Roman Catholic Domination at NWO Republican National Convention in Tampa, Thurs., Aug. 30, 2012 12
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Columbia Christians for Life
September 3, 2012
Roman CatholicDomination at NWORepublican National Convention in Tampa,
Thurs., Aug. 30, 2012
Those appearing at the RNC podium includedthreeRoman Catholic Knights of Malta Papal Crusaders;
as well as "America's Pope": theRoman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of New York andpresident of
the U.S. Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic Bishops.
_______________________ Those appearing at the RNC podium in Tampa Thurs. evening, Aug. 30, included (in order ofscheduled appearance): 1) Roman Catholic ConnieMackIV - U.S. House Representative (FL) - running for U.S. Senate. 2) Roman Catholic NewtGingrich and (third) wife Callista Gingrich, honoring President Ronald Reagan. -Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member,33rdDegreeMason, Bohemian Grove,
Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader, former U.S. House Speaker (GA). [ At the time of Reagan's death, former President George H.W. Bushsaid this (video) aboutPresident Ronald Reagan:
"A lot happened on his watch that was very, very positive towards a new world order..." ]
[ Ronald Reagan - R (Jan 1981 - Jan 1989) (late) -Knight of Malta( SMOM)Crusader; appointedhonorary Shriner; appointedhonorary Scottish Rite mason
in Oval Office of the White House;PresidentReaganre-establishedfull diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1984,for the first time in 117 years,
since 1867 (after Lincoln’s assassination, which was enabled by Roman Catholic Jesuits, in 1865 [“50 Years in the “Church” of Rome” Chapters 55, 56 ] ) ]
3) Roman Catholic JebBush
-Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus, former Governor of Florida. [allowed judicially innocentTerriSchiavo to bemurdered by the government by cruelly denying her food and water in 2005 ]. 4) Roman Catholic MarcoRubio - Recentspeaker at one-world government group, theJesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR), in New York City ( video),
Syria- regime- change- advocate,Iran- war- monger ( "we need to begin to prepare the people of the country [ America ] and the world
to the reality that negotiations are probably not going to work"; "ultimately, a military option may be necessary" [ i.e., an American
attack on Iran ] ), U.S. Senator (FL) (video). [ The bogus"War on Terror" isRome's Vatican /Jesuit General /Papal"TenthCrusade" - advancing Rome'sNew World Order. ]
5) Mormon Mitt Romney (former Mormon churchleader) - Republican Party nominee for United States President; Romney asserted in Aug. 30Nomination Speech: "As president,
I'll respect the sanctity of life. I'll honor the institution of marriage." Will he ?
- Then, 1) pledge to work to pass a strongFEDERALPersonhoodBill in the U.S. Congress beginning Day 1, Mr. Romney;
and 2) pledge that if theRoman Catholic dominated (six out of nine members) U.S. Supreme Court overturns D.O.M.A.,
that you will work to pass Art.III.,Sec.2 (U.S. Constitution) legislation in the U.S. Congress, such as only the U.S. House
passed in2004, to remove appellate jurisdiction from the U.S. Supreme Court in this matter.
Joseph Smith, MORMONISM, and FREEMASONRY August 16, 2011
6) Roman Catholic TimothyDolan
- "America's Pope",CardinalArchbishop of New York , " the nation's highest-ranking [ CCL: Roman ]Catholic",
president of the U.S. Conference of [ CCL: Roman ] Catholic Bishops (USCCB) gave theclosing prayer of "blessing"
(" benediction"). A "Blessing" from Rome's highest level official in the United States !?!?!? -Rome / the Jesuitical Papacy / the Vatican, including the U.S. Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic [ Pope-appointed ] Bishops
is theENEMY of State-level "Personhood" Legislation toENDchild-murder-by-"abortion" and non-supporter of
7) Roman Catholic John Boehner
-Jesuit- educated, Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus, Republican National ConventionChairman,
U.S. House Speaker (OH),declares convention end.
First full day of Republican National Convention, Tues., Aug. 28, 2012:
Color Guard Knights of Columbus,loyal toRome'sPope ___________________________________________________________
"Bishop Charles McLaughlin Assembly 1850 received the honor of presenting the colors
at the opening of the 2012 Republican National Convention, in Tampa FL."
