their victims as “cultists”, or as being “different”!
“I am concerned that vital evidence will soon be destroyed with the pending demolition of the [Murrah] Federal Building in Oklahoma City. From all the evidence I have seen in the published material, I can say with a high level of confidence that the damage pattern on the reinforced concrete superstructure could NOT possibly have been attained from the single truck bomb without supplementing demolition charges at some of the reinforced column bases. The total incompatibility with a single truck bomb lies in the fact that some of the columns collapsed that should NOT have collapsed or some of the columns are still standing that should have collapsed and did NOT.
It is ABSURD to hold that the truck bomb blast was powerful enough to take down large, steel-reinforced concrete columns, and still leave sheet rock, furring strips, and other light, decorative materials virtually unfazed.”
Benton K. Partin, Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
((Ed. Note: Retired USAF Brigadier General Partin is a “munitions expert” par excellence.))
At 9:02 A.M. on April 19, 1995 the A.P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed, resulting in the deaths of 169 people, including 17 children. The bombing occurred exactly 24 months to the day after the “final assault” had been launched on the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas!
The Feds said that a SINGLE “bomber”, named Timothy [“Lee Harvey Oswald”] McVeigh, detonated a SINGLE ammonium nitrate bomb in a Ryder truck parked in the street in front of the Murrah Federal Building.
However, MULTIPLE witnesses stated that they saw MULTIPLE “bombers”, including at least TWO individuals running away from the Ryder truck (one of whom appeared to be Middle Eastern in appearance)! MULTIPLE witnesses also reported hearing at least TWO explosions. Also, TWO different seismology sites (the University of Oklahoma and the Kirkpatrick Center in the Oklahoma Omniplex) both had seismology graphs showing TWO explosions!
Additionally, at least TWO local Oklahoma City TV stations (“Channel 9, KWTV” and NewsChannel 4) reported that at least TWO unexploded bombs had been found in, and had been removed from, the Murrah Federal Building!
((While there may be some debate over the seismology graphs, there can be NO serious debate about the FACT that demolition charges were placed on the columns and header beam inside of the Murrah Federal Building. Girders pointed OUTWARD – a physical IMPOSSIBILITY if only a truck bomb was used! Also, if only a truck bomb was used (OUTSIDE of the building), how does one explain columns closer to the truck bomb STILL STANDING, while columns farther away from the truck bomb were brought down by the explosion?))
SEVERAL witnesses reported that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) had warned its agents NOT to come in for work in the Murrah Federal Building on the morning of April 19th! ((NOTE: This warning was NOT passed on to other American citizens in the Murrah Federal Building!))
Later on, the Feds ignored pleas made by such men as Brigadier General Partin NOT to destroy the crime scene by demolishing the Murrah Federal Building BEFORE the evidence “could be independently evaluated by a collection of demolition experts from the private sector”. The “evidence” was hauled off and buried underground (protected by armed guards)!
1. Jayna Davis of Oklahoma City NewsChannel 4 went to the FBI in Oklahoma City with all her material on the Oklahoma City bombing; the FBI did NOT even want it!
2. Hoppy Heidelberg, an outstanding citizen, tried to do his duty on the Federal Grand Jury – asking a lot questions – and was DISMISSED! He later received a visit from FBI agents brandishing firearms who tried to intimidate him! ((Just like the hundreds of witnesses the FBI told that they didn’t see a missile streaking toward TWA Flight 800!))
3. Martin Keating, brother of Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, wrote a book entitled The Final Jihad in which a “Thomas McVey” was the main character who was involved in bombing a federal building! Most interestingly, Martin Keating wrote this book two years BEFORE the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City!! ((Just coincidence, eh??))
4. The Feds seized at least 12 surveillance camera tapes that would clearly have shown if Timothy McVeigh had indeed been the “lone bomber”. ((Or might these tapes have shown who “John Doe #2” was?)) The Feds could have used these tapes at Timothy McVeigh’s trial, but they chose NOT to use them! WHY? The FBI has refused to release those tapes, citing “national security”! Again, WHY?
5. FBI counter-terrorism expert Danny Colson checked into an Oklahoma City hotel NINE HOURS BEFORE the Oklahoma City bombing. Interesting! ((Did he know something the rest of us were NOT privy to?))
6. David Schippers, Chief Investigative Counsel for the House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearing of Bill Clinton, stated in an interview with syndicated radio & TV talk show host Alex Jones that:
a. The same team involved in the 9-11 attacks was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing.
b. FBI agents tried to make witnesses who saw a Middle Eastern guy [with Timothy McVeigh] say that it was Terry Nichols ((Ed. Note: “Shades” of TWA Flight 800)).
c. In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, dozens of Middle Eastern men were detained, including former [Iraqi] Republican Guard officers who had tried to flee the USA; however, the Clinton Administration DEMANDED their release!
7. Timothy McVeigh, who supposedly pulled off the bombing all by himself, made his getaway in an unregistered vehicle with no license plate, and was pulled over for speeding in a restricted speed zone. He had a pistol on the front seat, yet made NO attempt to use it when the trooper approached his vehicle! Simply amazing!
8. What happened to the unexploded bombs that the BATF removed from the Federal Building?
9. The records on the 1993 Waco tragedy were stored, interestingly, in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and were supposedly “totally destroyed” in the bombing!
1. It is okay to DESTROY a crime scene PREMATURELY if you are a federal agent (just like at Waco, Texas)!
2. It is okay to INTIMIDATE witnesses, or try to get witnesses to change their testimony to fit the government’s version of an event, if you are a federal agent! ((Just like TWA Flight 800!))
3. The Feds are capable of IGNORING a ton of evidence that contradicts their version of an event! ((Just like at Waco; and just like with TWA Flight 800!))
We have seen a major “militarization” of law enforcement in America over the past several decades. We also see increasing numbers of ARMED federal agents from a myriad of federal agencies (such as ATFE, FBI, IRS, etc.) running around the country enforcing a myriad of laws and regulations. We see an increase in the number of SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams, and an ever greater willingness on the part of government to use these SWAT teams in serving warrants and other “routine” police duties, as well as the all-too-frequent DYNAMIC ENTRIES of the homes of American citizens! ((This increased use of SWAT teams has resulted NOT ONLY in the loss of innocent American citizens’ lives, BUT ALSO of the lives of SWAT team members who are killed by their fellow SWAT team members!))
We have seen a willingness to use U.S. military personnel and equipment against American citizens, such as occurred during the assault on the Church at Waco, Texas in 1993.
Our founding fathers dreaded STANDING ARMIES in peacetime, and they abhorred the CONSOLIDATION of police powers at the federal level. Our founding fathers “designed” our form of government (i.e., a constitutional Republic) so that the “federal government” would be STRICTLY LIMITED by the “chains” of the U.S. Constitution, and their intent was that whatsoever could be done at the LOCAL level (to include policing) WOULD be done at the LOCAL level!
And what ever happened to the 4th Amendment in the “Bill of Rights” (an integral part of the U.S. Constitution) that reads:
“The right of the people to be SECURE in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against UNREASONALBE searches and seizures, shall NOT be violated, and NO Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath of affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
These SWAT team “assaults” on citizens’ homes in the wee hours of the morning MUST come to an end! Far too frequently these paramilitary-style “dynamic entries” result in the LOSS of innocent lives, such as the spouse or children of the “targeted” individual! The VAST MAJORITY of these SWAT team assaults on homes are TOTALLY UNNECESSARY, since the “targeted” individual could be arrested at some place OTHER THAN his home.
Let’s once again consider retired Air Force officer John Salter’s quote:
“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for ANY reason, is a government with a taste for blood and a thirst for power, and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”
Well, are we Americans going to “smartly rebuke” government ABUSE of power, or are we going to blindly “obey in deadly fear” ABUSIVE government? Are we Americans going to CONTINUE to accept government WHITEWASHES of their ABUSES of power, such as occurred at Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho (where an FBI sniper blew the face off a mother holding her baby)? Are we Americans going to CONTINUE to get our “news” from the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media (such as ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NBC) which ALMOST ALWAYS collaborates with and assists the “government” in its massive COVER-UPS of the truth on such important issues as the JFK assassination, the prisoners-of-war/missing-in-action betrayal, Agent Orange, Gulf War Illness, the Waco tragedy, the Oklahoma City bombing, etc.? Or are we Americans going to say, “Enough is enough already!”? And then, are we Americans going to return to an active involvement in the serious issues of our day, as our founding fathers did in their day? Will we Americans get seriously informed by doing some VERY SERIOUS INVESTIGATION of the key issues of our day, and then when we get informed, will we MAKE A SERIOUS EFFORT to inform others?
I took the time to once again “re-do” the previously-written TTT #10 from May of 2002 because I’m getting a just a little bit tired of being LIED to consistently by my “government” and the CONTROLLED media! I am tired of the LIES, DECEPTION, COVER-UPS, PROPAGANDA, BRAINWASHING, CONDITIONING, and WHITEWASHES that occur whenever the “government” investigates “itself”! I am also tired of having federal agents escape any punishment at all when they MURDER American citizens, such as occurred at Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho! ((Having a federal “badge” does NOT, and should NOT, exempt anybody from “doing the time” if they “do the crime”.))
By the way, an Idaho Grand Jury tried to bring an FBI agent (i.e., sniper Lon Horiuchi) to trial for the MURDER of Vicky Weaver, whose face he blew off while she was holding her baby at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The Justice Department REFUSED to let Horiuchi be tried! The message that that refusal sends to this editor is that “federal agents can commit whatever CRIME (including MURDER) they want in the ‘performance of their duties’ and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can be done to them in a court of law”!
America is dying! Our freedoms and Rights are under CONSTANT ATTACK! Government’s size and power is growing EXPONENTIALLY! Our own government openly talks about FORCIBLY inoculating Americans, and even HERDING us into “relocation centers” for our own good in case of terrorist attacks using biological agents or chemicals. And the government keeps trying to DISARM the American people through “Gun Control”! We Americans are all in grave danger. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren to get INFORMED quickly, and to start INFORMING others quickly. To fail to do so will ensure our own “national suicide”! And that brings us to the final section of this newsletter:
1. If you find the material in this newsletter important, PLEASE make as MANY COPIES of it as you can possibly afford to make, and give them to your friends, relatives, and neighbors.
2. Turn OFF the so-called “news” on ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NBC! The mainstream media is tightly CONTROLLED by those who hate America, her values, and her history.
3. PLEASE purchase the videos “Waco – The Rules of Engagement” and “Waco – A New Revelation” from “Radio Liberty” by calling their toll-free order line: 800-544-8927.
