Thursday, November 27, 2008
Troy on Religion
You make two fundamental errors:
1: You confuse Satan’s Roman Catholicism with true Bible-believing Christianity.
2: You are under the misapprehension that Christians are under Mosaic law still.
To explicate the second point first, I will quote you from a letter that I received from Eric Jon Phelps, author of “Vatican Assassins”, who studied for five years at Lancaster Bible College:
“We are under no part of the Mosaic Law given to Israel including the 10 commandments (Romans 6:14; Galatians 2:16)
On the Day of Penetcost, a new dispensation began which maxims would be fully developed by the steward of the new dispensation, the apostle Paul.
The inspired writings of the apostle Paul are the foundation for the New Testament Church/Assembly composed of both Jews and Gentiles on an equal footing in one Body of Christ. This dispensation of grace (Ephesians 3:2) exists during this present evil age (Gal. 1:4).
This age began with the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1) and will end with the appearing of Christ for the dead and living bodies of his saints (I Thess. 4:13-18). This imminent appearing of Christ is before the 70th week of Daniel as the Body of Christ did not exist either in the first 483 years of Dan. 9:24-26, nor will it exist in the last seven years of that prophecy (Dan. 9:27). This age is a mystery entirely kept secret in the Old Testament but revealed to the Apostle Paul (Ephesians 3:4-8; Romans 16:25).
This is no paradox or rather a contradiction in scripture. We are merely rightly dividing the word of truth as we read the scripture literally withoug adding any private interpretation on our part.
Jesus was and is the steward for the re-established geopolical-international theocracy of the kingdom of David. That kingdom is called the “dispensation of the fulness of times” (Eph. 1:10). Paul is the steward for the “dispensation of the grace of God” during which the Church which is the Body of Christ now exists. There is no contradiction as two different dispensations with different rules can exist at the same time during the same age.”
To add to my statement of your error regarding what is & isn’t true Christianity: Rome did not create Christianity, it created a false Christianity, a counterfeit, just as it created Islam for people of colour. The same Islam that sold slaves to the European slave traders. Rome had also infiltrated Protestant Britain since the time of George III. Overwhelmingly, what you call Christianity is in fact Romanism.
Your copying & pasting one of (I presume) your own earlier blogs, gives the impression that I can make no peace with the Muslim people. That is not the case, we can come together to fight the Vatican-led Illuminati’s New World Order agenda, but not to mix faith. We then must seperate as our faiths are incompatible, with the Muslim faith being, as you have shown, entirely hostile to Christianity.
The anti-Christian Vatican & her puppets “Skull & Bones” Bush, “now openly Catholic future premiere Euro President” Blair, & his Masonic brother “unelected Prime Minister” Brown & their future successors are not Christians, they are - in Bush’s case - Knights of Eulogia, & - in the latter pair’s case - 33rd degree Freemasons. To quote Wikipedia “Strasbourg is the seat of several European institutions such as the Council of Europe with its European Court of Human Rights, its European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and its European Audiovisual Observatory, the Eurocorps as well as the European Parliament and the European Ombudsman of the European Union.”
No coincidence that - as we see at - Strasbourg’s place i high-level Masonry: “The Centre of Liaison and Information of Masonic Powers Signatories of Strasbourg Appeal (CLIPSAS) is an international organization of Masonic jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are considered irregular by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and most other Anglo-Saxon Grand Lodges because they accept women, or do not require Masons to have a belief in a Supreme Being. CLIPSAS was created in Strasbourg France on 22 January 1961, at the initiative of the Grand Orient de France and eleven Sovereign Masonic Powers. The Grand Lodges issued the Strasbourg appeal, with the goal to establish fraternal relations and the recognition of Absolute Liberty of Conscience.” The last statement referring to themselves & not you, you can be sure of that!
The EU was the creation of the Jesuits, & Jesuit priests created the Maastricht treaty. Do the homework.