"Supreme Master, Dennis Stoddard, and Vice Supreme Master (DeSoto Province) Gary McLain assisted in the presentation."!i=2055813416&k=Tj3nBHz
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik giving the Invocation as the Knights of Columbus presents the Colors[ Photo 31 of 35 ]
Report: New Haven Knights of Columbus Color Guard to take national stage at Republican convention
New Haven's Knights of Columbus Color Guard to take stage at the Republican National Convention, according to Political Hotsheet.
Scenes from Republican National Convention 2012 / Politico
Knights of Columbus holds the colors during opening ceremonies Aug. 28 at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.
(Photo: Matt Roth/Freelance for POLITICO)
Knights of Columbus
Pope Benedict XVI Joined by Cardinal Dolan and President of Canadian Bishops in Commending Knights of Columbus
Selected principalRoman Catholicspeakers at NWO's Romish Republican National Convention,on Tues., Aug. 28 and Wed., Aug. 29, 2012:
Republican National Convention Schedule
The revised schedule of the GOP convention.
Posted: 08/28/2012 10:07 AM EDT
Tuesday, August 28
Full Tuesday schedule:
1) Jesuit- educated, Roman Catholic,Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus,
Republican National ConventionChairman, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner's (OH), " throw him out"speech
2) Roman Catholic U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH)
3) Roman CatholicGovernor of Virginia Bob McDonnell
4) Roman CatholicGovernor of Nevada Brian Sandoval
5) Roman Catholic,Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus,Iran- war- monger, "pro-life" [sic]fraud,
former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (PA). In 12 years in office as a US House Representative (1991-1995)
and as a U.S. Senator (1995-2007),Rick Santorum neverco-sponsored FEDERAL Personhood Legislation !!
[ Even while U.S. House Representative Bob Dornan (R-CA) had introducedFEDERALPersonhood legislation - HR 623 in 1989
- aBILL Mr. Santorum,NOT just a (high hurdle) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT !!! - and FEDERAL PersonhoodBills have been
and continue to be active ( HR212, HR 1096, S.91 in the 112th Congress) in every session of United States Congress since 1994 !!! ]
Republican National Convention: Day 2 / Chicago Tribune
"Former Sen. Rick Santorum arrives at the podium to speak in the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla.,
on the first full day the Republican National Convention. Brian Cassella, Chicago Tribune, Aug. 28, 2012
6) Keynote speech for the 2012 Republican National Convention,Roman CatholicGovernor of New JerseyChris Christie. [ New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has nominatedtwo Muslims as New Jersey Superior Court judges. ]
Wednesday, August 29
Republican National Convention Schedule
The revised schedule of the GOP convention.
Posted: 08/28/2012 10:07 AM EDT
1) Roman CatholicGovernor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal
2) Roman CatholicGovernor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño
3) Roman CatholicGovernor of New Mexico Rico Susana Martinez
4) Roman CatholicRepublican Party U.S. Vice Presidential nominee,formerEmpowerAmericaspeechwriter,
U.S. House Representative Paul Ryan(WI)
- Empower Americawas co-founded byJeanne Kirkpatrick (late) andBill Bennett - Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late) was not only aCFR-member, but also aCFR- director; as well as aTrilateral Commissionmember ;
as well as asignatory to a Project for the New American Century ( PNAC) Iraq-War-mongersletter to then-President
[ Skull and Bones masonic secret societymember ] George W. Bush, on 9-20-2001, just nine days after 9-11 !!!.
- Will aRomney / Ryanadministration be like anotherGeorge W. Bush / Dick Cheney[ CFR-member,former CFR-director,
former Trilateral Commissionmember ] Middle EastUNJUST war-mongering administration ? Syria ? Iran ?
May the Lord forbid yet anotherJesuit-agitated world war,World War 3(WW3)!!!
