Friday, November 21, 2008

Pro Life Manna





Not "Bush 3", But "Clinton 3"

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  1. Hillary, Secretary of State
  2. Gregory B. Craig, President Bill Clinton's impeachment lawyer, now White House counsel (Obama's chief lawyer).
  3. Rahm Emanuel, former senior Clinton White House veteran, now Obama's White House chief of staff.
  4. Mona Sutphen, former special assistant to Bill Clinton's National-Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, now Obama deputy chief of staff. (You remember--and for Democrats who knew, have conveniently forgotten) Sandy Berger? He was the one who stole state secrets he wasn't allowed access to and then lied about it, then pleaded guilty and avoided jail time (naturally!) by paying a piddling $50,000 fine and was disallowed access to state secrets from his conviction in 2005 till, oh, look at that, 2008, this year? He'll probably get some kind of Obama-payback job very soon, even if not directly in the White House, in exchange for not writing his tell-all book about the whole affair.
  5. Ron Klain, top aide to Clinton's Vice President Al Gore, now Vice President-elect Joe Biden's chief of staff.
  6. Eric Holder, "former deputy attorney general from 1997 to the end of President Bill Clinton's administration", likely Obama attorney general.
  7. And then there's "one of President-elect Barack Obama's closest foreign-policy advisers", Susan Rice:
    "Spencer Ackerman of the left-liberal Washington Independent profiles Susan Rice, an assistant secretary of state in the Clinton administration...
    'Her record was not without its blemishes. According to human-rights expert Samantha Power's study of the U.S. reaction to genocide, "A Problem From Hell," Rice didn't distinguish herself in the Clinton administration's lax response to the Rwandan genocide of 1994. As an Africa expert on the NSC, she shocked an interagency conference call by interjecting domestic politics into the discussion of the administration's policy options.
    "If we use the word 'genocide,' " Rice allegedly asked her colleagues, "and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November [congressional] election?" . . .
    'About Rwanda, Rice later told Power, "I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required," which might explain Rice's passion about Darfur.
    "Over at the left-liberal American Prospect, Adam Serwer comments: 'Obviously not Dr. Rice's proudest moment, but I think it speaks well of her that she is able to learn from her mistakes.'"


"Prolifers don't care about women, and they don't care about babies once they're born.

It is "abortion providers" who do not provide support for women choosing anything but abortion.

When you hear abortion providers talk about the help they offer women, ask them: "If a fifteen-year-old girl comes into your clinic with no money, no one to help her, no home to go to, and no desire to have an abortion, what services does your facility provide for her?" The answer is always the same---none. Abortion advocates don't offer help. They offer abortion, and then only to those who can pay their price.

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