In no way do I blame Muslims for 9/11, although Arab leaders & manipulators like Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the House of Saud, the late Yasser Arafat - to name but a few - are all controlled by the Jesuits & Knights of Malta via Grand Orient Freemasonry. For crying out loud, the P.L.O. has had an office within the Vatican since 1994! See:
Without doubt, Jesuit-trained S.M.O.M. Knight of Malta 9/11 C-I-A director George J. Tenet & his many accomplices were acting on orders originating in Rome. Knight of Malta Giuliani also played a key role. This was an extension of the 20th Century postwar Operation Gladio Strategy of Tension. Ask Francesco Cossiga, he should know!
4.10.08 / 2am
Not entirely sure what you are inending to convey with your Nineveh statement.
We have some Biblical context for Nineveh:
by Wayne Blank
During the 1991 Gulf War against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, many ancient cities were shown on news maps. Among them was Nineveh.
Nineveh Nineveh was located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River in northeastern Mesopotamia (Iraq). It flourished from about 800 to 610 B.C. as the capital of the Assyrian empire (see Ancient Empires - Assyria). It is first mentioned in the Bible back in Genesis as being founded by Nimrod (Genesis 10:9-12).
During its time of power, the Assyrian empire conquered the northern Israelite kingdom of Israel, with their capital at Samaria, and transported them away into captivity. Unlike the southern Israelite kingdom of Judah, with their capital at Jerusalem Fact File, they never returned, and became known as the “Lost Ten Tribes” of Israel. The Assyrians themselves eventually were lost, although some identify their descendants as being in central Europe today.
Nineveh was the city that the reluctant prophet Jonah was sent to by God. Jonah did not want to go, so he ran away. However, after a famous adventure with a whale at sea he accepted what he was to do - get the people of Nineveh to repent of their evil. He went, and was successful. The photo shows the remains of the gate of ancient Nineveh where Jonah entered the city (Jonah 3:4).
Jonah however still was not happy because he did not very much like the Assyrians because of all of the harm that they had inflicted upon Israel. He was hoping that they would refuse to repent so that God would destroy them. He may well have been the only prophet in history that hoped that his ministry would fail!
Eventually, the Assyrian empire declined and fell. It was overtaken by the Persian (see Ancient Empires - Persia) and Babylonian (see King Nebuchadnezzar) empires who were themselves just then on the rise. Today, Nineveh is just a vast stretch of ancient ruins.
Fact Finder: How many people in Nineveh did Jonah convince to repent?
(a) 120 (b) 1,200 (c) 12,000 (d) 120,000
Jonah 4:11″
Was there something there that you were alluding too?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Videos about Jordan Maxwell
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
No problem "bovvered", glad to see that I made myself clear.
I'm going to post this in two halves as I keep getting this 403/404 message when I post it complete. I have just tested this half to see if it "previews", which it does.
Okay, please bear with me, as I'm going to reply to your question, but also add some additional food for thought as to what the ingredients are that will form the New World Religion. So prepare for a bit of a tangent. In fact I have thought of some additional info that I may post later, but this shall suffice for now. There were other points that Fraser touched on, but I wasn't taking notes & so I'll discuss the main point that I was referring to & the one that I can recall for now.
Ivan Fraser brought out that now-fashionable New Age line about the "suppression of the Sacred Feminine" or some such phrasing. I don't recall his exact words but he was essentially presaging a general trend (no doubt informed via his proof-reading of that British Intelligence Aquarian Agent, David "Aqua" Icke) that has now snowballed to the extent that my ex-girlfriend (who is as Profane as the day is long) even trotted out the last time that I spoke with her a couple of years ago.
This "suppression of the goddess" business that has appeared over the past decade or so via authors pushing the whole Mary Magdalene business (Margaret Starbird, et al) & has reached some kind of critical mass seeding via Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" was helped along to large degree in conspiracy circles via the likes of Icke. It's complete counterintelligence-fed bunkum. The Roman Catholic religion should really be called "Mariolatry" (which it is sometimes by those of us outside of it that are aware of its true nature), due to it obsession with the Goddess figure (perhaps rivalled only by its John the Baptist fetish).