Reprint of CCL E-mail dated August 30, 2012:________________________________________
Columbia Christians for Life
August 30, 2012
"Jesuit-ruled-CFR Imprimatur Night" at Republican National Convention, Wed., Aug 29
1)Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
2)Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
3)Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )friendlyformer Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
4) Republican Party U.S. Vice Presidential nominee,formerEmpowerAmericaspeechwriter,Paul Ryan - Empower Americawas co-founded byJeanne Kirkpatrick (late) andBill Bennett - Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late) was not only aCFR-member, but also aCFR- director; as well as aTrilateral Commissionmember ;
as well as asignatory to a Project for the New American Century ( PNAC) Iraq-War-mongersletter to then-President
[ Skull and Bones masonic secret societymember ] George W. Bush, on 9-20-2001, just nine days after 9-11 !!!.
Will a Romney / Ryan administration be like anotherGeorge W. Bush / Dick Cheney[ CFR-member,former CFR-director,
former Trilateral Commissionmember ] Middle EastUNJUST war-mongering administration ? Syria ? Iran ?
May the Lord forbid yet anotherJesuit-agitated world war,World War 3(WW3)!!!
CNN Five things we learned at the Republican National Convention
updated 9:06 AM EDT, Thu August 30, 2012
Columbia Christians for Life
September 3, 2012
Roman CatholicDomination at NWORepublican National Convention in Tampa,
Thurs., Aug. 30, 2012
Those appearing at the RNC podium includedthreeRoman Catholic Knights of Malta Papal Crusaders;
as well as "America's Pope": theRoman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of New York andpresident of
the U.S. Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic Bishops.
_______________________ Those appearing at the RNC podium in Tampa Thurs. evening, Aug. 30, included (in order ofscheduled appearance): 1) Roman Catholic ConnieMackIV - U.S. House Representative (FL) - running for U.S. Senate. 2) Roman Catholic NewtGingrich and (third) wife Callista Gingrich, honoring President Ronald Reagan. -Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member,33rdDegreeMason, Bohemian Grove,
Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader, former U.S. House Speaker (GA). [ At the time of Reagan's death, former President George H.W. Bushsaid this (video) aboutPresident Ronald Reagan:
"A lot happened on his watch that was very, very positive towards a new world order..." ]
[ Ronald Reagan - R (Jan 1981 - Jan 1989) (late) -Knight of Malta( SMOM)Crusader; appointedhonorary Shriner; appointedhonorary Scottish Rite mason
in Oval Office of the White House;PresidentReaganre-establishedfull diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1984,for the first time in 117 years,
since 1867 (after Lincoln’s assassination, which was enabled by Roman Catholic Jesuits, in 1865 [“50 Years in the “Church” of Rome” Chapters 55, 56 ] ) ]
3) Roman Catholic JebBush
-Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus, former Governor of Florida. [allowed judicially innocentTerriSchiavo to bemurdered by the government by cruelly denying her food and water in 2005 ]. 4) Roman Catholic MarcoRubio - Recentspeaker at one-world government group, theJesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR), in New York City ( video),
Syria- regime- change- advocate,Iran- war- monger ( "we need to begin to prepare the people of the country [ America ] and the world
to the reality that negotiations are probably not going to work"; "ultimately, a military option may be necessary" [ i.e., an American
attack on Iran ] ), U.S. Senator (FL) (video). [ The bogus"War on Terror" isRome's Vatican /Jesuit General /Papal"TenthCrusade" - advancing Rome'sNew World Order. ]
5) Mormon Mitt Romney (former Mormon churchleader) - Republican Party nominee for United States President; Romney asserted in Aug. 30Nomination Speech: "As president,
I'll respect the sanctity of life. I'll honor the institution of marriage." Will he ?
- Then, 1) pledge to work to pass a strongFEDERALPersonhoodBill in the U.S. Congress beginning Day 1, Mr. Romney;
and 2) pledge that if theRoman Catholic dominated (six out of nine members) U.S. Supreme Court overturns D.O.M.A.,
that you will work to pass Art.III.,Sec.2 (U.S. Constitution) legislation in the U.S. Congress, such as only the U.S. House
passed in2004, to remove appellate jurisdiction from the U.S. Supreme Court in this matter.
