Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Great Seal from Awakening News


The Great Seal and Dollar Bill

Presented by the Awakening News

There is much symbolism on the Great Seal and dollar bill, which have their Masonic and Satanic roots. It is important to keep an open mind on a subject like this. People will interporate this information differently and there will be many varied reactions, which makes my message so much harder to communicate because of the many different religious and political views people have.

Before I begin with discussing the symbolism, I must note that you be careful when reading about this and make your own judgments. Whilst I do not necessarily expect people to believe all of what is written here, I encourage you to study much farther into this topic at hand rather than giving in to the information at the official Great Seal website ( which is clearly a disinformation website. Their silly little statements that the Great Seal is not Masonic leads to much questioning over whether Freemasonry is in fact a Christian religion, so therefore they have obviously made out that Masons are playing for the wrong team.

If there is one thing that you should believe, it is that the Great Seal and the dollar bill contains much Freemasonic references and symbolism because, yes, the President at the time was a Mason, the people who designed the seal were most probably Masons (Or designed it at the request of the government or another highly ranked elite society.). This is all very true, and I encourage you to do some further research. You will find that nearly all American Presidents were Freemasons (Exclude Lincoln, who was a pure Christian and JFK who was heavily Catholic.) Whether Freemasonry is an uncorrupted, non-occult religion or not, that is a separate issue and will be discussed later on. (More information on Freemasons can be found in our Secret Societies and Organisations page.)

One more thing before I discuss the symbolism, personally I feel that it is very occult and definitely has connections with Satanism. If you feel that Freemasonry isn’t like that (Perhaps you belong to a Masonic organization.) then hear me out- In 1776 a group called the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by a Catholic Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt. Since the founding of the Illuminati, they have entered and corrupted the Freemasonic lodges and since more and more secret societies have been constructed. Whether Freemasonry was “clean” before hand, I don’t know, but the pro-Globalist Illuminati had some big hand in the direction of the Masons.

Symbolism- trust me, there is lots of it. Some more extreme than other parts, but it’s all there. If you wish, have a dollar bill in your hands at the time you read this, it will make my explanations a lot easier. If not, graphics have been provided.

Firstly, take a look at the Great Seal. It is the logo of a pyramid with an eye positioned at the top. Most Masonic references are on this seal.
Eye of Horus- The Egyptian “Eye of Horus” (aka All Seeing Eye.) can be found at the top of the pyramid. Masons refer to this as the almighty creator of the universe. It’s origins come from the Golden Era of sun-worship in Egypt. Sun worship is similar to Freemasonry (Obelisks, Egyptian symbols, pyramids.) Without going too far off the path- We see Egyptian obelisks all over the place, Masons had them laid. The most famous one is in Washington DC. We also see many pyramids- one the Great Seal and there is a pyramid etched out in the streets of Washington DC too.

The Eye of Horus comes from one the many religions which came from Babylon because of Nimrod (aka, Baal, Osiris- represented by a pagan owl.) and the Whore of Babylon (aka Isis, the whore, even Lady Liberty!) Osiris and Isis appear in many, many different religions, you can read about them elsewhere on this site.

The Pyramid- Another direct reference to the Golden Age of sun-worship in Egypt. An obvious one. You soon begin to ask yourself,”Why the heck would AMERICANS put a damned PYRAMID on one of their seals??” Now that you’re reading about the Masons, it’s suddenly becoming clear why, isn’t it?

MASON- If you look carefully, the word MASON can be made out with the Great Seal pyramid. Look at the graphic and see how the letters are joined together-

M of Seclorum, followed by A of Annuit, then S of Coeptis, O of Ordo and finally N of novus. When done it that paricular order, the shape of a star is made out. This same star is seen on the other side of the seal, above the bald eagle.

13 Levels- Apparently there is something about how many levels there are on this pyramid. Fritz Springmier who writes about the Satanic Bloodlines says that the 13 levels on the pyramid represent the 13 different elite families who control, or have controlled America.

Roman Numerals At the base of the pyramid you will see some Roman Numerals. They are as follows- MDCCLXXVI. If you translate this into our present day numbers, you will find the number is 1776. Now here is where it gets a little scary. The year 1776 was the year the Illuminati was founded. Not just a coincidence.

Latin Phrases- Below the pyramid is a scroll with the following Latin phrase printed on it- “Novus Ordo Seclorum”. There are mixed views over what the true English translation really is. Conspiracy theorists on one hand say it means “New World Order”. The American government’s official statement is that it means “New Order of the Ages” or just plain old “New Order.” Whatever it really means, the message is clear- New World Order is on the agenda. Why else would it be there?

Annuit Coeptis- Annuit Coeptis appears over the pyramid and the Eye of Horus. I am not entirely sure as to what it means. I don’t even know what language it is. The only answer I have heard is that it translates to “He Favours Our Understanding.” Also, there are 13 letters which make up “Annuit Coeptis”.