The Mary & baby Jesus of Catholicism is Isis & baby Horus & the obsession with idolatry of things like the image of Christ on the Cross is pure Paganism. None of this is Christian, nor is Easter & Christmas. The problem is that Rome has taken a patent out on the term Christianity while doing its best for the better part of two millennium trying to annihilate Christians & destroy Christianity.
The following is a reasonable overview of Rome's genocide against true Christians:
"The Catholic Inquisition and The Tools of Torture" (58 minutes)
The theme song is a little dire, so try not to let that put you off it too much.
Anyway, without getting too off topic, we can say that if the New World Order is about anything other than complete control, it is about bringing in a New World Religion. That religion will almost certainly be hierarchical (like that of Rome & other False "Christian" "Churches" (or institutions, plain & simple) & have its roots (for the Higher Initiates) in the New Age, Theosophy, Masonry, Rosicrucianism & Roman Catholicism & I would suggest that it in its Outer Portico, its interface for the Profane it would even merge with Islam. Of course this would require a Third World War & the virtual traditional Islam, non-Catholic Christianity & Torah-based, non-Talmudic Judaism. But its no secret in many quarters that this has been planned for a very long time. It would be ruled by the Babylonian Brotherhood Vatican elite from Jerusalem & then Babylon rebuilt, following a false flag attack on Rome & on the Dome of the Rock & the Al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount, paving the way for the Third Temple (& an all out war against traditional Islam).
Mariolatry/Isis/Goddess-worship will be a major part pf this New World Religion I contend, as it has been for the past two millennia at least in Rome & before that in Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, etc...
So it is this "we must bring back the Sacred Feminine" petition for Goddess-worship that is in reality yet another devious Jesuit scheme to reinstall open Isis worship & get this whole problematic Mariolatry facade out into the open, now that they & the other agents of the Mother of All Harlots, Mystery Babylon, Rome have almost entirely succeeded in their hijacking of Christianity, particularly since World War Two & their almost total infiltration & emasculation of Protestant Churches either via their own direct covert agents or via Jesuit/Vatican-loyal high-level Freemasons like Biily Graham & pat Robertson & vast number of other lesser known assets.
The more that we fall for this Jesuitical campaign for "the Goddess," the more we are really campaigning for Mariolatry & a new Vatican World Religion - which you can bet your bottom dollar (as they say) will be no more liberating for m,an, woman nor beast than the present one, despite promise of the psy-ops. What's worse will be having Oprah Winfrey as the new High Priestess of the World!
We may laugh, but she's definitely being groomed for some similar role & does have her own rapidly-growing sect - designed by the Jesuits, of that you can be sure, for they invented the New Age, via Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French Jesuit, philosopher and paleontologist, although the term itself predates him & has a wider, if more covert meaning.
Alberto Rivera's contention that Cardinal Bea had instructed him during his time with the Jesuits in the 1960's that the Vatican created Islam is, I feel, absolutely correct. There has been a campaign to debunk this material & Zagami argues that Cardinal Bea fed Rivera disinfo, but I disagree & think that Zagami has been fed disinfo in the past from Vatican sources on this being the case, as they try to implement damage limitation caused by Rivera's whistle blowing.
You can read a comic book rendition of Rivera's account here:
This was one of six such publications that utilise this format, which admittedly doesn't particularly bolster the intellectual credibility factor, but proved most effective in reaching a wider audience.
Rivera never recanted his story until his death, which has been alleged to have been assassination via poisoning. His wife has been interviewed a number of times & supports his story, as does Gerard Bouffard, claimed former Bishop of Guatemala, who of course has been written out of the Roman Catholic Institution's annals & attacked on the internet.
Eric Phelps posted me the following about Bouffard when I asked about him (my additions in parentheses):
Quote: |
Dear Troy, I know Gerard personally and visited him in Quebec. I saw his broken Bishop's ring, his KoC [Knights of Columbus] sword and he pointed out the RCC [Roman Catholic church] that hosted Masonic proceedings, one on a hill he pointed out to me when we were traveling on the road. He is the real deal and has been threatened never to go on Greg's [Greg Szymanski's Investigative Journal] show again. Sincerely in faith, Brother Eric |
A superb & fascinating two-hour interview (in two parts) with Bouffard from September 21, 2006 can be found at the following links:
Friday, November 21, 2008
LBJ benefited the most from the assassination of President Kennedy. We now know without doubt that the Zapruder film was forged, the autopsy photographs do not match the X-Rays, Witnesses at Bethesda and Dallas' Parkland hospital both say the back of JFK's head was blown out. Who had the Power to alter evidence like this and then seal it until we are all dead? Only LBJ and FBI Director Hoover. This is the darkest day in American History and the repercussions continue to today.
These lies won't go away until the average American when hearing the name of Lyndon Baines Johnson thinks, oh yes, the VP who killed Kennedy and hijacked our legal system, the government and the press to to disguise a banana republic coup into a murder mystery.
There's no mystery here: LBJ killed Kennedy with a simple scheme: Set up one of the players who was trying to kill Castro and use the organization to kill JFK. Oswald was just like he said, a patsy who was supposed to die on Nov 22. Jack Ruby had to kill him two days later.
A simple story that they aren't going to tell you the answer, they can't. The U.S. Government will forever be tarnished by this lie, along with the press and our corrupt legal system.
It was a simple murder. Stop believing the hogwash that we'll never know for sure.
Category: News & Politics
Pro Life Manna
Not "Bush 3", But "Clinton 3"
- Hillary, Secretary of State
- Gregory B. Craig, President Bill Clinton's impeachment lawyer, now White House counsel (Obama's chief lawyer).
- Rahm Emanuel, former senior Clinton White House veteran, now Obama's White House chief of staff.
- Mona Sutphen, former special assistant to Bill Clinton's National-Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, now Obama deputy chief of staff. (You remember--and for Democrats who knew, have conveniently forgotten) Sandy Berger? He was the one who stole state secrets he wasn't allowed access to and then lied about it, then pleaded guilty and avoided jail time (naturally!) by paying a piddling $50,000 fine and was disallowed access to state secrets from his conviction in 2005 till, oh, look at that, 2008, this year? He'll probably get some kind of Obama-payback job very soon, even if not directly in the White House, in exchange for not writing his tell-all book about the whole affair.
- Ron Klain, top aide to Clinton's Vice President Al Gore, now Vice President-elect Joe Biden's chief of staff.
- Eric Holder, "former deputy attorney general from 1997 to the end of President Bill Clinton's administration", likely Obama attorney general.
- And then there's "one of President-elect Barack Obama's closest foreign-policy advisers", Susan Rice:
"Spencer Ackerman of the left-liberal Washington Independent profiles Susan Rice, an assistant secretary of state in the Clinton administration...
'Her record was not without its blemishes. According to human-rights expert Samantha Power's study of the U.S. reaction to genocide, "A Problem From Hell," Rice didn't distinguish herself in the Clinton administration's lax response to the Rwandan genocide of 1994. As an Africa expert on the NSC, she shocked an interagency conference call by interjecting domestic politics into the discussion of the administration's policy options.
"Over at the left-liberal American Prospect, Adam Serwer comments: 'Obviously not Dr. Rice's proudest moment, but I think it speaks well of her that she is able to learn from her mistakes.'""If we use the word 'genocide,' " Rice allegedly asked her colleagues, "and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November [congressional] election?" . . .
'About Rwanda, Rice later told Power, "I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required," which might explain Rice's passion about Darfur.