Joseph Smith, MORMONISM, and FREEMASONRY August 16, 2011
6) Roman Catholic TimothyDolan
- "America's Pope",CardinalArchbishop of New York , " the nation's highest-ranking [ CCL: Roman ]Catholic",
president of the U.S. Conference of [ CCL: Roman ] Catholic Bishops (USCCB) gave theclosing prayer of "blessing"
(" benediction"). A "Blessing" from Rome's highest level official in the United States !?!?!? -Rome / the Jesuitical Papacy / the Vatican, including the U.S. Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic [ Pope-appointed ] Bishops
is theENEMY of State-level "Personhood" Legislation toENDchild-murder-by-"abortion" and non-supporter of
7) Roman Catholic John Boehner
-Jesuit- educated, Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus, Republican National ConventionChairman,
U.S. House Speaker (OH),declares convention end.
First full day of Republican National Convention, Tues., Aug. 28, 2012:
Color Guard Knights of Columbus,loyal toRome'sPope ___________________________________________________________
"Bishop Charles McLaughlin Assembly 1850 received the honor of presenting the colors
at the opening of the 2012 Republican National Convention, in Tampa FL."
"Supreme Master, Dennis Stoddard, and Vice Supreme Master (DeSoto Province) Gary McLain assisted in the presentation."!i=2055813416&k=Tj3nBHz
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik giving the Invocation as the Knights of Columbus presents the Colors[ Photo 31 of 35 ]
Report: New Haven Knights of Columbus Color Guard to take national stage at Republican convention
Scenes from Republican National Convention 2012 / Politico
Knights of Columbus holds the colors during opening ceremonies Aug. 28 at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.
(Photo: Matt Roth/Freelance for POLITICO)
Knights of Columbus
Pope Benedict XVI Joined by Cardinal Dolan and President of Canadian Bishops in Commending Knights of Columbus
Selected principalRoman Catholicspeakers at NWO's Romish Republican National Convention,on Tues., Aug. 28 and Wed., Aug. 29, 2012:
Republican National Convention Schedule
The revised schedule of the GOP convention.
Posted: 08/28/2012 10:07 AM EDT
Tuesday, August 28
Full Tuesday schedule:
1) Jesuit- educated, Roman Catholic,Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus,
Republican National ConventionChairman, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner's (OH), " throw him out"speech
2) Roman Catholic U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH)
3) Roman CatholicGovernor of Virginia Bob McDonnell
4) Roman CatholicGovernor of Nevada Brian Sandoval
5) Roman Catholic,Knight of Malta( SMOM)PapalCrusader,Knight of Columbus,Iran- war- monger, "pro-life" [sic]fraud,
former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (PA). In 12 years in office as a US House Representative (1991-1995)
and as a U.S. Senator (1995-2007),Rick Santorum neverco-sponsored FEDERAL Personhood Legislation !!
[ Even while U.S. House Representative Bob Dornan (R-CA) had introducedFEDERALPersonhood legislation - HR 623 in 1989
- aBILL Mr. Santorum,NOT just a (high hurdle) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT !!! - and FEDERAL PersonhoodBills have been
and continue to be active ( HR212, HR 1096, S.91 in the 112th Congress) in every session of United States Congress since 1994 !!! ]
Republican National Convention: Day 2 / Chicago Tribune
"Former Sen. Rick Santorum arrives at the podium to speak in the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla.,
on the first full day the Republican National Convention. Brian Cassella, Chicago Tribune, Aug. 28, 2012
6) Keynote speech for the 2012 Republican National Convention,Roman CatholicGovernor of New JerseyChris Christie. [ New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has nominatedtwo Muslims as New Jersey Superior Court judges. ]
Wednesday, August 29
Republican National Convention Schedule
The revised schedule of the GOP convention.
Posted: 08/28/2012 10:07 AM EDT
1) Roman CatholicGovernor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal
2) Roman CatholicGovernor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño
3) Roman CatholicGovernor of New Mexico Rico Susana Martinez
4) Roman CatholicRepublican Party U.S. Vice Presidential nominee,formerEmpowerAmericaspeechwriter,
U.S. House Representative Paul Ryan(WI)
- Empower Americawas co-founded byJeanne Kirkpatrick (late) andBill Bennett - Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late) was not only aCFR-member, but also aCFR- director; as well as aTrilateral Commissionmember ;
as well as asignatory to a Project for the New American Century ( PNAC) Iraq-War-mongersletter to then-President
[ Skull and Bones masonic secret societymember ] George W. Bush, on 9-20-2001, just nine days after 9-11 !!!.