4. Purchase some good books that tell the facts that the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media often keeps from the American people. Here are some:
a.) The Medusa File by Lieutenant Colonel Craig Roberts (deals with “government secrets” you are not supposed to know about; covers the period from 1940 through 1996) ((if you can only afford one book that “Radio Liberty” offers, editor of TTT recommends you get this one));
b.) The Brotherhood of Darkness by Dr. Stanley Monteith (an exposé of secret societies);
c.) None Dare Call it Treason by John Stormer (a compilation of facts from hundreds of Congressional investigations of communism and its infiltration into many aspects of our society);
d.) Into the Buzzsaw, edited by Kristina Borjesson (deals with some journalists in America who had major stories SUPPRESSED by “those above them” – debunks the myth of a “free press”);
e.) The Planned Destruction of America by Dr. James W. Wardner (deals with the plans made many years ago to destroy our Republic).
((All the above books are available from “Radio Liberty”. You can get information on prices and S&H by checking out their web site: , or you can call toll-free: 800-544-8927. Their fax is: 831-464-8427. Or, you can write them at: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073. ((Note: “Radio Liberty” has a TON of informative books, videotapes, and audiotape sets. They also have “information packets of books & tapes” at greatly discounted prices. See their web site, or ask them to send you one of their catalogs.))
f.) Operation Vampire Killer 2000 (abbreviated OVK2000): It is $11 postpaid. Make postal money order payable to “Aid & Abet”, and send it to: Aid & Abet Police & Military Newsletter // HC 11, Box 357 // Kamiah, Idaho 83536. ((This book deals with the globalist rich elite’s plans to end America’s national sovereignty, and to bring in a New World Order. The book is in 8 ½” X 11” format; and is profusely illustrated with drawings. Bulk prices are available: call 208-935-7852, or Fax 208-935-7854.))
About Darryl Eberhart
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Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Something old I wrote back in 2004
Let the truth be told though the heavens fall.
Intro: I've should have said this a long time ago....This is nothing more than Bush's Reichstag fire which was 9/11. Similarities can be made to Roosevelt who was the most prominent 33rd Freemason during the time and he knew of the Japanese attack and did nothing to avert it likewise Bush is the most prominent Skulls and Bones member in the world and he knew about the attacks on 9.11 and refused to take action.
That killer with Bohemian Grove member Dick Cheney allowed NORAD to stand down and have war games (a 2002 Presidential directive gave Cheney the power to control all war games in America) to use a bait so 9/11 can be operated which was pure a government engineered event. NORAD even had drills simulating hijacked planes flown into the World Trade Centers and Pentagon before 9/11. Tons of warnings from 14 nations describing 9/11-like attacks came to the White House and they did nothing in response to prevent it from happening. There is no great liberty here or abroad in Iraq. People dying for what??? Nothing, but imperialistic adventures created by Trotskyites Communists (the NEOCONS)
Now there is even more evidence of torture committed by criminals unto Iraqi civilians and I'm not aligning with Iraqis who commit terrorism unto American G.I.s. That would be stupid, but 2 wrongs don't make a right and real patriots ought to have the backbone to go out and label terrorism committed by anyone achieving heinous acts whether by those of different nations or Americans. Many American G.I.s suffering with their limbs gone and their body disfigured for life when they come home by virtue of falsehoods is tragic indeed.
The election was sham. Both men are cousins, Skulls and Bones, pro-big government, pro-Patriot Acts I and II, etc. Yeah, that Election of 2004 was stolen and tons of evidence points to the discarding of provisional ballots, the disparity between the exit and actual polls, and the distortion of a lot of the results. Bush is nothing more than being a part of a Satanic family tree.
George W. Bush presents himself up as a Texas cowboy, when hes actually a Blue Blood who was born in Maine, up in the Northeast. You can go back to WWII when Prescott Bush funded Hitler and supported guys who were involved in eugenics. You can go to Bush Sr. who in the 1950's-1960's had the Zapata Oil Company and trained Cuban exiles for Operation Mongoose then was involved in the death of JFK (validated by even more sources) .This clown Bush Sr. in 1969 wanted population control for black children.
This clown was an ambassador for Communist China under that Nazi supporting traitor Nixon (another man who covered up the evidence that Allen Dulles funding Hitler as well in 1942 when Nixon was in the Navy). Other scholars have Bush Sr. involved in Iran Contra and other events. With Bush, there is a division in this nation, there is stagnant economic growth, and there is suspicion about the circumstances in society.
That killer Bush just brainwashed a lot of the evangelical people to vote for him. The good news is that there are plenty evangelical sites that oppose Bush for his hypocritical stances on issues like gay marriage when George W. Bush had sex with another man like Victor Ashe. I think Bill O'Reilly is funny as well proclaiming morality yet having phone sex with a woman not even his own wife. O'Reilly, you're not looking out for me and you're a Media shill. We have no choice, but to oppose these tyrannical fascists.
It's a shame with Moore since he's not even showing other info about 9/11 on how Bush had plans to invade Afghanistan and Iraq before 9/11, how Bush is apart of a Secret Society, the New World Order Agenda, the torture going on, the Shill 9/11 Commission made up of many folks who are members of the CFR, how the CIA funded Saddam before the 1980's but as early as 1959. Dan Perez is right that we must fight against Bush since he's acting as a Red Coat. Bush Sr. is even knighted by the Queen which is illegal since that violates our sovereignty as Americans.
Escaping from our jobs as human being isnt part of the game plan, but a strengthen resolve to do what is right is a glorious proposition to succeed. Now, Im 21 years old and I feel different in a way now reaching full manhood age. Now its time to comment on Michael Ruppert.
While I respect much of his research involving 911, Victor Thorns research that shows that he advocates population control and his on occasion character assassination must not be ignored. I think Mike Ruppert needs to wake up to the fact that people can disagree and you dont have call people fakes just because people dont subscribe to your notions of Peak Oil. I cant believe I would to see this happen to American: biometrics overload, mayhem death and torture in the 2 undeclared wars of Afghanistan and Iraq (in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution). The Police State in America is definitely all around us. Bliss Alexandra [a woman from Albany, New York] was forcibly drugged by the police because she put up a free speech sign. If that can happen to the woman it can happen to any citizen and this have been reported in the Empire Journal.
Me thinking about this issue, Ive just released that this Intelligence Bill is worse than Ive once thought. It only has provisions for a National ID card system, which was documented by Texas Republican House member Ron Paul. Also, according to Al Martin, it weakens the Media Shield Act so anyone displaying massive dissent can be labeled as sedition and be not given Media shield protection. According to the hero Al Martin, the President have the power to control all briefing meetings involving the Intelligence Czar [whatever that means] and the President can now clear all dissemination of public information. Purely a hoax is my opinion of this Intelligence bill since the bill wont protect our civil liberties or make or borders adequately protected.
Yesterday, I listened to the Hannity and Colmes and usually Hannity go and rant and worship George W. Bush incessantly. One Democratic strategist though said that Charleton Heston was idiot, which was cowardly in mind. The man is dying of Parkinsons and that strategist coward apparently doesnt realize the many contributions of Heston.
When I was child and even today, I looked at the Ten Commandments movie and felt that it was one of the best movies of all time. Heston, back decades ago, promoted freedom for all people. This strategist must have forgotten that in the 1960s, he endorsed civil rights and even went to the Washington Mall on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King [a man who is given credit for his fight for liberty, but recent information proves conclusively that King made terrible mistakes in life like adultery and having a liberal theology. Tracy from recorded his work from college where he questions the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, etc. I even knew that he committed adultery back years ago, but never realized his liberal theology until around 2001 or 2002. At the night before his death, King spoke at a Masonic Temple. discusses Dr. King some more. As a Black man, its sad to see a man like King doing so much good for civil rights then screw it up for convenience or compromising with the world.] Later, Heston promoted legitimate environmental rights (not Gaia worship or New Age extremism] when it was in its infant stages. Also, in the late 1990s, he was head of the NRA and he was dedication to the decree that man has a right to self-defense with a gun if he or she wants to. (Protected by the Second Amendment) I disagree with Heston on his support for the Gun Control Act of 1968 though.
So, this guy is obviously wrong just like Hannity. Now according to an Associated Press Article written by Lisa Leff in December 15, 2004, San Francisco supervisors are proposing a total ban of civilian ownership of firearms. No other city has this explicitly except Washington D.C. and D.C.s crime rate is very high as we all know. So, the instruments of disarmament and an anger of self-defense still plague America today.
I guess everyone desires me to tell them what I feel on more issues. Well, as for Laci Petersons death and the death sentence for Scott Peterson, I will have to give respect to James Northstar. The man was convicted by circumstantial evidence. Even if you support the death penalty (like I do in extreme cases. I dont believe in the death penalty by circumstantial evidence), executing the death penalty on a man by circumstantial evidence with no witnesses is immoral.
His column on Laci Peterson is classic for to kill a man without just cause is sin. Dont get me wrong though, the death penalty is supported in the OT and NT [I debated people before on this issue and have over 2 dozen verses recorded months ago, so dont believe that I dont the means to show them if I wanted to], but in this imperfect society, the death penalty need to be either reformed or temporary abolished so justice can be a reality. Its as simple as that. McKinney from Georgia, Ron Paul from Texas are the very few patriots that I see standing for real liberty for all Americans.
The military industrial complex engineered 9/11. They also continue to persist with its massive destructive forces out to make permanent problems for us. I do enjoy many activist groups opposing the Bush administration and sponsoring for legitimate causes like for peace, civil liberties (shining light on the torture still going on at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Iraq, liberty threats home, etc), but we need to end the Left/Right Paradigm. Some folks subscribe to the belief that all of the Left or all of the Right is at fault. The fact is under global government, ideology won't matter a bit since oppresssion and tyranny would reign. All ideologies oppose that. The Left and Right can unite on certain issue to seek out real changes and reforms.
Outto: Well, the battle lines are drawn. The war is something hard, but the victory will be assured. Truly, I feel so sad for the reporters of Faux News. Media emperor Rupert Murdoch (CFR member) controls the company. From the propaganda of Bill OReilly to the worship sessions of Sean Hannity [an admirer of Rush Limbaugh who is a drug addict and notorious racist spewing racist quotes for 30+ years. His recent quote is when he compares NBA players to people wearing gang symbols and thats racist. I dont care if people hate me for mentioning that. ] are truly like comedy shows instead of fair and balanced journalism.
Also, you have other reporters on the network spewing the White House line like Page Hopkins, Lauren Green, Laurie Dhue, and Dari Alexander like Bush is a god to be venerated. I think people like Dari Alexander need to wake up from their slumber and project real news unto the public like the Nazi Intelligence bill, how a man was killed in Hollywood, Florida with a M-26 taser gun [having 50,000 volts of electricity], solutions to social problems, or how the Bush/Cheney team or destroying America. I kind of To all of the real fighters of the New World Order: Good Luck.
By TruthSeeker24
December 17, 2004
2:53 pm. EST
Intro: I've should have said this a long time ago....This is nothing more than Bush's Reichstag fire which was 9/11. Similarities can be made to Roosevelt who was the most prominent 33rd Freemason during the time and he knew of the Japanese attack and did nothing to avert it likewise Bush is the most prominent Skulls and Bones member in the world and he knew about the attacks on 9.11 and refused to take action.