"[F]or allegedly not knowing [that Africa is a continent], Sarah Palin got pilloried. Only as the New York Times reports, the story turned out to be a hoax. Or at least part of it did:'It was among the juicier post-election recriminations: Fox News Channel quoted an unnamed McCain campaign figure as saying that Sarah Palin did not know that Africa was a continent."Who would say such a thing? On Monday the answer popped up on a blog and popped out of the mouth of David Shuster, an MSNBC anchor. "Turns out it was Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, who has come forward today to identify himself as the source of the leaks," Mr. Shuster said.
'Trouble is, Martin Eisenstadt doesn't exist. His blog does, but it's a put-on. The think tank where he is a senior fellow--the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy--is just a Web site. The TV clips of him on YouTube are fakes.
'And the claim of credit for the Africa anecdote is just the latest ruse by Eisenstadt, who turns out to be a very elaborate hoax that has been going on for months. MSNBC, which quickly corrected the mistake, has plenty of company in being taken in by an Eisenstadt hoax, including The New Republic and The Los Angeles Times.
'An MSNBC spokesman, Jeremy Gaines, explained the network's misstep by saying someone in the newsroom received the Palin item in an e-mail message from a colleague and assumed it had been checked out. "It had not been vetted," he said. "It should not have made air."'[MY NOTE: Wow, and that's exactly what they accuse us pajamamedia bloggers of doing, isn't it?]
"We tracked down the Web site of the Harding Institute, which describes the organization as "a Washington-area think-tank in the truest sense of the words"--i.e., a place where people think about getting tanked. The Associated Press, though is careful to keep score on just what is a hoax and what isn't:
'The hoax was limited to the identity of the source in the story about Palin--not the FOX News story itself. While Palin has denied that she mistook Africa for a country, the veracity of that report was not put in question by the revelation that Eisenstadt is a phony.'"Because, after all, there are 6.6 billion people in the world, and just because Eisenstadt isn't the source doesn't mean one of the other 6,599,999,999 isn't."
David Shuster and all of MSNBC, all the above-mentioned other news outlets, and bloggers at the New Republic, Los Angeles Times and Huffington Post, were all fooled and many of them were even forewarned that Eisenstadt wasn't a real person, numerous times, yet they all were duped and ran the "story."
So far, no one has found any "real" Martin Eisenstadt. Never mind one who was a McCain adviser.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold: your beloved news media at its "best." And yes, I include Fox News in that too as they were just as duped.
When will the liberals ever start questioning what they get on the TV and print news? When will they ever start reading deeper and on both sides, seeking truth?
What will it take? An atom bomb?
"Prolifers don't care about women, and they don't care about babies once they're born.
It is "abortion providers" who do not provide support for women choosing anything but abortion.
When you hear abortion providers talk about the help they offer women, ask them: "If a fifteen-year-old girl comes into your clinic with no money, no one to help her, no home to go to, and no desire to have an abortion, what services does your facility provide for her?" The answer is always the same---none. Abortion advocates don't offer help. They offer abortion, and then only to those who can pay their price.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Covert Ups
by John Gunter
The information in this document, you may use to post anywhere you wish. My request is that you do not alter the contents, but provide it as is. I know there are professional people who would cut and paste at will to make me say something I didn't. I suppose I am not a "public" figure, so at this time, it won't pose as much of a threat. Also, Please don't post it somewhere it does not belong, like under computer programming or something which is not even close to relating to this. Thank You!!!!!
Just to let you know what I am ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I am not anti-government at all. I am not anti American nor anti-American government. I pay my taxes. I don't agree with how all my tax money is being spent, but I still pay them.. not out of fear, but out of true reverence for the just purpose and design of government. Some of this material speaks of certain governmental agencies. For the most part, names have been left off except for a couple of places. I in no way encourage flat-out rebellion against government. I do feel a need, however, to expose evil cover-ups. I know for a fact, for example, that not every person working for the CIA is evil. The same is true for the military, FBI, IRS, and any other Federal or State Agency. It can be an honor to work for government if you are honest, sincere, and desire to truly serve people. I personally have worked for the government before, and some of the nicest people I've met worked there as well.
Just a bit of info on surveillance:
Maybe you know this already, but:
1. Most Televisions from early '90s to present are equipped with 2 way communication capabilities. The cable TV connection in the wall is a standard coax computer networking cable and provides a way for others to see into your home even though you are unaware of it. see also: Black Boxes and Marble Memorials, Cable T. V. Snooping
2. Post mid - '80 automobiles are designed with a computer chip which can be controlled remotely via satellite. If desired, individual as well as massive automobile shutdown in a city could be accomplished. (Your vin # is recorded and connected with your name) See Clinton's secret war games
3. The satellites which are called low earth orbiting satellites can read a postage stamp on a tennis court.
4. The computer system called the B.E.A.S.T.S. in Brussels, Belgium records ATM and debit card transactions within 57 seconds. It is known what you bought and where you bought it. B.E.A.S.T.S. stands for Brussels Electronic Accounting Surveillance Terminal Systems. It is a Cray Super Computer. See The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666
5. Anything greater than a $5 dollar bill with a date of 1992 or above has a metallic strip running through it. You can see this strip if you hold it up to the light. The technology is in place for someone with the correct equipment to drive by your home with a special scanner and know approximately how much money you have in your home. It was placed there under a partial truth as a way to track drug money, but in reality serves other purposes, since all nations of the world have the same strip in them. (The computers don't care what country or what picture is on the money, they still register the same numbers)
6. The Black helicopters which fly overhead are surveillance helicopters which use infra-red scanning and can see through your house. They are illegal helicopters according to US law, for legal helicopters MUST have positively marked identification on the bottom of them. These do not. BLACK HELICOPTERS EXIST
7. Polar icecaps have been tampered with by elitists in this world and it has caused tremendous weather shifts world- wide. See HAARP Index: Hard Truth / Wake Up America
8. Since the 1960's, lasers have been used to create electro- magnetic fields in the atmosphere in order to control weather by pulling weather fronts to desired locations. HAARP Index: Hard Truth / Wake Up America
9. In 1992, it was displayed on the agenda of the Eco-earth summit meeting in RIO DE JANEIRO by the "elite" wealthy, world government officials that the present attempts to cut the world population was not sufficient... That the Earth's population MUST be cut to 2 billion by the year 2000 at WHATEVER THE COST. Have you ever wondered about some of these new diseases that all of a sudden spring up out of nowhere???? Well, Why not just wipe out an entire continent? How about Africa?? The cruelty of these wicked, filthy people knows no bounds!!! The Timeline of Population Control
10. As soon as they ("the elite") have a green light, a world- wide economic crash is planned in order to force a one world government. Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government
11. It has been developed and is ready to be implemented: a positive identification mark (a computer chip about the size of a grain of rice) to be inserted into every man, woman and child on the planet. This will eventually replace debit and credit cards. We are being prepared slowly to this by the introduction of microchips in pets as well as prisoners and babies (so they can't be lost). This would make every man, woman, and child track-able by satellite. see also: THE SKINCODE
Just some information for you: 1 1/2 million dollars was spent by a medical center on the east coast which was part of this United Nations project with unlimited funding to determine where on the body this microchip was to be implanted. It just so happened that the microchip is recharged by a lithium battery. Lithium is sensitive to heat change. This is what causes the recharging to occur. After this research, they discovered that which mothers new all along ... that temperature rises and drops the most on the back of the hand, and on the forehead. As a result, the decision was made to implant this coming microchip either on the back of the hand or on the fore- head. The right hand was chosen because most people are right handed. Food for thought is Revelation 13 in the Bible. Maybe the Bible was right after all.
12 This happens to be ONE of their best and most covered up secrets:
Since the 1950's, the CIA/DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) FBI, KGB, and other World organizations have taken abused children and placed them into the most sophisticated mind control program thought possible whereby personalities were split through carefully planned near-death torture until literal slaves were created with personalities which could be used for drug-running, prostitution, espionage, assassinations, political-favors to name a few. Hundreds of thousands of people in US alone are "asleep" in society waiting to be accessed by these WICKED, FILTHY human beings! They live in all walks of life: doctors, lawyers, computer programmers, nurses, governmental positions to name a few. The Illuminati: How The Cults Program People, by Svali: Index
Many of you reading this have heard of Multiple Personalities, or Multiple personality disorder. The sick cover-up is that almost ALL of those with this problem were planned deviously by these "elitists" in the world. You may ask, "How come this information doesn't get out?" The answer is because these same people control almost all of the publishing companies. They control almost ALL major newspapers as well as Banks as well as News stations.
As your own personal project, find out some of the organizations which the major news anchormen belong to and then discover who the leaders of these organizations are, and you will find out why these people don't talk.... their bosses won't let them!!! Like the one man who ALMOST succeeded in getting the Federal Reserve System. audited.... OOPS!! that flight 007 over USSR which he was on just happened to "look like" a fighter plane ... Too bad... it got shot down...just a coincidence, of course.
13. True virtual reality (not the video games or much of the soft coated "virtual reality" words used to dull your senses to when the real stuff hits the market) is INSTANT hypnotism and is planned to put the masses of the people under total mind control of the ruling elite of the world. in the same exact way that those who were tortured into multiple personalities above are under total mind control.
You may ask: What can we do??? Personally, there is only one thing for me to suggest: Start reading the Bible with an open mind. These things were written about 2000 years ago. Before you are swept away in the flood, place the life vest on so you can float above it all!! If you do this, you will not be harmed by this coming storm over our planet.
In Love,
John Gunter
Promise Keepers, Kenneth Hagan and Freemasonry
From
Promise Keepers, Kenneth Hagan and Freemasonry
Promise Keepers has taken pagan worship one step further. The first exposure of P.K. that I read documented that fact that the Promise Keepers distributed a book filled with sexual imagery of a very perverted sort. This article revolves around the pagan worship of the phallus (male reproductive organ). The story starts in July 1997 when the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry in it's official publication called 'The Scottish Rite Journal' made a call to raise funds to restore the Masonic obelisk in Washington D.C. and also placed it on the cover of the magazine. This vile structure has been worshipped by pagans for centuries and it represents the phallus which is also associated with sun and serpent worship. It was designed by Freemasons, named after a Freemason and the cornerstone laid in Masonic ritual. Therefore it is a sexual, pagan, satanic, Masonic idol that Christians should identify and avoid. But these facts have been ignored and Christians are being deceived about the nature of this idol. Kenneth Hagan followed the Masonic lodge by placing the obelisk on his magazine cover the very next month! I do not believe that this is a coincidence and that a man such as Hagan who is well over 50 years older then me (he just turned 80) and was in Ministry well before I was even born and who has established International Bible colleges would be ignorant of the true nature of the obelisk.
This is a photo taken from the 'Scottish Rite Journal' published by the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry.
The very next month in July 1997, Kenneth Hagan followed after the Mason's example by placing the Masonic obelisk on the cover of his magazine. The article about the obelisk in the Masonic magazine mentioned that at the Grand Masters Conference held in Tulsa, Oklahoma (the headquarters for both 33rd degree Freemasons Oral Roberts and Kenneth Hagan) a call was made to Grand Lodges to raise money to restore the world's tallest masonry structure. Were Hagan and Roberts present at this meeting? Anyone willing to come forward? Another significant clue is the key word 'illuminate' used by the Word of Faith magazine to describe the cover. The Illuminati has been associated with the obelisk a long time before. See the image below, published in 1982, for the obelisk-illuminati connection.
Promise Keepers, Kenneth Hagan and Freemasonry
See also: Dirty Watchtower Secrets Kenneth Copeland: "God Is Both Male & Female" |
Sunday, November 02, 2008
A Different View of Barack Obama from a Sister
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4