- Will aRomney / Ryanadministration be like anotherGeorge W. Bush / Dick Cheney[ CFR-member,former CFR-director,
former Trilateral Commissionmember ] Middle EastUNJUST war-mongering administration ? Syria ? Iran ?
May the Lord forbid yet anotherJesuit-agitated world war,World War 3(WW3)!!!
Reprint of CCL E-mail dated August 30, 2012:________________________________________
Columbia Christians for Life
August 30, 2012
"Jesuit-ruled-CFR Imprimatur Night" at Republican National Convention, Wed., Aug 29
1)Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
2)Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
3)Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )friendlyformer Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
4) Republican Party U.S. Vice Presidential nominee,formerEmpowerAmericaspeechwriter,Paul Ryan - Empower Americawas co-founded byJeanne Kirkpatrick (late) andBill Bennett - Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late) was not only aCFR-member, but also aCFR- director; as well as aTrilateral Commissionmember ;
as well as asignatory to a Project for the New American Century ( PNAC) Iraq-War-mongersletter to then-President
[ Skull and Bones masonic secret societymember ] George W. Bush, on 9-20-2001, just nine days after 9-11 !!!.
Will a Romney / Ryan administration be like anotherGeorge W. Bush / Dick Cheney[ CFR-member,former CFR-director,
former Trilateral Commissionmember ] Middle EastUNJUST war-mongering administration ? Syria ? Iran ?
May the Lord forbid yet anotherJesuit-agitated world war,World War 3(WW3)!!!
CNN Five things we learned at the Republican National Convention
updated 9:06 AM EDT, Thu August 30, 2012
- McCain and Rice took to stage to underscore GOP foreign policy
- Mike Huckabee, who once questioned Romney's Mormon faith, sang his praises
- Condoleezza Rice's speech won raves both in the forum and on Twitter
[ CCL: excerpt, emphasis added ]
Tampa (CNN) -- On the night vice presidential candidatePaul Ryan made his debut on the national stage, the GOP turned its attention
to America's influence abroad and what the party sees as President Barack Obama's failed economic policies. The roster of speakers at the
Republican National Convention boasted two of the party's foreign policy heavy hitters [ CCL: Jesuit-ruled-CFR-members McCain and Rice ]
and rhetoric designed to appeal to voters who are still undecided. Here are five things we learned from the convention's second night:
2. On weak spots, let surrogates shine
Republicans' nearly singular focus on the economy took a back seat Wednesday when [ CCL: Jesuit-ruled-CFR-member ]Sen. John McCain
and former Secretary of State [ CCL: Jesuit-ruled-CFR-member ]Condoleezza Rice took the stage to talkforeign policy, a topicMitt Romney
makes little mention of on the stump and that has beenlargely absent from the national political debate.
continued...© 2012 Cable News Network.Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
God has warned us in His Word the Bible -FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP LEADS TO DESTRUCTION !!!