That killer with Bohemian Grove member Dick Cheney allowed NORAD to stand down and have war games (a 2002 Presidential directive gave Cheney the power to control all war games in America) to use a bait so 9/11 can be operated which was pure a government engineered event. NORAD even had drills simulating hijacked planes flown into the World Trade Centers and Pentagon before 9/11. Tons of warnings from 14 nations describing 9/11-like attacks came to the White House and they did nothing in response to prevent it from happening. There is no great liberty here or abroad in Iraq. People dying for what??? Nothing, but imperialistic adventures created by Trotskyites Communists (the NEOCONS)
Now there is even more evidence of torture committed by criminals unto Iraqi civilians and I'm not aligning with Iraqis who commit terrorism unto American G.I.s. That would be stupid, but 2 wrongs don't make a right and real patriots ought to have the backbone to go out and label terrorism committed by anyone achieving heinous acts whether by those of different nations or Americans. Many American G.I.s suffering with their limbs gone and their body disfigured for life when they come home by virtue of falsehoods is tragic indeed.
The election was sham. Both men are cousins, Skulls and Bones, pro-big government, pro-Patriot Acts I and II, etc. Yeah, that Election of 2004 was stolen and tons of evidence points to the discarding of provisional ballots, the disparity between the exit and actual polls, and the distortion of a lot of the results. Bush is nothing more than being a part of a Satanic family tree.
George W. Bush presents himself up as a Texas cowboy, when hes actually a Blue Blood who was born in Maine, up in the Northeast. You can go back to WWII when Prescott Bush funded Hitler and supported guys who were involved in eugenics. You can go to Bush Sr. who in the 1950's-1960's had the Zapata Oil Company and trained Cuban exiles for Operation Mongoose then was involved in the death of JFK (validated by even more sources) .This clown Bush Sr. in 1969 wanted population control for black children.
This clown was an ambassador for Communist China under that Nazi supporting traitor Nixon (another man who covered up the evidence that Allen Dulles funding Hitler as well in 1942 when Nixon was in the Navy). Other scholars have Bush Sr. involved in Iran Contra and other events. With Bush, there is a division in this nation, there is stagnant economic growth, and there is suspicion about the circumstances in society.
That killer Bush just brainwashed a lot of the evangelical people to vote for him. The good news is that there are plenty evangelical sites that oppose Bush for his hypocritical stances on issues like gay marriage when George W. Bush had sex with another man like Victor Ashe. I think Bill O'Reilly is funny as well proclaiming morality yet having phone sex with a woman not even his own wife. O'Reilly, you're not looking out for me and you're a Media shill. We have no choice, but to oppose these tyrannical fascists.
It's a shame with Moore since he's not even showing other info about 9/11 on how Bush had plans to invade Afghanistan and Iraq before 9/11, how Bush is apart of a Secret Society, the New World Order Agenda, the torture going on, the Shill 9/11 Commission made up of many folks who are members of the CFR, how the CIA funded Saddam before the 1980's but as early as 1959. Dan Perez is right that we must fight against Bush since he's acting as a Red Coat. Bush Sr. is even knighted by the Queen which is illegal since that violates our sovereignty as Americans.
Escaping from our jobs as human being isnt part of the game plan, but a strengthen resolve to do what is right is a glorious proposition to succeed. Now, Im 21 years old and I feel different in a way now reaching full manhood age. Now its time to comment on Michael Ruppert.
While I respect much of his research involving 911, Victor Thorns research that shows that he advocates population control and his on occasion character assassination must not be ignored. I think Mike Ruppert needs to wake up to the fact that people can disagree and you dont have call people fakes just because people dont subscribe to your notions of Peak Oil. I cant believe I would to see this happen to American: biometrics overload, mayhem death and torture in the 2 undeclared wars of Afghanistan and Iraq (in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution). The Police State in America is definitely all around us. Bliss Alexandra [a woman from Albany, New York] was forcibly drugged by the police because she put up a free speech sign. If that can happen to the woman it can happen to any citizen and this have been reported in the Empire Journal.
Me thinking about this issue, Ive just released that this Intelligence Bill is worse than Ive once thought. It only has provisions for a National ID card system, which was documented by Texas Republican House member Ron Paul. Also, according to Al Martin, it weakens the Media Shield Act so anyone displaying massive dissent can be labeled as sedition and be not given Media shield protection. According to the hero Al Martin, the President have the power to control all briefing meetings involving the Intelligence Czar [whatever that means] and the President can now clear all dissemination of public information. Purely a hoax is my opinion of this Intelligence bill since the bill wont protect our civil liberties or make or borders adequately protected.
Yesterday, I listened to the Hannity and Colmes and usually Hannity go and rant and worship George W. Bush incessantly. One Democratic strategist though said that Charleton Heston was idiot, which was cowardly in mind. The man is dying of Parkinsons and that strategist coward apparently doesnt realize the many contributions of Heston.
When I was child and even today, I looked at the Ten Commandments movie and felt that it was one of the best movies of all time. Heston, back decades ago, promoted freedom for all people. This strategist must have forgotten that in the 1960s, he endorsed civil rights and even went to the Washington Mall on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King [a man who is given credit for his fight for liberty, but recent information proves conclusively that King made terrible mistakes in life like adultery and having a liberal theology. Tracy from recorded his work from college where he questions the virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, etc. I even knew that he committed adultery back years ago, but never realized his liberal theology until around 2001 or 2002. At the night before his death, King spoke at a Masonic Temple. discusses Dr. King some more. As a Black man, its sad to see a man like King doing so much good for civil rights then screw it up for convenience or compromising with the world.] Later, Heston promoted legitimate environmental rights (not Gaia worship or New Age extremism] when it was in its infant stages. Also, in the late 1990s, he was head of the NRA and he was dedication to the decree that man has a right to self-defense with a gun if he or she wants to. (Protected by the Second Amendment) I disagree with Heston on his support for the Gun Control Act of 1968 though.
So, this guy is obviously wrong just like Hannity. Now according to an Associated Press Article written by Lisa Leff in December 15, 2004, San Francisco supervisors are proposing a total ban of civilian ownership of firearms. No other city has this explicitly except Washington D.C. and D.C.s crime rate is very high as we all know. So, the instruments of disarmament and an anger of self-defense still plague America today.
I guess everyone desires me to tell them what I feel on more issues. Well, as for Laci Petersons death and the death sentence for Scott Peterson, I will have to give respect to James Northstar. The man was convicted by circumstantial evidence. Even if you support the death penalty (like I do in extreme cases. I dont believe in the death penalty by circumstantial evidence), executing the death penalty on a man by circumstantial evidence with no witnesses is immoral.
His column on Laci Peterson is classic for to kill a man without just cause is sin. Dont get me wrong though, the death penalty is supported in the OT and NT [I debated people before on this issue and have over 2 dozen verses recorded months ago, so dont believe that I dont the means to show them if I wanted to], but in this imperfect society, the death penalty need to be either reformed or temporary abolished so justice can be a reality. Its as simple as that. McKinney from Georgia, Ron Paul from Texas are the very few patriots that I see standing for real liberty for all Americans.
The military industrial complex engineered 9/11. They also continue to persist with its massive destructive forces out to make permanent problems for us. I do enjoy many activist groups opposing the Bush administration and sponsoring for legitimate causes like for peace, civil liberties (shining light on the torture still going on at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Iraq, liberty threats home, etc), but we need to end the Left/Right Paradigm. Some folks subscribe to the belief that all of the Left or all of the Right is at fault. The fact is under global government, ideology won't matter a bit since oppresssion and tyranny would reign. All ideologies oppose that. The Left and Right can unite on certain issue to seek out real changes and reforms.
Outto: Well, the battle lines are drawn. The war is something hard, but the victory will be assured. Truly, I feel so sad for the reporters of Faux News. Media emperor Rupert Murdoch (CFR member) controls the company. From the propaganda of Bill OReilly to the worship sessions of Sean Hannity [an admirer of Rush Limbaugh who is a drug addict and notorious racist spewing racist quotes for 30+ years. His recent quote is when he compares NBA players to people wearing gang symbols and thats racist. I dont care if people hate me for mentioning that. ] are truly like comedy shows instead of fair and balanced journalism.
Also, you have other reporters on the network spewing the White House line like Page Hopkins, Lauren Green, Laurie Dhue, and Dari Alexander like Bush is a god to be venerated. I think people like Dari Alexander need to wake up from their slumber and project real news unto the public like the Nazi Intelligence bill, how a man was killed in Hollywood, Florida with a M-26 taser gun [having 50,000 volts of electricity], solutions to social problems, or how the Bush/Cheney team or destroying America. I kind of To all of the real fighters of the New World Order: Good Luck.
By TruthSeeker24
December 17, 2004
2:53 pm. EST
The Papacy
This is a classic. Instant classic. What do you think of it drclmac?
By TruthSeeker
1). Acts 11:26/Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16 Followers of Christ are called Christians not Catholics. The word catholic are not mentioned historically until the 100 Ad quote of Ignatius and Justin. They meant catholic as all believers universal not a subjected church to one city (Rome). There was no Pope or Papacy concept whatsoever in the early church. The first to use the word pontifex was Bishop Hygnius of Rome in 149 AD. And he didnt recognize himself as Pope. Later Pope Leo I and Pope Damascus would make claims of universal primacy of Rome, but even in the 300s and 400s, many people dissented with that idea. The Papacy is therefore by gradual development and isnt biblical whatsoever. In fact, there is no historical evidence whatsoever to prove Peter is the first bishop of Rome. Polycarp, Clement of Rome, Irenaeus, etc mentioned not one line of him being bishop of Rome. Only by Jeromes literature do we see signs of people believing in the 25-year episcopate reign of Peter in Rome. Historically, Linus is the first bishop of Rome not Peter. Hippolytus and even Eusbeius mentioned Peter as dying in Rome, but Linus as the first bishop of Rome.
2). 1 John 2:26-27 You dont need a church or men to interpret scripture for you.
3). Philippians 1:1 Throughout the NT, the early church composed of the offices of bishop (overseers), elders, and presbyter (terms used interchangeably to show the same office), deacons, and other stations without a Pope or Papacy.
4). Eph. 1:22-23 Christ is the head of all the church not Karol.
5). 1 Thes. 5:21 Individuals who are believers have a right to test the teachings of any church. God wants his people to check things out for themselves using Scripture as a yardstick. It keeps us mature, as Christians not swayed by false doctrine. The Papacy rarely has its believers to question their so-called infallible beliefs, decrees, bulls, etc.
6). 1 Cor. 10:4 The Rock was Christ (not Peter). Also see Ps. 94:22.
7). 1 Cor. 3:11 No other foundation exists but Christ. The Greek word for foundation in that verse is Themelios meaning of institution or system of truth or the foundation. Christ is the pure system and all order of the church originates from Jesus Christ not from the magisterium or any false Church. The foundation isnt Peter or the church but God alone.
. John 14:26, John 16:13, 1 Cor. 2:13 the Holy Spirit, not the magisterium of the Catholic Church will interpret scripture for Gods children and help them understand all things.
9). Romans 9:33 Christ is the foundation again. See also 2 Timothy 2:19 mentioning the foundation of God.
10). Matthew 18:18 The keys Christ gives to the disciples and apostles not Peter solely. The keys are used as a steward though.
11). Acts 8:14 Peter was sent by the other apostles along with John. If Peter were a Pope, wouldnt he do the sending or travel without a proclamation from other Christians to adamantly do so.
12).Acts 13:9 Saul had a name change to Paul; just like Peter presenting even more equality between the 2.
13).Eph. 2:20 Christ is shown as the chief cornerstone. Also all the apostles are foundation stones of the church showing more equality. There are many instances of Rome being reminded that it wasnt possessing full jurisdiction throughout the church. Here are a couple of examples of this:
A). In the 100s Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, rebuked Victor, bishop of Rome over the Easter issue. He said that We ought to obey God rather than man to bishop Victor. Also Polycarp, disciple of John couldnt agree with Anicetus, bishop of Rome on the issue of Easter as well.
B). Cyprian rebukes Stephen, bishop of Rome in his Council of Carthage decree saying, No man sits himself up as bishop of bishops (or Pope)
C). Polycarp and Ignatius used the words Bishop or elder interchangeably and even used mentioned multiple bishops existing in one city and that in no way denote a Papacy.
D). Pope Damascus and Pope Leo I makes claims of being the only successor of Peter deriving solely from Rome, yet even in the 300s and 400s, many people denied that claim and even in the Council of Chalcedon in 451 recognized the equal standing between Rome and Constantinople. Im not even mentioning the immoral conduct of many Popes during the Dark Ages.
E). Many early popes denied many Catholic doctrines like Gelasius denying the Assumption of Mary, etc. The consensus for a Papacy existing in 33 AD. or 100 AD. is a myth.
F). Many early Popes even denied papal infallibility. Popes Vigilinus, Innocent III, Clement Iv, Gregory IV, Adrian VI, and Paul IV all disclaimed the attribute of infallibility.
G). Hippolytus disagreed with Bishop Callistus I of Romes dealing with Modalist heretics of Sabellius. As a result, Hippolytus rebuked Callistus and Callistus ended ties with Hippolytus. Catholic apologists say he had a re-uniting period before Hippolytus death, but even with that theres still one bishop of Rome disagreeing with one of the greatest early church leaders, which was Hippolytus, in that span of time. Some historians even call Hippolytus an anti-pope (popes didnt exist in Hippolytus age.)
H). In 664 AD. at the Synod of Whitby, the Celtic Church and the Roman Catholic also couldnt agree on the Easter issue and Papal supremacy. The Celtic Church with Columba, Patrick, Colman, Aidan, Columbanus, and other people existed before Roman Catholicism yet again. As centuries past, the Celtic Church was forced to Scotland, while the Catholics forcibly merged their religion on the people left behind.
I). The Catholic Church also didnt have full jurisdiction on the Church of the East. The apostles Thomas, Jude, and Bartholomew founded the Church of the East. Later as centuries past, the Church of the East and the Nestorians creates an automous structure showing Gods word to the Eastern world. Jesuits by 1599 subjugated the whole Syrian, Eastern Church. The good news is that even today, there are independent bodies of the Eastern Church that arent under Catholic jurisdiction that exist even today.
J). By the 14th century the papacy had become a pawn of political power. The French forced the popes to move from Rome to Avignon in what has been called the Babylonian Captivity of the papacy from 1309 to 1377. Following this episode was the Great Western Schism (1378-141 , during which opposing popes tried to rule. This ended with the Council of Constance, which deposed the popes and named Martin V (reigned 1417-31) as pope. In that time span of the early 1400s, 3 popes were trying to reign at the same time. This and other evidences give the Roman Catholic church in an inconsistent light.
14). 1 Peter 2:68 Jesus is the head of the corner, cornerstone, rock of offense (not Peter).
15).Acts 9:10-16 Jesus said he called Paul, not Peter to go before the Gentiles and preach the gospel also to the children of Israel. Peter preached to the Gentiles and Romans, but Paul was specifically called to preach to do this command.
16). 1 Timothy 4:1-4 Mandatory celibacy for the Pope is forbidden and is a doctrine of demons.
17). Isaiah 44:8 God is the only Rock, and there is no other. See also Isa. 8:14 saying God is a rock of offense.
1 . Deut. 32:31 Rock is shown as describing God alone also mentioned in Pslam 18:2.
19). Mat. 21:42 The cornerstone is Christ and Also Acts 5:29 says, We ought to obey God rather than man. (Magisterium, councils, decrees, Popes, etc.)
20). 2 Cor. 2:11 Paul isnt inferior to the other apostles, but equal. Equality of the apostles is definitely conceived. See also Gal. 1:12, 2:2-8.
21).Eph. 4:5 Christ is the one Lord to be acknowledged and also see Mt. 26:72-74 showing Peter denying the Lord. (Peter is just a normal sinner in need of salvation just like all people need salvation and equal to any other human being.) The Papal denotation of Peter is therefore unnecessary.
21). 1 Peter 5:1-4 I, your fellow presbyter (not being lords over Gods heritage). Papal subjection is void as a result. See also Isaiah 22:25. That verse mentioning the kings who had those keys was fallible and broke and fell. They temporary utilized the keys, but Christ eternally possesses the keys of David forever. See also Rev. 2:7, Rev. 1:8.
22). Heb. 13:20 Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep not the Pope.
23). Mt. 23:13, Luke 11:52, Rev. 9:1-2, Rev. 20:1-2 Other beings had keys to be used not Peter alone.
24). 1 Cor. 12:12-27 The members of the church are expressed by body parts, but Christ is its total, heavenly, and earthly head not Karol.
25).Mt. 16:23 Peter is called Satan by Christ showing his frailty and sinfulness devoid of Papal power. Popes are rarely rebuked in the Roman Catholic Church. In a manner of calling a Pope Satan by Catholic flock, Catholic believers can have a risk of being excommunicated, condemned as heretics, etc. by the intensity of it.
26). John 18:36 Christs kingdom isnt of this world, yet the Pope claims to be a temporal monarch of Vatican City. (Its in heaven not in the Vatican). See also Luke 17:20 proving that the kingdom of God is in heaven being spiritual. There is no earthly headquarters of the church ruled by a human vicar. Also see Exodus 17:6 calling God the Rock.
27). John 17:11 Holy Father is used for God the Father. Its blasphemy to call a man by Gods name. See also Rev. 15:4 and 1 Sam. 2:2.
2 . Acts 10:25-26 Peter refused Cornelius to bow to him, yet many popes are benefluented or bowed to by clergy and other people within the Roman Catholic Church. One example of this is new bishops in an ordination ceremony bowing before the Pope in St. Peters Basilica.
29). Heb. 7:26, Heb. 7:1-2, Rev. 1:5-6 Christ is the only King and High Priest. Christ paid taxes, yet the Pope is exempt from taxes. Christ is given a crown of thorns, but the Popes wear a triple crown (tiara). The contrasting actions of both individuals make the Papacy dissimilar to Christianity. In John 1:44, Gal. 2:9, 1 Cor. 9:5 Peter was not always mentioned first in the NT. In John he was named after Andrew, in Galatians, James is shown first, and in 1 Cor. He is named after the apostles, etc.
30). Rev. 3:7 The keys of David belong to Christ alone not Popes acting as supposed successors. See also 1 Peter 3:22 saying that Christ has full 100% authority over his church without Papal influence. In Matt. 23:10, Christ is the only Master with no Popes as masters.
31). 1 John 3:2 The Holy Spirit is our guide to bear witness to the Word of God not a pope, false church, church, or any anointed man. The Holy Spirit is enough for every single believer in Christ.
32). Mt. 20:25-26, Mark 10:42-43, and Luke 22:25-26 Servant hood is a Christian character and Popes are more in tuned with subjection plus a leadership, control-orientated influence exhibited to the followers of Romanism than servant hood.
33). Acts 15:1-22 The First Council of Jerusalem was presided over by James not Peter. In fact, Paul writes more NT books than Peter and explains the gospel more than Peter. Is Paul a Pope? No, just like Peter isnt by tons of evidence. Also see Isaiah 42:8 that makes its clear that all glory is not to be given to any Pope, but God alone.
34). Mt. 28:18-20 All authority is given unto Christ and not given to Popes. In fact Catholicism had many schisms or divisions like a). Donatist (311 AD.), b). Orthodox (1054 AD.), Reformation (1517 AD.), Sedecavantists (1870 and 1965 AD.), etc
35). Galatians 2:11-14 Paul rebuked Peter for his actions (Popes are rarely rebuked today especially in the past (i.e. Bulls presented by Popes are almost impossible to rebuke. Also in history, cardinals, archbishops, or any other clergy rarely rebukes popes in Catholicism.)
36). Mt. 8:20 Christ has no place to rest his head in his first coming, yet Karol (the pope) lives in a place surrounded by wealth and pomp. Even Mt. 21:42 say that Jesus is the only Rock (stone, cornerstone).
37). Rev. 2:6-15 God dislikes the Nicolaitine spirit of extreme controlling hierarchal systems with that kind of clergy and laity similar to Romanism.
3 . Acts 8:18-21 Peter would not take money, for not God would give freely. (Its the opposite of Ropes giving and receiving tons of money by indulgences, etc) There is nothing wrong with being rich, but can the Vatican sacrifice pompous palaces in exchange to create some reasonable actions like reforming and revising their religion.
39). Acts 1:15-26 A group decision decided who were to be an apostle not Peter solely. (That isnt Papal in most instances except in papal religious decrees or re-election of clergy).
40). 2 Samuel 22:32, Psalm 94:22, Psalm 18:31 God is the Rock not Peter.
41). Mt. 8:14, Luke 4:38, Mark 1:30, 1 Cor. 9:10 Peter has a wife (modern Popes dont). Also see Galatians 2:1-9 saying that the apostles are called pillars recognizing their equality to each other.
42). Rev. 2:12-17 Christ condemned the Pergamos church era by adding pagan rituals of Balaam similar to the Papacy adding pagan rituals over the centuries. (i.e. Rosary, Eucharist, Confirmation, image veneration, etc.)
43). 1 Peter 5:1-2 Peter calls himself and elder (not head apostle or Pope) and also John is called the elder in 2 John 1.
44). 1 Peter 5:4 Christ is the Chief Shepherd only. See also Rev. 21:14making mention of the foundations of New Jerusalem being 12 named after the 12 apostles making more references of equality to all of the apostles. Also Acts 1:21-22 says that the apostles had no successors, for to succeed them, one had to be a witness to Christs resurrection.
45). Luke 22:24-26, Matthew 18:1 An argument occurs with the apostles about who was the greatest. (Peter didnt expressively admit his supremacy to end the feud with the others, but Christ later called for servant-like statue among all apostles displaying even more equality.
46). John 10:11, 14-16 Jesus is the only good Shepherd. See also 2 Thes. 2:3-4. That verse says that one man like the Pope with so much exalting classifications even trying to call himself Vicar (substitute, or replacement of in Greek and Latin) Christ, which is supremely blasphemous, is like the Antichrist. Antichrist is divided into 1 prefix and 1 suffix, which are anti-, and -Christ making up just a word. Anti in Greek is Ante meaning substitute or in the place of. Add it together and Antichrist in Greek means someone who tries to substitute or take the place of Christ. Who is that individual? The Pope is an antichrist in that manner since he claims to be the representative of Christ and tries to takes Christs place (i.e. Pope Leo XIII in the l800s said We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty. How obvious is that, but the Pope is not the Antichrist of Revelation but like an antichrist who has blasphemous titles, false beliefs, etc. That real Antichrist according to the Bible and church leaders like Tertullian Justin Marytr, Hippolytus, etc believes its a man who will reign for 3 yrs, etc.) Many of the Reformers called the Pope The Antichrist because of the great immorality and degenerate religion of Catholicism. The Pope isnt the Antichrist because he is so blatant and the Bible says he will come as one man not many men. The Pope is most probably the False Prophet in the One World Religion system.
47). Acts 20:28 To feed the sheep is exhorted to all of the church not just Peter. See also Numbers 23:19 displaying that God alone is infallible in all judgments, decisions, etc. A Popes decrees are always subjected to Gods word. Many of the Papal decrees have error in it. (i.e. Bull Unum Sanctum of the 1302 by Pope Boniface VIII says every people must be subject to the Pope for salvation or the Syllabus of Errors in the 1800s condemning Bible societies, religious freedom, and even democracy.)
4 . Acts 6:1-4 The leadership of the church is automous (self-governing) under no denominational hierarchy. Also see 1 Peter 1:1 classifying himself as only an apostle (no bishop, Pope, or the head apostle).
49). John 1:42 Cephas means stone not Rock by Christs own words. See also Titus 1:5-9 showing that the human leader of any church is a Pastor or Bishop with deacons, etc not popes.
50). Timothy 3:15 The church is the pillar and ground of truth not the truth or the foundation. See also 1 Peter 2:4-8 presenting Jesus as the rock upon which the church is founded. Nowhere in the Bible would you find the Church called the Rock or the foundation but the pillar and ground of truth. God alone is the Rock and the unbreakable foundation.
51). Eph. 1:22-23/ Col. 1:18 The Papacy is forbidden and Christ receives all preeminence not Karol. Also see Romans 11:18-22 which Paul warned the church to be in faith or cut off being fallible, but Christs church will never let the gates of hell prevail over it.
52). Acts 14:27, 1 Cor. 16:9, 2 Cor 2:12 Doors are being opened by God using keys. (Not solely Peter can use keys as a steward.)
53). Mt. 23:9 Call no clergy Father in the spiritual term of the word for high religious significance within the church clergy. Therefore, it is forbidden to call a priest by that title as well. Father in the NT is only called for human offspring, lineage, or an important figure in the past at the OT. Certainly no clergy such as priests were called father in the NT.
54). Eph. 5:23-26 Christ is Head over a Pope being all-powerful and having full authority on heaven and on earth.
55). 3 John 9-11 Believers are subjected church-wise to church leaders as long as theyre in submission to God. Any contradicting church leader like a Pope is rejected. The church is therefore democratic and executive only in executing the word of God not legislative adding traditions that are contrary to Gods word. The church is special and important, but no church is above Gods word and any church that tries to contradict Gods word should be rejected and rebuked until the church changes, etc.
56). Mat. 10:16, Luke 10:3, Ezekiel 34:6, 1 Peter 2:25 Sheep are mentioned showing the faithful not necessarily showing clergy or pastors. (It includes all believers).
57). John 16:7-14, Mt. 16:18, Mt. 18:18, John 20:22,23, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4 When reading those verses you can find that all apostles received the Holy Spirit, had the same authority, and all received the same commission. If all apostles had the same duties, that represents equality for all apostles. Nowhere in the Bible would you find Peter being called Pontifex Maximus, Holy Father, Chief Apostle, Vicar of Christ, Pope, etc. You can never deduce that from Gods word or in the early church, but you can find that in Catholicism as a product of gradual development and additions of tons of tradition. Roman Catholicism is an addition tradition submission religion. Its nothing more or less.
5 . Acts 11:1-30 The Church was situated in the early era of Christianity at Jerusalem and Antioch as it main headquarters not Rome. Even those 2 cities didnt recognized themselves as being superior in religious jurisdiction to all other cities or areas at that time. Roman Catholicism believes that Rome was superior early on in papal primacy, but that isnt the case. Thats because there was no Pope, papal primacy, cardinal, archbishops, etc even existed in Christianity in its early existence anyway.
59). Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in man. (Catholic trusts the Pope to be infallible in faith and morals of his ex-cathedra declarations, etc.)
This is a classic. Instant classic. What do you think of it drclmac?
By TruthSeeker
1). Acts 11:26/Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16 Followers of Christ are called Christians not Catholics. The word catholic are not mentioned historically until the 100 Ad quote of Ignatius and Justin. They meant catholic as all believers universal not a subjected church to one city (Rome). There was no Pope or Papacy concept whatsoever in the early church. The first to use the word pontifex was Bishop Hygnius of Rome in 149 AD. And he didnt recognize himself as Pope. Later Pope Leo I and Pope Damascus would make claims of universal primacy of Rome, but even in the 300s and 400s, many people dissented with that idea. The Papacy is therefore by gradual development and isnt biblical whatsoever. In fact, there is no historical evidence whatsoever to prove Peter is the first bishop of Rome. Polycarp, Clement of Rome, Irenaeus, etc mentioned not one line of him being bishop of Rome. Only by Jeromes literature do we see signs of people believing in the 25-year episcopate reign of Peter in Rome. Historically, Linus is the first bishop of Rome not Peter. Hippolytus and even Eusbeius mentioned Peter as dying in Rome, but Linus as the first bishop of Rome.
2). 1 John 2:26-27 You dont need a church or men to interpret scripture for you.
3). Philippians 1:1 Throughout the NT, the early church composed of the offices of bishop (overseers), elders, and presbyter (terms used interchangeably to show the same office), deacons, and other stations without a Pope or Papacy.
4). Eph. 1:22-23 Christ is the head of all the church not Karol.
5). 1 Thes. 5:21 Individuals who are believers have a right to test the teachings of any church. God wants his people to check things out for themselves using Scripture as a yardstick. It keeps us mature, as Christians not swayed by false doctrine. The Papacy rarely has its believers to question their so-called infallible beliefs, decrees, bulls, etc.
6). 1 Cor. 10:4 The Rock was Christ (not Peter). Also see Ps. 94:22.
7). 1 Cor. 3:11 No other foundation exists but Christ. The Greek word for foundation in that verse is Themelios meaning of institution or system of truth or the foundation. Christ is the pure system and all order of the church originates from Jesus Christ not from the magisterium or any false Church. The foundation isnt Peter or the church but God alone.
. John 14:26, John 16:13, 1 Cor. 2:13 the Holy Spirit, not the magisterium of the Catholic Church will interpret scripture for Gods children and help them understand all things.
9). Romans 9:33 Christ is the foundation again. See also 2 Timothy 2:19 mentioning the foundation of God.
10). Matthew 18:18 The keys Christ gives to the disciples and apostles not Peter solely. The keys are used as a steward though.
11). Acts 8:14 Peter was sent by the other apostles along with John. If Peter were a Pope, wouldnt he do the sending or travel without a proclamation from other Christians to adamantly do so.
12).Acts 13:9 Saul had a name change to Paul; just like Peter presenting even more equality between the 2.
13).Eph. 2:20 Christ is shown as the chief cornerstone. Also all the apostles are foundation stones of the church showing more equality. There are many instances of Rome being reminded that it wasnt possessing full jurisdiction throughout the church. Here are a couple of examples of this:
A). In the 100s Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, rebuked Victor, bishop of Rome over the Easter issue. He said that We ought to obey God rather than man to bishop Victor. Also Polycarp, disciple of John couldnt agree with Anicetus, bishop of Rome on the issue of Easter as well.
B). Cyprian rebukes Stephen, bishop of Rome in his Council of Carthage decree saying, No man sits himself up as bishop of bishops (or Pope)
C). Polycarp and Ignatius used the words Bishop or elder interchangeably and even used mentioned multiple bishops existing in one city and that in no way denote a Papacy.
D). Pope Damascus and Pope Leo I makes claims of being the only successor of Peter deriving solely from Rome, yet even in the 300s and 400s, many people denied that claim and even in the Council of Chalcedon in 451 recognized the equal standing between Rome and Constantinople. Im not even mentioning the immoral conduct of many Popes during the Dark Ages.
E). Many early popes denied many Catholic doctrines like Gelasius denying the Assumption of Mary, etc. The consensus for a Papacy existing in 33 AD. or 100 AD. is a myth.
F). Many early Popes even denied papal infallibility. Popes Vigilinus, Innocent III, Clement Iv, Gregory IV, Adrian VI, and Paul IV all disclaimed the attribute of infallibility.
G). Hippolytus disagreed with Bishop Callistus I of Romes dealing with Modalist heretics of Sabellius. As a result, Hippolytus rebuked Callistus and Callistus ended ties with Hippolytus. Catholic apologists say he had a re-uniting period before Hippolytus death, but even with that theres still one bishop of Rome disagreeing with one of the greatest early church leaders, which was Hippolytus, in that span of time. Some historians even call Hippolytus an anti-pope (popes didnt exist in Hippolytus age.)
H). In 664 AD. at the Synod of Whitby, the Celtic Church and the Roman Catholic also couldnt agree on the Easter issue and Papal supremacy. The Celtic Church with Columba, Patrick, Colman, Aidan, Columbanus, and other people existed before Roman Catholicism yet again. As centuries past, the Celtic Church was forced to Scotland, while the Catholics forcibly merged their religion on the people left behind.
I). The Catholic Church also didnt have full jurisdiction on the Church of the East. The apostles Thomas, Jude, and Bartholomew founded the Church of the East. Later as centuries past, the Church of the East and the Nestorians creates an automous structure showing Gods word to the Eastern world. Jesuits by 1599 subjugated the whole Syrian, Eastern Church. The good news is that even today, there are independent bodies of the Eastern Church that arent under Catholic jurisdiction that exist even today.
J). By the 14th century the papacy had become a pawn of political power. The French forced the popes to move from Rome to Avignon in what has been called the Babylonian Captivity of the papacy from 1309 to 1377. Following this episode was the Great Western Schism (1378-141 , during which opposing popes tried to rule. This ended with the Council of Constance, which deposed the popes and named Martin V (reigned 1417-31) as pope. In that time span of the early 1400s, 3 popes were trying to reign at the same time. This and other evidences give the Roman Catholic church in an inconsistent light.
14). 1 Peter 2:68 Jesus is the head of the corner, cornerstone, rock of offense (not Peter).
15).Acts 9:10-16 Jesus said he called Paul, not Peter to go before the Gentiles and preach the gospel also to the children of Israel. Peter preached to the Gentiles and Romans, but Paul was specifically called to preach to do this command.
16). 1 Timothy 4:1-4 Mandatory celibacy for the Pope is forbidden and is a doctrine of demons.
17). Isaiah 44:8 God is the only Rock, and there is no other. See also Isa. 8:14 saying God is a rock of offense.
1 . Deut. 32:31 Rock is shown as describing God alone also mentioned in Pslam 18:2.
19). Mat. 21:42 The cornerstone is Christ and Also Acts 5:29 says, We ought to obey God rather than man. (Magisterium, councils, decrees, Popes, etc.)
20). 2 Cor. 2:11 Paul isnt inferior to the other apostles, but equal. Equality of the apostles is definitely conceived. See also Gal. 1:12, 2:2-8.
21).Eph. 4:5 Christ is the one Lord to be acknowledged and also see Mt. 26:72-74 showing Peter denying the Lord. (Peter is just a normal sinner in need of salvation just like all people need salvation and equal to any other human being.) The Papal denotation of Peter is therefore unnecessary.
21). 1 Peter 5:1-4 I, your fellow presbyter (not being lords over Gods heritage). Papal subjection is void as a result. See also Isaiah 22:25. That verse mentioning the kings who had those keys was fallible and broke and fell. They temporary utilized the keys, but Christ eternally possesses the keys of David forever. See also Rev. 2:7, Rev. 1:8.
22). Heb. 13:20 Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep not the Pope.
23). Mt. 23:13, Luke 11:52, Rev. 9:1-2, Rev. 20:1-2 Other beings had keys to be used not Peter alone.
24). 1 Cor. 12:12-27 The members of the church are expressed by body parts, but Christ is its total, heavenly, and earthly head not Karol.
25).Mt. 16:23 Peter is called Satan by Christ showing his frailty and sinfulness devoid of Papal power. Popes are rarely rebuked in the Roman Catholic Church. In a manner of calling a Pope Satan by Catholic flock, Catholic believers can have a risk of being excommunicated, condemned as heretics, etc. by the intensity of it.
26). John 18:36 Christs kingdom isnt of this world, yet the Pope claims to be a temporal monarch of Vatican City. (Its in heaven not in the Vatican). See also Luke 17:20 proving that the kingdom of God is in heaven being spiritual. There is no earthly headquarters of the church ruled by a human vicar. Also see Exodus 17:6 calling God the Rock.
27). John 17:11 Holy Father is used for God the Father. Its blasphemy to call a man by Gods name. See also Rev. 15:4 and 1 Sam. 2:2.
2 . Acts 10:25-26 Peter refused Cornelius to bow to him, yet many popes are benefluented or bowed to by clergy and other people within the Roman Catholic Church. One example of this is new bishops in an ordination ceremony bowing before the Pope in St. Peters Basilica.
29). Heb. 7:26, Heb. 7:1-2, Rev. 1:5-6 Christ is the only King and High Priest. Christ paid taxes, yet the Pope is exempt from taxes. Christ is given a crown of thorns, but the Popes wear a triple crown (tiara). The contrasting actions of both individuals make the Papacy dissimilar to Christianity. In John 1:44, Gal. 2:9, 1 Cor. 9:5 Peter was not always mentioned first in the NT. In John he was named after Andrew, in Galatians, James is shown first, and in 1 Cor. He is named after the apostles, etc.
30). Rev. 3:7 The keys of David belong to Christ alone not Popes acting as supposed successors. See also 1 Peter 3:22 saying that Christ has full 100% authority over his church without Papal influence. In Matt. 23:10, Christ is the only Master with no Popes as masters.
31). 1 John 3:2 The Holy Spirit is our guide to bear witness to the Word of God not a pope, false church, church, or any anointed man. The Holy Spirit is enough for every single believer in Christ.
32). Mt. 20:25-26, Mark 10:42-43, and Luke 22:25-26 Servant hood is a Christian character and Popes are more in tuned with subjection plus a leadership, control-orientated influence exhibited to the followers of Romanism than servant hood.
33). Acts 15:1-22 The First Council of Jerusalem was presided over by James not Peter. In fact, Paul writes more NT books than Peter and explains the gospel more than Peter. Is Paul a Pope? No, just like Peter isnt by tons of evidence. Also see Isaiah 42:8 that makes its clear that all glory is not to be given to any Pope, but God alone.
34). Mt. 28:18-20 All authority is given unto Christ and not given to Popes. In fact Catholicism had many schisms or divisions like a). Donatist (311 AD.), b). Orthodox (1054 AD.), Reformation (1517 AD.), Sedecavantists (1870 and 1965 AD.), etc
35). Galatians 2:11-14 Paul rebuked Peter for his actions (Popes are rarely rebuked today especially in the past (i.e. Bulls presented by Popes are almost impossible to rebuke. Also in history, cardinals, archbishops, or any other clergy rarely rebukes popes in Catholicism.)
36). Mt. 8:20 Christ has no place to rest his head in his first coming, yet Karol (the pope) lives in a place surrounded by wealth and pomp. Even Mt. 21:42 say that Jesus is the only Rock (stone, cornerstone).
37). Rev. 2:6-15 God dislikes the Nicolaitine spirit of extreme controlling hierarchal systems with that kind of clergy and laity similar to Romanism.
3 . Acts 8:18-21 Peter would not take money, for not God would give freely. (Its the opposite of Ropes giving and receiving tons of money by indulgences, etc) There is nothing wrong with being rich, but can the Vatican sacrifice pompous palaces in exchange to create some reasonable actions like reforming and revising their religion.
39). Acts 1:15-26 A group decision decided who were to be an apostle not Peter solely. (That isnt Papal in most instances except in papal religious decrees or re-election of clergy).
40). 2 Samuel 22:32, Psalm 94:22, Psalm 18:31 God is the Rock not Peter.
41). Mt. 8:14, Luke 4:38, Mark 1:30, 1 Cor. 9:10 Peter has a wife (modern Popes dont). Also see Galatians 2:1-9 saying that the apostles are called pillars recognizing their equality to each other.
42). Rev. 2:12-17 Christ condemned the Pergamos church era by adding pagan rituals of Balaam similar to the Papacy adding pagan rituals over the centuries. (i.e. Rosary, Eucharist, Confirmation, image veneration, etc.)
43). 1 Peter 5:1-2 Peter calls himself and elder (not head apostle or Pope) and also John is called the elder in 2 John 1.
44). 1 Peter 5:4 Christ is the Chief Shepherd only. See also Rev. 21:14making mention of the foundations of New Jerusalem being 12 named after the 12 apostles making more references of equality to all of the apostles. Also Acts 1:21-22 says that the apostles had no successors, for to succeed them, one had to be a witness to Christs resurrection.
45). Luke 22:24-26, Matthew 18:1 An argument occurs with the apostles about who was the greatest. (Peter didnt expressively admit his supremacy to end the feud with the others, but Christ later called for servant-like statue among all apostles displaying even more equality.
46). John 10:11, 14-16 Jesus is the only good Shepherd. See also 2 Thes. 2:3-4. That verse says that one man like the Pope with so much exalting classifications even trying to call himself Vicar (substitute, or replacement of in Greek and Latin) Christ, which is supremely blasphemous, is like the Antichrist. Antichrist is divided into 1 prefix and 1 suffix, which are anti-, and -Christ making up just a word. Anti in Greek is Ante meaning substitute or in the place of. Add it together and Antichrist in Greek means someone who tries to substitute or take the place of Christ. Who is that individual? The Pope is an antichrist in that manner since he claims to be the representative of Christ and tries to takes Christs place (i.e. Pope Leo XIII in the l800s said We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty. How obvious is that, but the Pope is not the Antichrist of Revelation but like an antichrist who has blasphemous titles, false beliefs, etc. That real Antichrist according to the Bible and church leaders like Tertullian Justin Marytr, Hippolytus, etc believes its a man who will reign for 3 yrs, etc.) Many of the Reformers called the Pope The Antichrist because of the great immorality and degenerate religion of Catholicism. The Pope isnt the Antichrist because he is so blatant and the Bible says he will come as one man not many men. The Pope is most probably the False Prophet in the One World Religion system.
47). Acts 20:28 To feed the sheep is exhorted to all of the church not just Peter. See also Numbers 23:19 displaying that God alone is infallible in all judgments, decisions, etc. A Popes decrees are always subjected to Gods word. Many of the Papal decrees have error in it. (i.e. Bull Unum Sanctum of the 1302 by Pope Boniface VIII says every people must be subject to the Pope for salvation or the Syllabus of Errors in the 1800s condemning Bible societies, religious freedom, and even democracy.)
4 . Acts 6:1-4 The leadership of the church is automous (self-governing) under no denominational hierarchy. Also see 1 Peter 1:1 classifying himself as only an apostle (no bishop, Pope, or the head apostle).
49). John 1:42 Cephas means stone not Rock by Christs own words. See also Titus 1:5-9 showing that the human leader of any church is a Pastor or Bishop with deacons, etc not popes.
50). Timothy 3:15 The church is the pillar and ground of truth not the truth or the foundation. See also 1 Peter 2:4-8 presenting Jesus as the rock upon which the church is founded. Nowhere in the Bible would you find the Church called the Rock or the foundation but the pillar and ground of truth. God alone is the Rock and the unbreakable foundation.
51). Eph. 1:22-23/ Col. 1:18 The Papacy is forbidden and Christ receives all preeminence not Karol. Also see Romans 11:18-22 which Paul warned the church to be in faith or cut off being fallible, but Christs church will never let the gates of hell prevail over it.
52). Acts 14:27, 1 Cor. 16:9, 2 Cor 2:12 Doors are being opened by God using keys. (Not solely Peter can use keys as a steward.)
53). Mt. 23:9 Call no clergy Father in the spiritual term of the word for high religious significance within the church clergy. Therefore, it is forbidden to call a priest by that title as well. Father in the NT is only called for human offspring, lineage, or an important figure in the past at the OT. Certainly no clergy such as priests were called father in the NT.
54). Eph. 5:23-26 Christ is Head over a Pope being all-powerful and having full authority on heaven and on earth.
55). 3 John 9-11 Believers are subjected church-wise to church leaders as long as theyre in submission to God. Any contradicting church leader like a Pope is rejected. The church is therefore democratic and executive only in executing the word of God not legislative adding traditions that are contrary to Gods word. The church is special and important, but no church is above Gods word and any church that tries to contradict Gods word should be rejected and rebuked until the church changes, etc.
56). Mat. 10:16, Luke 10:3, Ezekiel 34:6, 1 Peter 2:25 Sheep are mentioned showing the faithful not necessarily showing clergy or pastors. (It includes all believers).
57). John 16:7-14, Mt. 16:18, Mt. 18:18, John 20:22,23, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4 When reading those verses you can find that all apostles received the Holy Spirit, had the same authority, and all received the same commission. If all apostles had the same duties, that represents equality for all apostles. Nowhere in the Bible would you find Peter being called Pontifex Maximus, Holy Father, Chief Apostle, Vicar of Christ, Pope, etc. You can never deduce that from Gods word or in the early church, but you can find that in Catholicism as a product of gradual development and additions of tons of tradition. Roman Catholicism is an addition tradition submission religion. Its nothing more or less.
5 . Acts 11:1-30 The Church was situated in the early era of Christianity at Jerusalem and Antioch as it main headquarters not Rome. Even those 2 cities didnt recognized themselves as being superior in religious jurisdiction to all other cities or areas at that time. Roman Catholicism believes that Rome was superior early on in papal primacy, but that isnt the case. Thats because there was no Pope, papal primacy, cardinal, archbishops, etc even existed in Christianity in its early existence anyway.
59). Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in man. (Catholic trusts the Pope to be infallible in faith and morals of his ex-cathedra declarations, etc.)
Igantius [The Mediator is Jesus Christ]
Yet it is not I, but the Lord Jesus through me; for whose sake being bound, I fear the more, for I am not yet perfect. But your prayer to God shall make me perfect, that I may attain that to which I have been called, while I flee to the Gospel as to the flesh of Jesus Christ, and to the apostles as the presbytery of the Church. I do also love the prophets as those who announced Christ, and as being partakers of the same Spirit with the apostles.
For as the false prophets and the false apostles drew [to themselves] one and the same wicked, deceitful, and seducing spirit; so also did the prophets and the apostles receive from God, through Jesus Christ, one and the same Holy Spirit, who is good, and sovereign, and true, and the Author of [saving] knowledge. For there is one God of the Old and New Testament,
"one Mediator between God and men," for the creation of both intelligent and sensitive beings, and in order to exercise a beneficial and suitable providence [over them]. There is also one Comforter, who displayed His power in Moses, and the prophets, and apostles. All the saints, therefore, were saved by Christ, hoping in Him, and waiting for Him; and they obtained through Him salvation, being holy ones, worthy of love and admiration, having testimony borne to them by Jesus Christ, in the Gospel of our common hope. (Letter to the Philadelphians, Chapter V, Longer Version)
Clement of Rome [Judgment and Obedience]
And in another place He speaks thus: "Wash you, and become clean; put away the wickedness of your souls from before mine eyes; cease from your evil ways, and learn to do well; seek out judgment, deliver the oppressed, judge the fatherless, and see that justice is done to the widow; and come, and let us reason together(The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Chapter
It is right and holy therefore, men and brethren, rather to obey God than to follow those who, through pride and sedition, have become the leaders of a detestable emulation. For we shall incur no slight injury, but rather great danger, if we rashly yield ourselves to the inclinations of men who aim at exciting strife and tumults, so as to draw us away from what is good (The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Chapter 14)
Council of Niceas 6th Canon (325 A.D.)
LET the ancient customs in Egypt, Libya and Pentapolis prevail, that
the Bishop of Alexandria have jurisdiction in all these, since the like is
customary for the Bishop of Rome also. Likewise in Antioch and the
other provinces, let the Churches retain their privileges. And this is to
be universally understood, that if any one be made bishop without the
consent of the Metropolitan, the great Synod has declared that such a
man ought not to be a bishop. If, however, two or three bishops shall
from natural love of contradiction, oppose the common suffrage of the
rest, it being reasonable and in accordance with the ecclesiastical law,
then let the choice of the majority prevail.
The 7th Council of Carthage Speech by Cyprian (200s)
It remains, that upon this same matter each of us should bring forward what we think, judging no man, nor rejecting any one from the right of communion, if he should think differently from us.
For neither does any of us set himself up as a bishop of bishops, nor by tyrannical terror does any compel his colleague to the necessity of obedience; since every bishop, according to the allowance of his liberty and power, has his own proper right of judgment, and can no more be judged by another than he himself can judge another. But let us all wait for the judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only one that has the power both of preferring us in the government of His Church, and of judging us in our conduct there
Apostolic Constitutions [ca. 4th century Priesthood of All Believers]
For we stand in need of a woman, a deaconess, for many necessities; and first in the baptism of women, the deacon shall anoint only their forehead with the holy oil, and after him the deaconess shall anoint them: for there is no necessity that the women should be seen by the men; but only in the laying on of hands the bishop shall anoint her head, as the priests and kings were formerly anointed, not because those which are now baptized are ordained priests, but as being Christians, or anointed, from Christ the Anointed, "a royal priesthood, and an holy nation, the Church of God, the pillar and ground of the marriage-chamber," who formerly were not a people, but now are beloved and chosen, upon whom is called His new name as Isaiah the prophet witnesses, saying: "And they shall Call the people by His new name, which the Lord shall name for them." (Book 3, Sec. 2)
Apostolic Constitutions [ca. 4th century Unlimited Atonement]
We also, following our teacher Christ, "who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe," are obliged to say that there are two ways-the one of life, the other of death; which have no comparison one with another, for they are very different, or rather entirely separate; and the way of life is that of nature, but that of death was afterwards introduced,-it not being according to the mind of God, but from the snares of the adversary. (The Apostolic Constitutions, Book VII, Sec. I)
The 35th Apostolic Canon (dated from the 2nd to 5th century):
The bishops of every country ought to know who is the chief among them and to esteem him as their head, and not to do any great thing without his consent; but everyone manage only the affairs that belong to his own parish, and the places subject to it. But let him not do anything without the consent of all; for it is by this means there will be unanimity, and God will be glorified by Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
Tertullian [Religious Liberty with no compulsion whatsoever]
However, it is a fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions: one man's religion neither harms nor helps another man. It is assuredly no part of religion to compel religion-to which free-will and not force should lead us-the sacrificial victims even being required of a willing mind. You will render no real service to your gods by compelling us to sacrifice. For they can have no desire of offerings from the unwilling, unless they are animated by a spirit of contention, which is a thing altogether undivine.
Accordingly the true God bestows His blessings alike on wicked men and on His own elect; upon which account He has appointed an eternal judgment, when both thankful and unthankful will have to stand before His bar. Yet you have never detected us-sacrilegious wretches though you reckon us to be-in any theft, far less in any sacrilege. But the robbers of your temples, all of them swear by your gods, and worship them; they are not Christians, and yet it is they who are found guilty of sacrilegious deeds (To Scapula, Chapter II)
Lactantius [Religious liberty]
There is no occasion for violence and injury, for religion cannot be imposed by force; the matter must be carried on by words rather than by blows, that the will may be affected. Let them unsheath the weapon of their intellect; if their system is true, let it be asserted. We are prepared to hear, if they teach; while they are silent, we certainly pay no credit to them, as we do not yield to them even in their rage. Let them imitate us in setting forth the system of the whole matter: for we do not entice, as they say; but we teach, we prove, we show. And thus no one is detained by us against his will, for he is unserviceable to God who is destitute of faith and devotedness; and yet no one departs from us, since the truth itself detains him.
Let them teach in this manner, if they have any confidence in the truth; let them speak, let them give utterance; let them venture, I say, to discuss with us something of this nature; and then assuredly their error and folly will be ridiculed by the old women, whom they despise, and by our boys. For, since they are especially clever, they know from books the race of the gods, and their exploits, and commands, and deaths, and tombs; they may also know that the rites themselves, in which they have been initiated, had their origin either in human actions, or in casualties, or in deaths.
It is the part of incredible madness to imagine that they are gods, whom they cannot deny to have been mortal; or if they should be So shameless as to deny it, their own writings, and those of their own people, will refute them; in short, the very beginnings of the sacred rites will convict them. They may know, therefore, even from this very thing, how great a difference there is between truth and falsehood; for they themselves with all their eloquence are unable to persuade, whereas the unskilled and the uneducated are able, because the matter itself and the truth speaks (Lactantius, Divine Institutes, Book 5)
Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.)
Following in all things the decisions of the holy Fathers, and acknowledging the canon, which has been just read, of the One Hundred and Fifty Bishops beloved-of-God (who assembled in the imperial city of Constantinople, which is New Rome, in the time of the Emperor Theodosius of happy memory), we also do enact and decree the same things concerning the privileges of the most holy Church of Constantinople, which is New Rome. For the Fathers rightly granted privileges to the throne of old Rome, because it was the royal city.
And the One Hundred and Fifty most religious Bishops, actuated by the same consideration, gave equal privileges (isa presbeia) to the most holy throne of New Rome, justly judging that the city which is honoured with the Sovereignty and the Senate, and enjoys equal privileges with the old imperial Rome, should in ecclesiastical matters also be magnified as she is, and rank next after her; so that, in the Pontic, the Asian, and the Thracian dioceses, the metropolitans only and such bishops also of the Dioceses aforesaid as are among the barbarians, should be ordained by the aforesaid most holy throne of the most holy Church of Constantinople;
every metropolitan of the aforesaid dioceses, together with the bishops of his province, ordaining his own provincial bishops, as has been declared by the divine canons; but that, as has been above said, the metropolitans of the aforesaid Dioceses should be ordained by the archbishop of Constantinople, after the proper elections have been held according to custom and have been reported to him. (Canon XXVIII)
Origen [Worship on the Queen of Heaven]
As we allege, however, that he has fallen into confusion in consequence of false notions which he has imbibed, come and let us point them out to the best of our ability, and show that although Celsus considers it to be a Jewish custom to bow down to the heaven and the angels in it, such a practice is not at all Jewish, but is in violation of Judaism, as it also is to do obeisance to sun, moon, and stars, as well as images.
You will find at least in the book of Jeremiah the words of God censuring by the mouth of the prophet the Jewish people for doing obeisance to such objects, and for sacrificing to the queen of heaven, and to all the host of heaven. The writings of the Christians, moreover, show, in censuring the sins committed among the Jews, that when God abandoned that people on account of certain sins, these sins (of idol-worship) also were committed by them.
For it is related in the Acts of the Apostles regarding the Jews, that "God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which you made to worship them (Against Celsus, Book V, Chapter VIII)
Basil of Caeserea [Unlimited Atonement]
All ye shall be offended because of me."23 Simeon therefore prophesies about Mary herself, that when standing by the cross, and beholding what is being done, and hearing the voices, after the witness of Gabriel, after her secret knowledge of the divine conception, after the great exhibition of miracles, she shall feel about her soul a mighty tempest.24
The Lord was bound to taste of death for every man-to become a propitiation for the world and to justify all men by His own blood. Even thou thyself, who hast been taught from on high the things concerning the Lord, shalt be reached by some doubt.
This is the sword. "That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." He indicates that after the offence at the Cross of Christ a certain swift healing shall come from the Lord to the disciples and to Mary herself, confirming their heart in faith in Him. In the same way we saw Peter, after he had been offended, holding more firmly to his faith in Christ. What was human in him was proved unsound, that the power of the Lord might be shewn. (Letter 260)
By TruthSeeker
9:10 am. EST
July 9, 2003
bye for now.
Igantius [The Mediator is Jesus Christ]
Yet it is not I, but the Lord Jesus through me; for whose sake being bound, I fear the more, for I am not yet perfect. But your prayer to God shall make me perfect, that I may attain that to which I have been called, while I flee to the Gospel as to the flesh of Jesus Christ, and to the apostles as the presbytery of the Church. I do also love the prophets as those who announced Christ, and as being partakers of the same Spirit with the apostles.
For as the false prophets and the false apostles drew [to themselves] one and the same wicked, deceitful, and seducing spirit; so also did the prophets and the apostles receive from God, through Jesus Christ, one and the same Holy Spirit, who is good, and sovereign, and true, and the Author of [saving] knowledge. For there is one God of the Old and New Testament,
"one Mediator between God and men," for the creation of both intelligent and sensitive beings, and in order to exercise a beneficial and suitable providence [over them]. There is also one Comforter, who displayed His power in Moses, and the prophets, and apostles. All the saints, therefore, were saved by Christ, hoping in Him, and waiting for Him; and they obtained through Him salvation, being holy ones, worthy of love and admiration, having testimony borne to them by Jesus Christ, in the Gospel of our common hope. (Letter to the Philadelphians, Chapter V, Longer Version)
Clement of Rome [Judgment and Obedience]
And in another place He speaks thus: "Wash you, and become clean; put away the wickedness of your souls from before mine eyes; cease from your evil ways, and learn to do well; seek out judgment, deliver the oppressed, judge the fatherless, and see that justice is done to the widow; and come, and let us reason together(The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Chapter
It is right and holy therefore, men and brethren, rather to obey God than to follow those who, through pride and sedition, have become the leaders of a detestable emulation. For we shall incur no slight injury, but rather great danger, if we rashly yield ourselves to the inclinations of men who aim at exciting strife and tumults, so as to draw us away from what is good (The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Chapter 14)
Council of Niceas 6th Canon (325 A.D.)
LET the ancient customs in Egypt, Libya and Pentapolis prevail, that
the Bishop of Alexandria have jurisdiction in all these, since the like is
customary for the Bishop of Rome also. Likewise in Antioch and the
other provinces, let the Churches retain their privileges. And this is to
be universally understood, that if any one be made bishop without the
consent of the Metropolitan, the great Synod has declared that such a
man ought not to be a bishop. If, however, two or three bishops shall
from natural love of contradiction, oppose the common suffrage of the
rest, it being reasonable and in accordance with the ecclesiastical law,
then let the choice of the majority prevail.
The 7th Council of Carthage Speech by Cyprian (200s)
It remains, that upon this same matter each of us should bring forward what we think, judging no man, nor rejecting any one from the right of communion, if he should think differently from us.
For neither does any of us set himself up as a bishop of bishops, nor by tyrannical terror does any compel his colleague to the necessity of obedience; since every bishop, according to the allowance of his liberty and power, has his own proper right of judgment, and can no more be judged by another than he himself can judge another. But let us all wait for the judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only one that has the power both of preferring us in the government of His Church, and of judging us in our conduct there
Apostolic Constitutions [ca. 4th century Priesthood of All Believers]
For we stand in need of a woman, a deaconess, for many necessities; and first in the baptism of women, the deacon shall anoint only their forehead with the holy oil, and after him the deaconess shall anoint them: for there is no necessity that the women should be seen by the men; but only in the laying on of hands the bishop shall anoint her head, as the priests and kings were formerly anointed, not because those which are now baptized are ordained priests, but as being Christians, or anointed, from Christ the Anointed, "a royal priesthood, and an holy nation, the Church of God, the pillar and ground of the marriage-chamber," who formerly were not a people, but now are beloved and chosen, upon whom is called His new name as Isaiah the prophet witnesses, saying: "And they shall Call the people by His new name, which the Lord shall name for them." (Book 3, Sec. 2)
Apostolic Constitutions [ca. 4th century Unlimited Atonement]
We also, following our teacher Christ, "who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe," are obliged to say that there are two ways-the one of life, the other of death; which have no comparison one with another, for they are very different, or rather entirely separate; and the way of life is that of nature, but that of death was afterwards introduced,-it not being according to the mind of God, but from the snares of the adversary. (The Apostolic Constitutions, Book VII, Sec. I)
The 35th Apostolic Canon (dated from the 2nd to 5th century):
The bishops of every country ought to know who is the chief among them and to esteem him as their head, and not to do any great thing without his consent; but everyone manage only the affairs that belong to his own parish, and the places subject to it. But let him not do anything without the consent of all; for it is by this means there will be unanimity, and God will be glorified by Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
Tertullian [Religious Liberty with no compulsion whatsoever]
However, it is a fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions: one man's religion neither harms nor helps another man. It is assuredly no part of religion to compel religion-to which free-will and not force should lead us-the sacrificial victims even being required of a willing mind. You will render no real service to your gods by compelling us to sacrifice. For they can have no desire of offerings from the unwilling, unless they are animated by a spirit of contention, which is a thing altogether undivine.
Accordingly the true God bestows His blessings alike on wicked men and on His own elect; upon which account He has appointed an eternal judgment, when both thankful and unthankful will have to stand before His bar. Yet you have never detected us-sacrilegious wretches though you reckon us to be-in any theft, far less in any sacrilege. But the robbers of your temples, all of them swear by your gods, and worship them; they are not Christians, and yet it is they who are found guilty of sacrilegious deeds (To Scapula, Chapter II)
Lactantius [Religious liberty]
There is no occasion for violence and injury, for religion cannot be imposed by force; the matter must be carried on by words rather than by blows, that the will may be affected. Let them unsheath the weapon of their intellect; if their system is true, let it be asserted. We are prepared to hear, if they teach; while they are silent, we certainly pay no credit to them, as we do not yield to them even in their rage. Let them imitate us in setting forth the system of the whole matter: for we do not entice, as they say; but we teach, we prove, we show. And thus no one is detained by us against his will, for he is unserviceable to God who is destitute of faith and devotedness; and yet no one departs from us, since the truth itself detains him.
Let them teach in this manner, if they have any confidence in the truth; let them speak, let them give utterance; let them venture, I say, to discuss with us something of this nature; and then assuredly their error and folly will be ridiculed by the old women, whom they despise, and by our boys. For, since they are especially clever, they know from books the race of the gods, and their exploits, and commands, and deaths, and tombs; they may also know that the rites themselves, in which they have been initiated, had their origin either in human actions, or in casualties, or in deaths.
It is the part of incredible madness to imagine that they are gods, whom they cannot deny to have been mortal; or if they should be So shameless as to deny it, their own writings, and those of their own people, will refute them; in short, the very beginnings of the sacred rites will convict them. They may know, therefore, even from this very thing, how great a difference there is between truth and falsehood; for they themselves with all their eloquence are unable to persuade, whereas the unskilled and the uneducated are able, because the matter itself and the truth speaks (Lactantius, Divine Institutes, Book 5)
Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.)
Following in all things the decisions of the holy Fathers, and acknowledging the canon, which has been just read, of the One Hundred and Fifty Bishops beloved-of-God (who assembled in the imperial city of Constantinople, which is New Rome, in the time of the Emperor Theodosius of happy memory), we also do enact and decree the same things concerning the privileges of the most holy Church of Constantinople, which is New Rome. For the Fathers rightly granted privileges to the throne of old Rome, because it was the royal city.
And the One Hundred and Fifty most religious Bishops, actuated by the same consideration, gave equal privileges (isa presbeia) to the most holy throne of New Rome, justly judging that the city which is honoured with the Sovereignty and the Senate, and enjoys equal privileges with the old imperial Rome, should in ecclesiastical matters also be magnified as she is, and rank next after her; so that, in the Pontic, the Asian, and the Thracian dioceses, the metropolitans only and such bishops also of the Dioceses aforesaid as are among the barbarians, should be ordained by the aforesaid most holy throne of the most holy Church of Constantinople;
every metropolitan of the aforesaid dioceses, together with the bishops of his province, ordaining his own provincial bishops, as has been declared by the divine canons; but that, as has been above said, the metropolitans of the aforesaid Dioceses should be ordained by the archbishop of Constantinople, after the proper elections have been held according to custom and have been reported to him. (Canon XXVIII)
Origen [Worship on the Queen of Heaven]
As we allege, however, that he has fallen into confusion in consequence of false notions which he has imbibed, come and let us point them out to the best of our ability, and show that although Celsus considers it to be a Jewish custom to bow down to the heaven and the angels in it, such a practice is not at all Jewish, but is in violation of Judaism, as it also is to do obeisance to sun, moon, and stars, as well as images.
You will find at least in the book of Jeremiah the words of God censuring by the mouth of the prophet the Jewish people for doing obeisance to such objects, and for sacrificing to the queen of heaven, and to all the host of heaven. The writings of the Christians, moreover, show, in censuring the sins committed among the Jews, that when God abandoned that people on account of certain sins, these sins (of idol-worship) also were committed by them.
For it is related in the Acts of the Apostles regarding the Jews, that "God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which you made to worship them (Against Celsus, Book V, Chapter VIII)
Basil of Caeserea [Unlimited Atonement]
All ye shall be offended because of me."23 Simeon therefore prophesies about Mary herself, that when standing by the cross, and beholding what is being done, and hearing the voices, after the witness of Gabriel, after her secret knowledge of the divine conception, after the great exhibition of miracles, she shall feel about her soul a mighty tempest.24
The Lord was bound to taste of death for every man-to become a propitiation for the world and to justify all men by His own blood. Even thou thyself, who hast been taught from on high the things concerning the Lord, shalt be reached by some doubt.
This is the sword. "That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." He indicates that after the offence at the Cross of Christ a certain swift healing shall come from the Lord to the disciples and to Mary herself, confirming their heart in faith in Him. In the same way we saw Peter, after he had been offended, holding more firmly to his faith in Christ. What was human in him was proved unsound, that the power of the Lord might be shewn. (Letter 260)
By TruthSeeker
9:10 am. EST
July 9, 2003
bye for now.
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