On the other of the seal is the bald eagle. Here is more symbolism and occult numerology.

Left Talon- In the left talon, the eagle is holding a branch with berries on it. There are 13 leaves. There are 13 berries.

Right Talon- On the right, there are arrows, a whole 13 of them.

Stars- Above the bold eagle is a cluster of stars forming one great star. Much light is shining from these stars. In total, there are 13 stars.

13- So what kind of importance does the number 13 hold? Well, as you probably know, the number 13 is known as the “unlucky number” and appears a lot around important events in America’s history (Similar to what the number 11 did on September 11th.).
Example- Apollo 13 (Mission almost failed, worst Apollo mission ever.), Cuban Missile Crisis took place over 13 days, originally 13 American states.

There is still more to come. The rest appears on the actual note, not the Great Seal itself.

Motto- On the note above the word ONE is the motto, “In God We Trust.” This may be irrelevant, but there as been talk recently about the removal of the word “God” from certain American pledges and oaths. Think about it- if the phrase was removed from this note then there would be absolutely no connection was God at all. Remember that America was supposedly founded on Christian beliefs, that is, until the arrival of secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati.

Washington- This is nothing big, but worth mentioning just the same- George Washington appears on the reverse side of the dollar note. Washington himself was well respected among the Masons, being a 33 rd degree, of course.

The Mysterious Owl- Now this is really interesting. Since money passes through a lot of hands, the following image on your own bill may be hard to see. Earlier I talked about Nimrod and the Whore of Babylon. (Remember? They created an occult, Satanist-like religion and when Babylon was destroyed, that religion spread around the globe and different versions and similar beliefs appear in many different philosophies and religions we see today. Freemasonry, Baal worship, Greek / Roman Gods, even Catholicism have connections with the “Mystery Religion.”)

As mentioned, they appear in many different forms. Nimrod appeared as Baal, and as a pagan owl idol. If you look carefully around Washington DC you will find that many of the government buildings which are pagan in architectural style, have owl statues on them. This is a direct influence of Nimrod. One of these owls is on the dollar bill.

Look on the side with George Washington on it. In the upper right hand corner is detailed frame with the number “1” in it. In the top left hand corner of that frame is the pagan owl. To you it may just look like an ordinary dot, but it is there alright, trust me.
Conspiracy theorists like myself have scanned the note onto a computer and tried to magnify the picture to get a better view of it. On this site is a picture of the owl found elsewhere on the internet, as I had trouble getting higher resolution.

When you see it, you’ll notice that it really is an owl. It is actually perched on the frame and has big, bulging eyes. The government, not even disinformation website Great Seal ( have made any comments on this. I suppose you can lie, and lie and lie, but when something like this appears, lying is not enough so they just remain silent.
Even if they did make an official comment on it, they would say it is a misprint, or just a figment of the paranoid generation’s imagination.

Here is some more, though not as amazing and bizarre as the pagan owl.

On the right of Mr Washington is the logo of the Department of Treasury. In the middle of what appears to be a white sheriffs badge, is a square, the Mason’s tool. In that square are 13 dots. It is hard to count, as the bill is so detailed and small, but I believe there are 33 green dots within that badge. 33, also a Masonic number and the highest position you can obtain in Freemasonry is the 33 rd degree, Grand Master.

Most of what I have written about is fairly well known about in the conspiracy world. I can guarantee that the facts which appear on this page will somehow be denied by the government, more appropriately the Great Seal website, which I mentioned earlier.
They call ranting like this “Conspiracy theory”, but when you get this far and have the proof right in front of you, it suddenly isn’t theory anymore, it is real.

So I believe that is all. For now, anyway. If you have any questions, comments or perhaps some more symbolism to report, then do not hesitate to e-mail me.

You can reach me here:

Please support my website, The Awakening News (

On that site you can find more information like the essay you have just read. Other uncensored information and news include New World Order, Religion and Symbolism, Big Brother, Chemtrails, United Nations Exposed, September 11 Conspiracy, and world news.

Please remember that the information expressed on this page and the website are here to attempt answering the many questions about life, truth, and the supposed “New World Order”. By posting this information I am in no way trying to sell a product, force feed religion or encourage hate or discrimination of any kind. The Awakening News is here for education and enlightenment.

Return to Religion and Symbolism Homepage.

Investigation Continues...
The new logo for DARPA'S information Awarness Office. The eye over the pyramid is just too obvious here. From the eye eminates a great ray of light which illuminates the planet Earth.

Another shot of the pagan owl hidden on the note. The owl is similiar to the one seen worshipped at Bohemian Grove.
The America On Line logo, clearly similiar to the Great Seal pyramid.

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