God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,
they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
Isaiah 9:16,KJV
Jesus Christ says: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32,KJV
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6,KJV
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 12222, Columbia, SC 29211, USA
US Army active duty, 1977-1982, CPT, FA
US Army Reserves, 1982-1993, MAJ, FA
USMA 1977
August 30, 2012
Excerpt from CCL E-mail dated August 6, 2012:__________________________________________
Columbia Christians for Life
August 6, 2012
Tampa RNC headline speakers include Globalists:
Jesuit-ruledCFR's, Pro-AbortsMcCain andRice; andCFR- friendly Huckabee
Republican National Convention (anotherNew World Orderplatform) announced headline speakers include:
1. U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
A.Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member
[ pro- Rome's Vatican /Papal /Jesuit General / ShrinerFreemasonic / Illuminati / Zionist New World Order ]
[ Anti-Sovereignty;RomanizationofAmericathroughIllegalImmigration supported by Vatican /Pope- appointed U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops ]
C.Pro-NDAA (FY2012 ) -Indefinite detention of Americans w/o constitutional due process as per the Bill of Rights[ Anti-Constitution ]
Voted for FY 2012 NDAA inDecember2011 [ Anti-Bill-of-Rights, Pro-TYRANNY ]
D.Pro-abort - Has repeatedly voted for HHS Appropriations funding Planned Parenthood (Title X), selected surgical "abortions", and chemical "abortion"
E. Publicopponent on the floor oftheUnitedStatesSenate of the brave, patriotic, and dutiful efforts byCongresswomanMicheleBachmann (R-MN) and
four other U.S. Congressmen to call for the investigation of "potential Muslim Brotherhood infiltration" into the United States Government
F.Iran- war- monger
[ pro-Rome's unjust "TenthCrusade" ( a.k.a. "War on Terror" ) by the JesuiticalPapacyusingtheU.S.Military; Rome'scenturies- old goal to seizeJerusalem ]
CCL: May the Lord forbid both a future UNJUST NWO Crusade War against IRAN,and aWorld War 3(WW3). CCL: May God raise up enough people to stop yet another unnecessaryJesuit-agitated World War.
G. Pro-NAFTA; Votedfor NAFTA in1993 [ Anti-Sovereignty ]
H. Pro-CAFTA; Votedfor CAFTA in2005 [ Anti-Sovereignty ]
I.Zionistpuppet andwar- monger
2. Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
A.Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR )member
[ pro- Rome's Vatican /Papal /Jesuit General / ShrinerFreemasonic / Illuminati / Zionist New World Order ]
B.UNJUSTIraq- war- monger anddeceiver [ e.g., "... we don't want the smoking gun to be a[ CCL: nuclear weapon's ] mushroom cloud" ]
C.Pro- abort - Stated publicly on national television she would not outlaw "abortion"
3. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
A.CFR- friendly: In Huckabee's 2008 presidential campaign, Huckabee named the President of the NWO'sJesuit-ruledCFR, Richard Haass, as one of hisprincipalforeignpolicyadvisors.
C. Ecumenical Southern Baptist; regarding opposition to Vatican-servant,Alinsky- disciple Barack Obama's HHS Birth Control Mandate -
Mike Huckabee:"...we're all Catholics now." D.ChristianZionist
E. Host ofFox News Channel**** talk showHuckabee.
****FOX News is owned byNews Corporation, whoseCEO and Chairman is
Jesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations(CFR)member,Papal Knight (1998, by Pope John Paul II),
Bohemian Grove keynote speaker, Rupert Murdoch
The CFR Controls The Media!
Video (4:32)
God has warned us in His Word the Bible -FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP LEADS TO DESTRUCTION !!!
God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,
they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
Isaiah 9:16,KJV
Jesus Christ says: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32,KJV
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6,KJV
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
August 6, 2012
Tampa Bay (FL) Times
RNC speakers include Rick Scott, John McCain, Condoleezza Rice, Nikki Haley, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich and Susana Martinez
In Print: Monday, August 6, 2012
Excerpt from CCL E-mail dated August 17, 2012:___________________________________________
Columbia Christians for Life
August 17, 2012
Romanist Paul Ryan connected toNWO ElitesAdvancing One-World Global Government
As previously reported (below)Paul Ryan was a speechwriter for Empower America,
co-founded by Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late) andBill Bennett. -
Jeanne Kirkpatrick(late) was not only aCFR-member, but aCFR-director; as well as a Trilateral Commission member;
as well as asignatory to a Project for the New American Century (PNAC) letter to then-President George W. Bush.
As previously reported in part (Aug 12 - see below), Empower America co-founder Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late)
was amember of the New World Order'sJesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations (CFR).
However,JeanneKirkpatrick(1926-2006) was not only a CFR-member, but was also a CFR-director(1985-1994 ).
[ See: Council on Foreign Relations,Annual Report, 2008, "Historical Roster of Directors and Officers" ]
[ Note: See current 2012 CFR officers and directors on CFR's website ]
Jeanne Kirkpatrick was also amember of David Rockefeller'sTrilateral Commission elites, comprised
of a much more limited membership than the CFR, totalling only about 300 or so members, with members selected
from North America, Europe, and Japan (now Pacific Asian region), with an objective of merging these regions of the world
in the drive for a global New World Order of one-world government (i.e., socialist / fascist / marxist / Jesuitical tyranny).
Jeanne Kirkpatrick was also asignatory to aPNAC Iraq-War-mongersletterto then-President George W. Bush (9-20-2001),
just nine days after 9-11 !!!
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy (1956-1960), on theCouncil on Foreign Relations,which he had been a member of for 15 years:
"[T]his purpose of promoting disarmament andsubmergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful
one-world government is the only objective revealed to about 95 percent of 1,551 members [ in 1975 - today membership is estimated
to be 4,000 - 5,000 - see full current CFR membership list on CFR's website at: ]. There are two
other ulterior purposes that CFR influence is being used to promote; but it is improbable that they are known to more than 75 members,
or that these purposes ever have even been identified in writing." [ CCL: emphasis added ]
Source: The New World Order, by Pat Robertson, 1991, p. 97
United States Senator, and1964 Republican Party nominee for U.S. President,BarryGoldwater:
" .. Whereas the Council on Foreign Relations is distinctly national in membership, the Trilateral Commission is international.
Representation is allocated equally to Western Europe, Japan, and the United States. It is intended to be the vehicle for multinational
consolidation of the commercial and banking interestsby seizing control of the political government of the United States."
Source: Excerpts from the book, With No Apologies -The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1979, p. 280.
God has warned us in His Word the Bible -FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP LEADS TO DESTRUCTION !!!
God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,
they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16,KJV
Jesus Christ says: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32,KJV
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6,KJV
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
August 17, 2012
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012
From: Columbia Christians for Life
Subject: Romney's VP pick: Roman Catholic insider Paul Ryan
Columbia Christians for Life
August 12, 2012
Romney's VP pick: Roman Catholic insider Paul Ryan
1) Paul Ryan, Roman Catholic, former speechwriter forEmpower America:
Empower America founded by (the late)Jeanne Kirkpatrick andBill Bennett:
JeanneKirkpatrick(the late): professor of government at Jesuit Georgetown University; Jesuit-ruled-CFR- member,
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations;staunch Zionist
BillBennett: Roman Catholic, Distinguished Fellow at Heritage Foundation, led byKnight-of-MaltaEd Feulner,President,
Heritage Foundation also Jesuit-ruled-CFR-infested ( including Jesuit-ruled-CFRmemberElaine Chao,
former GW Bush cabinet official,wife of current Republican Senate minority leader SenatorMitch McConnell(R-KY);
Bill Bennet also FRC; CNP; Hudson Institute fellow; andPNAC Iraq-War-mongerers founding signatory;
2) Paul Ryan former speechwriter for (the late)Jack Kemp,33rdDegreeFreemason, Empower America director
"the Republican vice presidential candidate in the1996 United States presidential election" -
3) Paul Ryan former student volunteer for congressional campaign ofJesuit- educated, Roman Catholic John Boehner
4) 2011 - Paul Ryan recipient ofJack Kemp Foundation Leadership Award
5) Paul Ryan voted for undeclared, and therefore unconstitutional; unnecessary, unjustified, and therefore immoral;
and thereforeUNJUST War against Iraq -
6) Paul Ryan voted for GW Bush's socialisticMedicare Part D prescription drug law in 2003 -
7) Paul Ryan voted for TARP in 2008 -
8) Paul Ryan voted for unconstitutional NDAA ( FY 2012 ) -Indefinite detention of Americans w/o constitutional due process
as per the Bill of Rights inDecember2011[ Anti-Constitution, Anti-Bill-of-Rights, Pro-TYRANNY ]
God has warned us in His Word the Bible -FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP LEADS TO DESTRUCTION !!!
God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,
they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
God says: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16,KJV________________________________________________________
Jesus Christ says: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32,KJV
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6,KJV
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
August 12, 2012
From Columbia Christians for Life:
The New World Order's (NWO's)Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is theVatican / Jesuit General'sCFR:
The Vatican and the Jesuits
Vatican, Jesuits, Masonry, Popery, Knights of Malta, Roman Catholicism, Occultism, and the New World Order
911:Vatican & Jesuits
Please Christians, LEARN HISTORY !!!
The Jesuits and Modern America - "The Jesuits have been out toRomanize America ..."" ... as late as 1920 many Protestants were concerned about the inroads Roman Catholicism was making
into the politics of the United States.Spearheading the advance was the same old Protestant nemesis,
the Jesuits, who have sought to overthrow the Protestant Reformation since the inception of their order.""Americans, as late as 1920, were still concerned about the scheme the Jesuits were planning for the
Romanizing of the United States. Jeremiah J. Crowley, who was a Roman Catholic priest for twenty-one years
before his conversion to Christ,wrote a large tome on the effect Roman Catholicism was having upon the
United States in his day. He entitled his workRomanism: A Menace to the Nation.The book was published in 1912."
Antichrist Exposed (The Reformed and Puritan View of the Antichrist), by Ronald N. Cooke, 2002.
Obama: Servant of the Vatican's Jesuitical Papacy in Rome
Photo from:
Obama's Council On Foreign Relations CrewOut with the old regime, in with the old regime
CFR Website:
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership
CFR Annual Report
2009 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership
2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
2008 Annual Report (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008)(including Current and Historical Rosters of Directors and Officers)
2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster (including current and/or past positions of some members)
Treasonous agenda of the Council on Foreign June 17, 2005
CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission insiders usually run for, win White House, shows new
Dick Cheney and several past presidential candidates (D & R), are/were members of CFR
Posted on YouTube:
"Dick Cheney ex-director of CFR talks to [ NWO Globalist Kingpin ] David Rockefeller"
Dick Cheney on video speaking at CFR meeting, acknowledging he was a former CFR director (beginning at 1:35)Video (1:55) / 141,111 views
DICK CHENEY: ( concealed his position as CFR director during his Congressional career - narrator )
"It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations, as Pete mentioned, I've been a member
for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time. I never mentioned that when
I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming." (Cheney smiling, robust laughter from audience at CFR)
YouTube - "Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow."
Video [ 3:04 ]
Views - 531,019
United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
"And I am delighted to be here in these new[ CCL: CFR ] headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship, in New York City,
but it's good to have an outpost of the Council [ CCL: theJesuit-ruled CouncilonForeignRelations ] right here down the street from the
[ CCL: United States ] State Department.We get a lot of advice from the Council, so, this will mean I won't have
as far to go to be told what we should be doing, and how we should think about the future."
[ CCL: regardingRome's Vatican/ Jesuit General /Papal New World Order ]
See a concise overview article about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on the internet at:
"The Definition of Tyranny," The New American (May 15, 1995), by John F.
"Formed in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's right-hand man,
the CFR's purpose has been undeniably clear from the start: to submerge our nation into
a socialist, one-world government."
"Never forget that the CFR was formed to bring about socialism and world government.
Its increasing domination over America's affairs amounts to a conspiracy the grip of which must
be broken by an informed and alarmed American citizenry. If CFR influence over our federal
government isn't soon broken, America will be reduced to a mere province in a socialistic
world government where freedom has disappeared and national sovereignty is but a dim memory.
And James Madison's worst fear -- tyranny reigning in this land -- will become a reality. The time to
expose the CFR and its grip on this land is now."
Side 2 - The Definition of Tyranny (Council on Foreign Relations)
The New American - May 15, 1995
Sovereignty and globalisation N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations February 17, 2006
US Government Plan to Disarm all Sovereign Nations, and Build-up United Nations Military Force
"The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World"
- the CFR / NWO agenda behind the current (2003-2007) Iraq War:
Rome's Vatican /Papal /Jesuit General / Shriner Freemasonic / Illuminati / ZionistNew World Order:
The Vatican / Pope / Jesuit General are leaders in theNew World Order:
- one-world government
- one-world money
- one-world religion
- global population reduction ( /
"Abortion"is one of the demonic tools of Rome / NWO forglobal populationreduction !
Fighting the New World OrderisfightingChild-Murder/Sacrifice-by-“Abortion” !!!
Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity.