December 28, 2005
Comments by Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI and TTT newsletters
On the informative book Jesuit Plots from Elizabethan to Modern Times
By Albert Close (with an additional chapter by Dr. Clive Gillis)
The full title of this book is Jesuit Plots Against Britain from Queen Elizabeth to King George V. Editor of ETI and TTT has come to the following conclusion after studying the history of the Roman Catholic Church and Europe: It is virtually impossible to clearly understand European history from the 16th century to the present time without “viewing” it through the “lens” of the “Reformation-Counter Reformation”, Roman Catholic efforts to bring England back under papal authority, and the Jesuit Order. The famous Frenchman, the Marquis de LaFayette, stated: “It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” Many other famous individuals, such as President John Adams, echoed similar condemnations of this infamous Society of Jesus (a.k.a. the Jesuit Order)!
The Vatican (and especially her Jesuit Order from the mid 1500s) tried to bring England back under papal authority by force and subversion. A number of popes and European monarchs conspired to assassinate British monarchs, to foment revolutions in the British Isles, and to actually land foreign troops on British soil. These attempts to bring England back under the pope’s authority by force reached their zenith in 1588 when the 130-ship Spanish Armada, carrying 20,000 troops, sailed for the British Isles. Pope Sixtus V had promised Spanish King Phillip II 200,000 crowns the moment the armada sailed, and another 100,000 crowns when troops were placed on shore in England. Researchers have examined British, French, and Spanish “State papers” – and Vatican documents, for this era. These State papers and Vatican documents clearly show the Vatican’s involvement not only in the planned invasion of England by the Spanish Armada, but also in numerous attempts to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I!
Sadly, Roman Catholic writers, editors, and apologists have made, and continue to make, tremendous efforts to rewrite and revise history and, in the process, whitewash the Vatican and her Jesuit Order’s frequent involvement in court intrigues, assassinations and attempted assassinations of heads of State, fomenting of revolutions and wars, infiltration of governments, orchestration of religious genocide, etc. Please consider the following quote by author Albert Close: “There can be no shadow of doubt that the Jesuits and the Anglo-Romanist party in Britain have gained great influence over the Cable Services, Press Agencies, B.B.C., and chief newspapers of Great Britain…” (NOTE: Much the same has occurred in America today!) Fortunately, a number of researchers and authors, such as Albert Close, have examined various nations’ State papers and/or actual Vatican documents, which substantiate totally the nefarious activities of the Vatican and her Jesuit Order in Britain throughout the past four centuries!
To learn more about these Jesuit plots against the British people, please order this book and then read it. It is $9.95 postpaid from The Conversion Center. To order it by credit card, please call their toll-free order line at 1-800-631-8220. Or you can make check or money order payable to “The Conversion Center, Inc.”, and mail it to the following address: The Conversion Center // P.O. Box 265 // Carthage, NC 28327-0265.
About Darryl Eberhart
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" – William Tyndale
Issue #53 // November 15, 2004 // Editor: Darryl Eberhart
((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”. Some issues of my TTT newsletters and my “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)” newsletters can be seen on these following two Internet web sites: and .))
((NOTE: This issue of TTT may seriously disturb some folks’ comfort zones. Additionally, this issue is dedicated to good, courageous Roman Catholic Christians who have stood against evil, corruption, and tyranny throughout history! [note] My special thanks go to author Eric Jon Phelps, since many of the names of the Knights of Malta included in this newsletter were taken from his excellent book, Vatican Assassins.))
((NOTE: Abbreviations used: CIA = the Central Intelligence Agency; FBI = the Federal Bureau of Investigation; FDR = Franklin Delano Roosevelt; JFK = (President) John F. Kennedy; MLK = Martin Luther King; RFK = Robert F. Kennedy; and, WWII = World War Two.))
“...if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits] are one and the same person.” – James Parton (American historian)
Editor of TTT has written two previous newsletters on “The Jesuits”: TTT #44 was entitled “The Jesuits”; TTT #49 was entitled “The Jesuits – Part II”. Both of those two TTT newsletters dealt with the history of Jesuit political intrigues and Jesuit involvement in the assassination of heads of state. Both of those two previous TTT newsletters contained numerous quotations by famous personages concerning the Jesuit Order.
This issue of TTT will deal with a powerful Roman Catholic organization, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – i.e., the Knights of Malta. As one reads this newsletter, it is most important to remember that the Knights of Malta are headquartered in Rome together with the Jesuit hierarchy. The head of the Jesuits, the Jesuit Superior General (i.e., the Black Pope), is also the head of the Knights of Malta! Author John Daniel, in his excellent book The Grand Design Exposed, makes a very compelling case that the Jesuit Order (i.e., the Society of Jesus) took over Freemasonry centuries ago. If John Daniel is correct (and Editor of TTT believes that he is correct), then the Jesuit Superior General controls not only his own Jesuit Order, but also the powerful Knights of Malta AND the top levels of Freemasonry! Numerous authors have also made a compelling case that the Jesuit Superior General also controls the Papacy (i.e., the “White Pope” and the Roman Curia). When all this is taken into consideration, the Jesuit Superior General (the “Black Pope”) surely rates as one of the most powerful men in the world! ((NOTE: At least two popes were assassinated via the “poison cup” by the Jesuits: Pope Clement XIII in 1769 (for trying to suppress the Jesuit Order) and Pope Clement XIV in 1774 (for having succeeded in suppressing and banning the Jesuit Order in 1773). (Pope Pius VII, in exchange for his release from prison, “restored” the Jesuit Order in 1814.) Additionally, Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death in 1978 by P-2 Masonry and elements within the Roman Curia when he attempted to rein in the Vatican Bank and remove top-level Masons from the Vatican.))
Here is but a small sampling of famous personages who were Knights of Malta:
(Americans): Francis Cardinal Spellman, Dallas Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, Joseph P. Kennedy (father of JFK), Henry R. Luce, John McCone, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, William J. Casey, James Jesus Angleton, William Randolph Hearst, William F. Buckley, Jr., J. Peter Grace, Clay Shaw (former CIA contract agent), Cartha D. DeLoach (former FBI assistant director), (former) Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, (former) Hollywood director Frank Capra, William Simon (former Secretary of the Treasury), Myron Taylor (FDR’s personal ambassador to the Vatican in WWII), Francis D. Flanagan (former VIP for IT&T), John Farrell (former President of U.S. Steel), Frank Shakespeare (former President of CBS Television Services), and Lee Iacocca. ((Note: Three of the above men – McCone, Donovan, and Casey – were Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); one – Angleton – was the chief of the CIA’s Counterintelligence Office, and in charge of the CIA’s “Vatican Desk” and “Israel Desk”.))
(Foreign): German WWII General Reinhard Gehlen (Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union), German Franz von Papen (who helped put Hitler into power in Nazi Germany, and who negotiated the Concordat between Hitler and Pope Pius XII), and Englishman and “double agent” Kim Philby. ((NOTE: We seem to have lots of Knights of Malta (and high-level Masons, too) spread all around various intelligence agencies throughout the world!))
If three directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) came from any relatively small, secretive organization, society, or club, surely the American people would want to know if something “un-American” was going on! Yet at least three directors of the CIA have been Knights of Malta: William “Wild Bill” Donovan, John McCone, and William Casey. Additionally, the very powerful position of CIA Chief of Counterintelligence was held for many years by James Jesus Angleton (another Knight of Malta)!
Now consider again the quote at the beginning of this newsletter by American historian James Parton: “...if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits] are one and the same person.” ((And please remember that author John Daniel makes a very compelling case in his book The Grand Design Exposed that the Jesuit Order took over Freemasonry centuries ago!)) Now consider these top-level Freemasons who have held top positions in U.S. Intelligence & Law Enforcement: (former FBI chief) J. Edger Hoover and (former CIA director) Allen Dulles.
((Interestingly, at least three U.S. presidents (Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman) were top-level Freemasons; and a top advisor to both President Wilson and FDR was a top-level Mason (Edward Mandell House).))
By the way, another Knight of Malta seems to have played a key role in setting up the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): German General Reinhard Gehlen – he was Hitler’s head of intelligence against the Soviet Union. Interestingly, two future Directors of the CIA (top-level Freemason Allen Dulles and Knight of Malta William Casey) were key players in bringing Reinhard Gehlen to the United States. Gehlen and a number of other top-level Nazis were “smuggled” out of Germany immediately at the end of WWII. Many of them moved through the “Vatican Ratlines” – intricate “escape routes” set up by the Vatican to help these “former” Nazis (and many Fascists, also) flee Europe (and escape any possible punishment for war crimes) at the end of WWII. ((WHY did the Vatican help top-level Nazis and Fascists to escape from Europe? And WHY did the Vatican sign Concordats with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and other Fascist regimes in Europe during WWII?)) Quite a large number of these former top-level Nazis ended up in the USA, and went to work for the U.S. government (including the CIA)!
Did you know that Knight of Malta Clay Shaw (who was also a CIA contract agent and international industrialist) played a key role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK)? Did you know that several other Knights of Malta ((such as Assistant FBI Director Cartha D. DeLoach, James Jesus Angleton (Chief of CIA Counterintelligence; “liaison” to the Warren Commission), and Lee Iacocca)) participated in the cover-up of the real assassins involved in the JFK assassination? ((According to author Eric Jon Phelps, Lee Iacocca dispatched his head of security to take JFK’s presidential limousine for quick disassembly, thereby destroying any possible vehicular evidence of multiple shots having been fired at President Kennedy!)) Additionally, FBI Director J. Edger Hoover (a top-level Mason) was clearly implicated in the JFK assassination plot (being present with Vice President Lyndon Johnson and other powerful Americans at Clint Murchison’s mansion in North Dallas on the evening of November 21, 1963 – the day before the actual assassination). Another top-level Mason named to the Warren Commission to “investigate” the assassination of JFK was Allen Dulles! Allen Dulles just happened to have been fired from being the Director of the CIA by President Kennedy! ((JFK had stated shortly before his assassination that he was going to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces”!)) Another top-level Mason to be appointed to the Warren Commission (and to head it up) was Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Now please remember the quote at the beginning of this newsletter about the Jesuit Superior General (who controls the Knights of Malta) also controlling Freemasonry! There sure seem to be a lot of Knights of Malta and top-level Masons involved in both the assassination of JFK and in the subsequent cover-up! ((QUESTION: WHY are all these Knights of Malta and top-level Masons cooperating with each other IF the Vatican and Freemasonry are really opposed to each other?))
((NOTE: The above information is NOT “conspiracy theory”, but rather “conspiracy fact”! The proper view of history is indeed the “conspiratorial” one, rather than “everything in history just happens by chance”. There was indeed a conspiracy by several high-level Roman officials to murder Julius Caesar; there was also indeed a conspiracy on the part of Roman Emperor Nero and some of his lackeys to burn part of Rome and blame it on his enemies (the Christians); there was also indeed a conspiracy on the part of Hitler and his lackeys to burn the German Reichstag (Parliament Building) and blame it on his enemies (the Communists); and there was indeed a colossal conspiracy to both murder President John F. Kennedy, and to cover up the identity of the real assassins! If you still doubt that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK after all these years of massive cover-up, then please get a copy of Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK” (the “Special Edition Director’s Cut”) and carefully view it. Additionally, editor of TTT most highly recommends that you purchase a copy of the excellent book, The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK, by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (a former Army Security Agency officer) – it is available for $38.95 postpaid (338 pages; hardback) from “Radio Liberty” by calling their toll-free number 800-544-8927.))
((ADDITIONAL NOTE: President John F. Kennedy, a real American hero, took on the rich and powerful elite individuals who really run America “from behind the scenes”. JFK had fired the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), i.e., a top-level Freemason named Allen Dulles. He had also fired top CIA official General Charles Cabell (whose brother Earl Cabell just happened to be the Mayor of Dallas when JFK was assassinated there – probably just another coincidence, eh?). And please remember JFK’s statement about “splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces” shortly before his assassination! Editor of TTT previously devoted an entire issue (TTT #38, dated: November 22, 2003) to the JFK assassination. In that issue I listed the names of the 25 attendees of the “special meeting” at Clint Murchison’s mansion in North Dallas on November 21, 1963 (the day before the actual assassination). The following is a quote from that issue: “…One can easily see from examining the list of the 25 [attendees] [that the following elements were all involved in the JFK assassination]: [top elements] of the CIA and FBI; members of organized crime; members of “Big Oil”; and top political leaders.” Indeed, top levels of the CIA and FBI were involved in the assassination of a courageous U.S. President, and in the subsequent “whitewash” and cover-up by the Warren Commission!))
Here are just two of the top Knights of Malta who held key “power positions” in the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media:
(1) William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) – American publisher of newspapers and magazines; by 1937 he owned 25 large daily newspapers.
(2) Henry Robinson Luce (1898-1967) – American publisher and editor; some of his magazines were Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated.
Now here is something that is very interesting: These two Knights of Malta who were media moguls (William Randolph Hearst and Henry R. Luce), and another powerful Knight of Malta (J. Peter Grace), sponsored and supported two “Protestant” televangelists (Pat Robertson and Billy Graham)! Yes, according to author Texe Marrs, powerful Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace sponsored 33rd Degree Mason Pat Robertson; and powerful Knights of Malta William Randolph Hearst and Henry R. Luce sponsored 33rd Degree Mason Billy Graham! Now why would a Roman Catholic Order (the Knights of Malta – controlled by the Jesuit Superior General) sponsor two “Protestant” televangelists (who are Masons) – unless, of course, the Jesuit Superior General also controls Freemasonry at its top levels?
((NOTE: If you would like to learn more about American televangelists (and their connections to the Knights of Malta and Freemasonry), I recommend that you get the outstanding 84-minute VHS video tape entitled “Tower of Infamy” by Texe Marrs (author; and host of the “Power of Prophecy” radio broadcast). To order by credit card, call toll-free 1-800-234-9673.))
Editor of TTT has just barely “scratched the surface” of the power and influence of this Catholic Order, the Knights of Malta. Only a small sampling of famous Knights of Malta, both American and foreign-born, has been included in this newsletter.
Again, please consider that if the Jesuit Superior General (the Black Pope) indeed also controls Freemasonry as well as his own Jesuit Order and the Knights of Malta, then he is one of the most powerful men in the world. And considering the fact that so many Knights of Malta and high-level Masons have been Directors of the CIA (and have held a number of high-level positions in the FBI), then one must ask WHO is really running the top levels of U.S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement? And one must also ask: if so many of these Knights of Malta (controlled by the Jesuit Superior General) and top-level Masons cooperate on such important events as the assassination of JFK, then are the top levels of Freemasonry and the Jesuits/Knights of Malta really opposed to each other? Or just might one person (i.e., the Jesuit Superior General – the “Black Pope”) be controlling both groups?
If you would like to learn more about the assassination of JFK and several other famous Americans, you can purchase Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.’s book The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK. (Information on how to order it was given earlier in this newsletter.) Here are some more resources that you might wish to obtain:
1) “The Kennedy Special” (information packet): $39.95 postpaid; includes the book Oswald and the CIA by John Newman, “The JFK Assassination” four-audio-tape set, and the book Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks At Dealey Plaza by U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Craig Roberts. To order, please call “Radio Liberty” at their toll-free number 800-544-8927; or send check or money order payable to “Radio Liberty” to: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073.
2) The book Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by U.S. Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris; 64 pages; 1897; provides strong evidence of Jesuit involvement in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln; $9.95 postpaid. To order, send check or money order payable to “The Conversion Center, Inc.” to: The Conversion Center // P.O. Box 31688 // Raleigh, NC 27622-1688.
3) The book The Murder of John Paul I by Vance Ferrell; 55 pages; 1999; provides very strong evidence that Pope John Paul I was murdered by his Masonic enemies inside the Vatican; $6.50 postpaid. To order, send check or money order payable to “Harvestime Books” to: Harvestime Books // Box 300 // Altamont, TN 37301; or for credit card orders, call 931-692-2777.
4) The book The Grand Design Exposed by John Daniel; 412 pages; paperback; 1999; details the Jesuit takeover of Freemasonry; $20 postpaid. To order, send check or money order payable to “American Sentry Books” to: American Sentry Books // P.O. Box 14 // Crawley, WV 24931.
((Questions on bulk orders, etc.: please call phone number 304-392-6155.))
5) The two books, The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked, by Bill Hughes. These two paperback books deal with Jesuit assassination of U.S. presidents and other Jesuit intrigues. Both books can be obtained for $9 postpaid. Send check or money order payable to “Truth Triumphant” to: Truth Triumphant // P.O. Box 1417 // Eustis, FL 32727-1417.
6) The book Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps; paperback; 694 pages. ((This book is currently out-of-print. If you can find a “used” copy somewhere, I most highly recommend that you get it. It is a tremendous expose of the Jesuit Order, and includes a lengthy chapter on the JFK assassination.))
Let me close this issue of TTT with one final comment, a Bible verse, and the following quote by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.:
“The U.S. government agencies, along with local and state law enforcement agencies, have concealed, destroyed, and ignored so much evidence in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK that we can not trust them to do their assigned jobs.”
Indeed, the massive cover-ups in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK (and even of Abraham Lincoln) continue to this very day. Much of the official evidence in the JFK assassination remains hidden from the American people under “national security”. It has been over four decades since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a professional “sniper team” of at least three shooters. What information is so horrible that the U.S. government must keep it “under wraps” and out of the sight of the American people after so much time has passed? WHO is being protected by this secrecy? Do top-level Masons and Knights of Malta really run the CIA and other intelligence agencies around the globe?
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” (Psalm 94:16)
P.S. Please check out these great web sites for news that the establishment-controlled mainstream media often keeps from the American people (or “spins” it before it gets to the American people), and for insightful analysis of the news: and . ((I highly recommend the Alex Jones’ videos offered on these web sites, especially “9/11: The Road to Tyranny” and “The Masters of Terror”.))
note: Roman Catholicism is not a Christian denomination.
About Darryl Eberhart
Liberty To The Captives links disclaimer
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" – William Tyndale
Issue #53 // November 15, 2004 // Editor: Darryl Eberhart
((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”. Some issues of my TTT newsletters and my “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)” newsletters can be seen on these following two Internet web sites: and .))
((NOTE: This issue of TTT may seriously disturb some folks’ comfort zones. Additionally, this issue is dedicated to good, courageous Roman Catholic Christians who have stood against evil, corruption, and tyranny throughout history! [note] My special thanks go to author Eric Jon Phelps, since many of the names of the Knights of Malta included in this newsletter were taken from his excellent book, Vatican Assassins.))
((NOTE: Abbreviations used: CIA = the Central Intelligence Agency; FBI = the Federal Bureau of Investigation; FDR = Franklin Delano Roosevelt; JFK = (President) John F. Kennedy; MLK = Martin Luther King; RFK = Robert F. Kennedy; and, WWII = World War Two.))
“...if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits] are one and the same person.” – James Parton (American historian)
Editor of TTT has written two previous newsletters on “The Jesuits”: TTT #44 was entitled “The Jesuits”; TTT #49 was entitled “The Jesuits – Part II”. Both of those two TTT newsletters dealt with the history of Jesuit political intrigues and Jesuit involvement in the assassination of heads of state. Both of those two previous TTT newsletters contained numerous quotations by famous personages concerning the Jesuit Order.
This issue of TTT will deal with a powerful Roman Catholic organization, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – i.e., the Knights of Malta. As one reads this newsletter, it is most important to remember that the Knights of Malta are headquartered in Rome together with the Jesuit hierarchy. The head of the Jesuits, the Jesuit Superior General (i.e., the Black Pope), is also the head of the Knights of Malta! Author John Daniel, in his excellent book The Grand Design Exposed, makes a very compelling case that the Jesuit Order (i.e., the Society of Jesus) took over Freemasonry centuries ago. If John Daniel is correct (and Editor of TTT believes that he is correct), then the Jesuit Superior General controls not only his own Jesuit Order, but also the powerful Knights of Malta AND the top levels of Freemasonry! Numerous authors have also made a compelling case that the Jesuit Superior General also controls the Papacy (i.e., the “White Pope” and the Roman Curia). When all this is taken into consideration, the Jesuit Superior General (the “Black Pope”) surely rates as one of the most powerful men in the world! ((NOTE: At least two popes were assassinated via the “poison cup” by the Jesuits: Pope Clement XIII in 1769 (for trying to suppress the Jesuit Order) and Pope Clement XIV in 1774 (for having succeeded in suppressing and banning the Jesuit Order in 1773). (Pope Pius VII, in exchange for his release from prison, “restored” the Jesuit Order in 1814.) Additionally, Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death in 1978 by P-2 Masonry and elements within the Roman Curia when he attempted to rein in the Vatican Bank and remove top-level Masons from the Vatican.))
Here is but a small sampling of famous personages who were Knights of Malta:
(Americans): Francis Cardinal Spellman, Dallas Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, Joseph P. Kennedy (father of JFK), Henry R. Luce, John McCone, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, William J. Casey, James Jesus Angleton, William Randolph Hearst, William F. Buckley, Jr., J. Peter Grace, Clay Shaw (former CIA contract agent), Cartha D. DeLoach (former FBI assistant director), (former) Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, (former) Hollywood director Frank Capra, William Simon (former Secretary of the Treasury), Myron Taylor (FDR’s personal ambassador to the Vatican in WWII), Francis D. Flanagan (former VIP for IT&T), John Farrell (former President of U.S. Steel), Frank Shakespeare (former President of CBS Television Services), and Lee Iacocca. ((Note: Three of the above men – McCone, Donovan, and Casey – were Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); one – Angleton – was the chief of the CIA’s Counterintelligence Office, and in charge of the CIA’s “Vatican Desk” and “Israel Desk”.))
(Foreign): German WWII General Reinhard Gehlen (Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union), German Franz von Papen (who helped put Hitler into power in Nazi Germany, and who negotiated the Concordat between Hitler and Pope Pius XII), and Englishman and “double agent” Kim Philby. ((NOTE: We seem to have lots of Knights of Malta (and high-level Masons, too) spread all around various intelligence agencies throughout the world!))
If three directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) came from any relatively small, secretive organization, society, or club, surely the American people would want to know if something “un-American” was going on! Yet at least three directors of the CIA have been Knights of Malta: William “Wild Bill” Donovan, John McCone, and William Casey. Additionally, the very powerful position of CIA Chief of Counterintelligence was held for many years by James Jesus Angleton (another Knight of Malta)!
Now consider again the quote at the beginning of this newsletter by American historian James Parton: “...if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits] are one and the same person.” ((And please remember that author John Daniel makes a very compelling case in his book The Grand Design Exposed that the Jesuit Order took over Freemasonry centuries ago!)) Now consider these top-level Freemasons who have held top positions in U.S. Intelligence & Law Enforcement: (former FBI chief) J. Edger Hoover and (former CIA director) Allen Dulles.
((Interestingly, at least three U.S. presidents (Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman) were top-level Freemasons; and a top advisor to both President Wilson and FDR was a top-level Mason (Edward Mandell House).))
By the way, another Knight of Malta seems to have played a key role in setting up the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): German General Reinhard Gehlen – he was Hitler’s head of intelligence against the Soviet Union. Interestingly, two future Directors of the CIA (top-level Freemason Allen Dulles and Knight of Malta William Casey) were key players in bringing Reinhard Gehlen to the United States. Gehlen and a number of other top-level Nazis were “smuggled” out of Germany immediately at the end of WWII. Many of them moved through the “Vatican Ratlines” – intricate “escape routes” set up by the Vatican to help these “former” Nazis (and many Fascists, also) flee Europe (and escape any possible punishment for war crimes) at the end of WWII. ((WHY did the Vatican help top-level Nazis and Fascists to escape from Europe? And WHY did the Vatican sign Concordats with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and other Fascist regimes in Europe during WWII?)) Quite a large number of these former top-level Nazis ended up in the USA, and went to work for the U.S. government (including the CIA)!
Did you know that Knight of Malta Clay Shaw (who was also a CIA contract agent and international industrialist) played a key role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK)? Did you know that several other Knights of Malta ((such as Assistant FBI Director Cartha D. DeLoach, James Jesus Angleton (Chief of CIA Counterintelligence; “liaison” to the Warren Commission), and Lee Iacocca)) participated in the cover-up of the real assassins involved in the JFK assassination? ((According to author Eric Jon Phelps, Lee Iacocca dispatched his head of security to take JFK’s presidential limousine for quick disassembly, thereby destroying any possible vehicular evidence of multiple shots having been fired at President Kennedy!)) Additionally, FBI Director J. Edger Hoover (a top-level Mason) was clearly implicated in the JFK assassination plot (being present with Vice President Lyndon Johnson and other powerful Americans at Clint Murchison’s mansion in North Dallas on the evening of November 21, 1963 – the day before the actual assassination). Another top-level Mason named to the Warren Commission to “investigate” the assassination of JFK was Allen Dulles! Allen Dulles just happened to have been fired from being the Director of the CIA by President Kennedy! ((JFK had stated shortly before his assassination that he was going to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces”!)) Another top-level Mason to be appointed to the Warren Commission (and to head it up) was Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Now please remember the quote at the beginning of this newsletter about the Jesuit Superior General (who controls the Knights of Malta) also controlling Freemasonry! There sure seem to be a lot of Knights of Malta and top-level Masons involved in both the assassination of JFK and in the subsequent cover-up! ((QUESTION: WHY are all these Knights of Malta and top-level Masons cooperating with each other IF the Vatican and Freemasonry are really opposed to each other?))
((NOTE: The above information is NOT “conspiracy theory”, but rather “conspiracy fact”! The proper view of history is indeed the “conspiratorial” one, rather than “everything in history just happens by chance”. There was indeed a conspiracy by several high-level Roman officials to murder Julius Caesar; there was also indeed a conspiracy on the part of Roman Emperor Nero and some of his lackeys to burn part of Rome and blame it on his enemies (the Christians); there was also indeed a conspiracy on the part of Hitler and his lackeys to burn the German Reichstag (Parliament Building) and blame it on his enemies (the Communists); and there was indeed a colossal conspiracy to both murder President John F. Kennedy, and to cover up the identity of the real assassins! If you still doubt that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK after all these years of massive cover-up, then please get a copy of Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK” (the “Special Edition Director’s Cut”) and carefully view it. Additionally, editor of TTT most highly recommends that you purchase a copy of the excellent book, The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK, by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (a former Army Security Agency officer) – it is available for $38.95 postpaid (338 pages; hardback) from “Radio Liberty” by calling their toll-free number 800-544-8927.))
((ADDITIONAL NOTE: President John F. Kennedy, a real American hero, took on the rich and powerful elite individuals who really run America “from behind the scenes”. JFK had fired the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), i.e., a top-level Freemason named Allen Dulles. He had also fired top CIA official General Charles Cabell (whose brother Earl Cabell just happened to be the Mayor of Dallas when JFK was assassinated there – probably just another coincidence, eh?). And please remember JFK’s statement about “splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces” shortly before his assassination! Editor of TTT previously devoted an entire issue (TTT #38, dated: November 22, 2003) to the JFK assassination. In that issue I listed the names of the 25 attendees of the “special meeting” at Clint Murchison’s mansion in North Dallas on November 21, 1963 (the day before the actual assassination). The following is a quote from that issue: “…One can easily see from examining the list of the 25 [attendees] [that the following elements were all involved in the JFK assassination]: [top elements] of the CIA and FBI; members of organized crime; members of “Big Oil”; and top political leaders.” Indeed, top levels of the CIA and FBI were involved in the assassination of a courageous U.S. President, and in the subsequent “whitewash” and cover-up by the Warren Commission!))
Here are just two of the top Knights of Malta who held key “power positions” in the establishment-CONTROLLED mainstream media:
(1) William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) – American publisher of newspapers and magazines; by 1937 he owned 25 large daily newspapers.
(2) Henry Robinson Luce (1898-1967) – American publisher and editor; some of his magazines were Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated.
Now here is something that is very interesting: These two Knights of Malta who were media moguls (William Randolph Hearst and Henry R. Luce), and another powerful Knight of Malta (J. Peter Grace), sponsored and supported two “Protestant” televangelists (Pat Robertson and Billy Graham)! Yes, according to author Texe Marrs, powerful Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace sponsored 33rd Degree Mason Pat Robertson; and powerful Knights of Malta William Randolph Hearst and Henry R. Luce sponsored 33rd Degree Mason Billy Graham! Now why would a Roman Catholic Order (the Knights of Malta – controlled by the Jesuit Superior General) sponsor two “Protestant” televangelists (who are Masons) – unless, of course, the Jesuit Superior General also controls Freemasonry at its top levels?
((NOTE: If you would like to learn more about American televangelists (and their connections to the Knights of Malta and Freemasonry), I recommend that you get the outstanding 84-minute VHS video tape entitled “Tower of Infamy” by Texe Marrs (author; and host of the “Power of Prophecy” radio broadcast). To order by credit card, call toll-free 1-800-234-9673.))
Editor of TTT has just barely “scratched the surface” of the power and influence of this Catholic Order, the Knights of Malta. Only a small sampling of famous Knights of Malta, both American and foreign-born, has been included in this newsletter.
Again, please consider that if the Jesuit Superior General (the Black Pope) indeed also controls Freemasonry as well as his own Jesuit Order and the Knights of Malta, then he is one of the most powerful men in the world. And considering the fact that so many Knights of Malta and high-level Masons have been Directors of the CIA (and have held a number of high-level positions in the FBI), then one must ask WHO is really running the top levels of U.S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement? And one must also ask: if so many of these Knights of Malta (controlled by the Jesuit Superior General) and top-level Masons cooperate on such important events as the assassination of JFK, then are the top levels of Freemasonry and the Jesuits/Knights of Malta really opposed to each other? Or just might one person (i.e., the Jesuit Superior General – the “Black Pope”) be controlling both groups?
If you would like to learn more about the assassination of JFK and several other famous Americans, you can purchase Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.’s book The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK. (Information on how to order it was given earlier in this newsletter.) Here are some more resources that you might wish to obtain:
1) “The Kennedy Special” (information packet): $39.95 postpaid; includes the book Oswald and the CIA by John Newman, “The JFK Assassination” four-audio-tape set, and the book Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks At Dealey Plaza by U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Craig Roberts. To order, please call “Radio Liberty” at their toll-free number 800-544-8927; or send check or money order payable to “Radio Liberty” to: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073.
2) The book Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by U.S. Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris; 64 pages; 1897; provides strong evidence of Jesuit involvement in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln; $9.95 postpaid. To order, send check or money order payable to “The Conversion Center, Inc.” to: The Conversion Center // P.O. Box 31688 // Raleigh, NC 27622-1688.
3) The book The Murder of John Paul I by Vance Ferrell; 55 pages; 1999; provides very strong evidence that Pope John Paul I was murdered by his Masonic enemies inside the Vatican; $6.50 postpaid. To order, send check or money order payable to “Harvestime Books” to: Harvestime Books // Box 300 // Altamont, TN 37301; or for credit card orders, call 931-692-2777.
4) The book The Grand Design Exposed by John Daniel; 412 pages; paperback; 1999; details the Jesuit takeover of Freemasonry; $20 postpaid. To order, send check or money order payable to “American Sentry Books” to: American Sentry Books // P.O. Box 14 // Crawley, WV 24931.
((Questions on bulk orders, etc.: please call phone number 304-392-6155.))
5) The two books, The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked, by Bill Hughes. These two paperback books deal with Jesuit assassination of U.S. presidents and other Jesuit intrigues. Both books can be obtained for $9 postpaid. Send check or money order payable to “Truth Triumphant” to: Truth Triumphant // P.O. Box 1417 // Eustis, FL 32727-1417.
6) The book Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps; paperback; 694 pages. ((This book is currently out-of-print. If you can find a “used” copy somewhere, I most highly recommend that you get it. It is a tremendous expose of the Jesuit Order, and includes a lengthy chapter on the JFK assassination.))
Let me close this issue of TTT with one final comment, a Bible verse, and the following quote by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.:
“The U.S. government agencies, along with local and state law enforcement agencies, have concealed, destroyed, and ignored so much evidence in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK that we can not trust them to do their assigned jobs.”
Indeed, the massive cover-ups in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK (and even of Abraham Lincoln) continue to this very day. Much of the official evidence in the JFK assassination remains hidden from the American people under “national security”. It has been over four decades since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a professional “sniper team” of at least three shooters. What information is so horrible that the U.S. government must keep it “under wraps” and out of the sight of the American people after so much time has passed? WHO is being protected by this secrecy? Do top-level Masons and Knights of Malta really run the CIA and other intelligence agencies around the globe?
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” (Psalm 94:16)
P.S. Please check out these great web sites for news that the establishment-controlled mainstream media often keeps from the American people (or “spins” it before it gets to the American people), and for insightful analysis of the news: and . ((I highly recommend the Alex Jones’ videos offered on these web sites, especially “9/11: The Road to Tyranny” and “The Masters of Terror”.))
note: Roman Catholicism is not a Christian denomination.
About Darryl Eberhart
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Sunday, March 08, 2009
The Forgotten Holocaust
The Forgotten Holocaust:
The Eastern Slave Trade
The Arab Slave Trade is the longest yet least discussed of the two major trades. It begins in the 7th century AD as Arabs and other Asians poured into Northern and Eastern Africa under the banner of Islam, either converting or subjugating the African societies they came upon. In the beginning there was some level of mutual respect between the Blacks and the more Caucasian-Semitic Arabs. Mihdja, a Black man, is said to be the first Muslim killed in battle while another, Bilal, is regarded as a "third of the faith." Dhu'l-Nun al-Misri, born in Upper Egypt near Sudan, is regarded as the founder of Sufism. Today Sufism's greatest stronghold is in Southern Egypt and Sudan. Islamic prosperity was based upon Black as well as Arabic genius.
The children of a stinking Nubian black---God put no light in their complexion!
Arab Poet, late 600AD,
But as Islamic prosperity grew, so did an air of hostility towards many Blacks, Muslims or otherwise. Some Arabs complained about having to work next to Blacks in high positions. After the Prophet's death, even the descendants of Bilal received negative treatment. Arabic writings became laced with anti-Black sentiment. This reaction of Blacks at the time to this can be seen in the writings of a contemporary 9th Century Black scholar in residence at Baghdad by the name of Abu 'Uthman' Amr Ibn Bahr Al-Jahiz. Al-Jahiz, to confront a growing tide of anti-black sentiment in the Muslim world, published a highly controversial work at the time titled, Kitab Fakhr As-Sudan 'Ala Al-Bidan, "The Book of Glory of the Blacks over the Whites." Al-Jahiz in his work contended that even the Prophet Mohammad's father may have been of African lineage.
These new attitudes towards Blacks by Arabs marked the beginning of African enslavement. Though not based solely on race, the Arab Slave Trade did focus heavily upon Africans whom Arabs now saw as inferior to themselves. At first these Arabs raided African villages themselves seeking humans for sale. This not being always successful, they soon enlisted the aid of fellow African Muslims or recently converted Blacks. Wrapping themselves within Islam, these converts rationalized the slavery of their non Muslim brethren as the selling of "unbelievers." At other times the Arabs would demand tribute in the form of human bodies from Africans weary of the fight against Arabic-Islamic incursions.
The Arabs took advantage of regional wars in Africa to buy captives from the victor. They also used the old divide-and-conquer technique. They worked one group against the other and took or killed the best and strongest.
S.E. Anderson, The Black Holocaust for Beginners
Slave Raids and Markets
The Arab slavers raided at nightfall, during the dinner time. Africans who resisted or tried to run were shot and killed. Most adult men were killed as the Arabs favored women and children for sale. The captives then endured a long and torturous march through the African countryside as the slavers searched and gathered more captives. Young men, women, and children were bound by hand and by neck throughout this journey, enduring beatings and rapes along the way. Those who fell sick or dead were left behind. Others remained bound to living captives.
After surviving the torturous ride aboard the Arab slave ships, Africans were taken to the slave markets. Here Muslim men would inspect their intended purchases. Women and young girls were degradingly probed by these men in public or private stalls to test their sexual worth. Those that did not survive their time in these markets were left out to rot. It is said that that hyenas, very numerous in the region, "gorged themselves on human flesh..." Pictured here is a slave market in East Africa.
Concubines and Eunuchs
Pictured here is an African trader (possibly an Egyptian)with two Sudanese slave girls for sale. The African is a Muslim while the girls are not. The Eastern Slave Trade dealt primarily with African women: a ratio of two women for each man. These women and young girls were used by Arabs and other Asians as concubines. Filling the harems of wealthy Arabs, they often bore them a host of children. This sexual abuse of African women would continue for nearly 1200 years.
The Eastern Slave Trade also dealt in the sale of castrated male slaves: Aghas or eunuchs. Used as guards and tutors, these slaves were central to familial peace, protection and order in many wealthy Muslim households. Eunuchs were created by completely amputating the scrotum and penis of 8-to-12-year-old African boys. Hundreds of thousands of young boys may have been subjected to this genital mutilation. Many bled to death during the gory procedure. The survival rate of this process ranged from 1 in 10 to 1 in 30.
Holocaust: The Numbers
Due to the enormous length of the Arab Slave Trade, from 700 to 1911AD, it is impossible to be certain of the numbers of Africans sold in this system. Estimates place the numbers somewhere around 14 million: at least 9.6 million African women and 4.4 African men.
It has been estimated that in all, at least 14 to 20 MILLION African men, women and children died throughout this trade. (Photos and Information courtesy of The Black Holocaust for Beginners by SE Anderson, A Pictorial History of the Slave Trade, Slave Trade of Eastern Africa by Beachy, Slavery in the Arab World by Gordon Murray and Africa in History by Basil Davidson)
The Forgotten Holocaust:
The Eastern Slave Trade
The Arab Slave Trade is the longest yet least discussed of the two major trades. It begins in the 7th century AD as Arabs and other Asians poured into Northern and Eastern Africa under the banner of Islam, either converting or subjugating the African societies they came upon. In the beginning there was some level of mutual respect between the Blacks and the more Caucasian-Semitic Arabs. Mihdja, a Black man, is said to be the first Muslim killed in battle while another, Bilal, is regarded as a "third of the faith." Dhu'l-Nun al-Misri, born in Upper Egypt near Sudan, is regarded as the founder of Sufism. Today Sufism's greatest stronghold is in Southern Egypt and Sudan. Islamic prosperity was based upon Black as well as Arabic genius.
The children of a stinking Nubian black---God put no light in their complexion!
Arab Poet, late 600AD,
But as Islamic prosperity grew, so did an air of hostility towards many Blacks, Muslims or otherwise. Some Arabs complained about having to work next to Blacks in high positions. After the Prophet's death, even the descendants of Bilal received negative treatment. Arabic writings became laced with anti-Black sentiment. This reaction of Blacks at the time to this can be seen in the writings of a contemporary 9th Century Black scholar in residence at Baghdad by the name of Abu 'Uthman' Amr Ibn Bahr Al-Jahiz. Al-Jahiz, to confront a growing tide of anti-black sentiment in the Muslim world, published a highly controversial work at the time titled, Kitab Fakhr As-Sudan 'Ala Al-Bidan, "The Book of Glory of the Blacks over the Whites." Al-Jahiz in his work contended that even the Prophet Mohammad's father may have been of African lineage.
These new attitudes towards Blacks by Arabs marked the beginning of African enslavement. Though not based solely on race, the Arab Slave Trade did focus heavily upon Africans whom Arabs now saw as inferior to themselves. At first these Arabs raided African villages themselves seeking humans for sale. This not being always successful, they soon enlisted the aid of fellow African Muslims or recently converted Blacks. Wrapping themselves within Islam, these converts rationalized the slavery of their non Muslim brethren as the selling of "unbelievers." At other times the Arabs would demand tribute in the form of human bodies from Africans weary of the fight against Arabic-Islamic incursions.
The Arabs took advantage of regional wars in Africa to buy captives from the victor. They also used the old divide-and-conquer technique. They worked one group against the other and took or killed the best and strongest.
S.E. Anderson, The Black Holocaust for Beginners
Slave Raids and Markets
The Arab slavers raided at nightfall, during the dinner time. Africans who resisted or tried to run were shot and killed. Most adult men were killed as the Arabs favored women and children for sale. The captives then endured a long and torturous march through the African countryside as the slavers searched and gathered more captives. Young men, women, and children were bound by hand and by neck throughout this journey, enduring beatings and rapes along the way. Those who fell sick or dead were left behind. Others remained bound to living captives.
After surviving the torturous ride aboard the Arab slave ships, Africans were taken to the slave markets. Here Muslim men would inspect their intended purchases. Women and young girls were degradingly probed by these men in public or private stalls to test their sexual worth. Those that did not survive their time in these markets were left out to rot. It is said that that hyenas, very numerous in the region, "gorged themselves on human flesh..." Pictured here is a slave market in East Africa.
Concubines and Eunuchs
Pictured here is an African trader (possibly an Egyptian)with two Sudanese slave girls for sale. The African is a Muslim while the girls are not. The Eastern Slave Trade dealt primarily with African women: a ratio of two women for each man. These women and young girls were used by Arabs and other Asians as concubines. Filling the harems of wealthy Arabs, they often bore them a host of children. This sexual abuse of African women would continue for nearly 1200 years.
The Eastern Slave Trade also dealt in the sale of castrated male slaves: Aghas or eunuchs. Used as guards and tutors, these slaves were central to familial peace, protection and order in many wealthy Muslim households. Eunuchs were created by completely amputating the scrotum and penis of 8-to-12-year-old African boys. Hundreds of thousands of young boys may have been subjected to this genital mutilation. Many bled to death during the gory procedure. The survival rate of this process ranged from 1 in 10 to 1 in 30.
Holocaust: The Numbers
Due to the enormous length of the Arab Slave Trade, from 700 to 1911AD, it is impossible to be certain of the numbers of Africans sold in this system. Estimates place the numbers somewhere around 14 million: at least 9.6 million African women and 4.4 African men.
It has been estimated that in all, at least 14 to 20 MILLION African men, women and children died throughout this trade. (Photos and Information courtesy of The Black Holocaust for Beginners by SE Anderson, A Pictorial History of the Slave Trade, Slave Trade of Eastern Africa by Beachy, Slavery in the Arab World by Gordon Murray and Africa in History by Basil Davidson)
More History
Great Zimbabwe
Located in the south central African nation of Zimbabwe are the ruins of monuments and cities built of stone. These ruins extend a radius of 100 to 200 miles, a diameter almost as great as the entire nation of France. Believed to have been built by southern Africans about 600-1,000 years ago, they are evidence of a thriving culture in the heart of Africa. Up until recent years, the ruins were believed by Western historians to be the remains of a "mysterious white race" in the heart of Africa. Great Zimbabwe has been ravaged by European treasure hunters and amateur archaeologists. Layer after layer of African artifacts were trashed in order to reach the bottom layer which, it was assumed, would prove that whites had exerted early influence in southern Africa. How many artifacts and important pieces of this ancient culture was lost is unknown. It is only in the last several of decades since Zimbabwe became independent in 1980 that archaeologists have begun to take a serious look at ruins of Great Zimbabwe and similar sites representing a dynamic social, economic and political culture in Southern Africa. Pictured above is the great walled enclosure of Great Zimbabwe. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC)
It is now generally accepted that the ruins of Great Zimbabwe reflect the culture of the Shona peoples, a Bantu speaking ethnic group, who reside in the region today. The name Zimbabwe comes from the Shona. Roughly translated it can mean "Houses of Stone" and are associated with rulership. Upon independence the newly formed state of Zimbabwe took this name for itself. Evidence of what some scholars call Cyclopean Architecture, this structure within the Zimbabwe was made by placing stones atop each other without the use of cement. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC and Great Zimbabwe Described and Explained by P.S. Garlake)
Earliest habitation of the site was around 400 AD. The site consists of a large main stone enclosure and many other structures built in and around it. Building probably occurred in three phases. Zimbabwe was occupied from the 13th to the 15th centuries by ancestors of the Shona. Most archaeologists agree that the Zimbabwe-type stone structures were intended to be indicators of status for the dwelling places for the elite. Modern day Zimbabwean kings, like their African ancestral counterparts in Mali, the Nile Valley and elsewhere, still possess similar dwellings. The wall of the great enclosure, pictured above, measures 244 meters in length, is 5 meters thick at its greatest point, and is 10 meters high. Interestingly, it is tapered so that it is narrowest at the top, suggesting fairly sophisticated architecture. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC)
Around 1000AD people began to build large stone buildings for their kings, positioning them away from land. Many believe this move may have occurred to escape the dangerous tsetse fly. About 150 of these great ruins similar to Great Zimbabwe exist today. Many of these have been severely impacted and almost demolished, at least 50, as a result of the hunger for gold by Europeans. The population of Great Zimbabwe, previously estimated at 1,000 before the outside dwelling areas were taken into consideration, is now believed to have been as high as 18,000. Pictured is a massive conical tower. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC)
This falcon and crocodile structure gives a glimpse of the cultural beliefs of ancient Zimbabwe. The use of animals in religious symbology has remained a continuous theme in African spiritual belief systems. Some archaeologists believe that Great Zimbabwe rose as a religious center with Shona religion making a most significant contribution. It is probable that it served as a religious center where Mwari, the supreme Shona god, was reverenced and where cults of the mhondoro (spirits of the ruling dynasty) flourished. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC and African Origins of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop)
It is also possible that Zimbabwe was a result of surplus wealth from the East African gold trade. External trade existed between Great Zimbabwe and Sofala on the southern coast of what is now Mozambique. Sofala was an important port where goods from India, China and the Islamic world were imported and then sent into the interior, which in turn exported products from inner Africa. Gold was the most sought after export, but other exports such as copper played a role also. Imports were primarily cloth, glass beads and ceramics. Items found at Great Zimbabwe include a glazed Persian bowl from the 13th or 14th century, Chinese celedon dishes, sherds from a Chinese stoneware vessel, and fragments of engraved and painted Near Eastern glass. Around the 14th century, Great Zimbabwe was probably in direct contact with the trading cities of the East African Coast. There was a sudden increase in building activity there at that time, as there was in the cities on the East African Coast. Some believe the decline of Great Zimbabwe during the 15th century was in direct relationship with the decline of coastal cities. Great Zimbabwe declined probably due to a number of factors including environmental degradation and a decline in the gold trade. The legacy of the region however attests to the ingenuity and political strength of its African ancestors, the Shona, and of Africans everywhere. (Information courtesy of The Shona and Zimbabwe by D.N.Beach)
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Great Zimbabwe
Located in the south central African nation of Zimbabwe are the ruins of monuments and cities built of stone. These ruins extend a radius of 100 to 200 miles, a diameter almost as great as the entire nation of France. Believed to have been built by southern Africans about 600-1,000 years ago, they are evidence of a thriving culture in the heart of Africa. Up until recent years, the ruins were believed by Western historians to be the remains of a "mysterious white race" in the heart of Africa. Great Zimbabwe has been ravaged by European treasure hunters and amateur archaeologists. Layer after layer of African artifacts were trashed in order to reach the bottom layer which, it was assumed, would prove that whites had exerted early influence in southern Africa. How many artifacts and important pieces of this ancient culture was lost is unknown. It is only in the last several of decades since Zimbabwe became independent in 1980 that archaeologists have begun to take a serious look at ruins of Great Zimbabwe and similar sites representing a dynamic social, economic and political culture in Southern Africa. Pictured above is the great walled enclosure of Great Zimbabwe. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC)
It is now generally accepted that the ruins of Great Zimbabwe reflect the culture of the Shona peoples, a Bantu speaking ethnic group, who reside in the region today. The name Zimbabwe comes from the Shona. Roughly translated it can mean "Houses of Stone" and are associated with rulership. Upon independence the newly formed state of Zimbabwe took this name for itself. Evidence of what some scholars call Cyclopean Architecture, this structure within the Zimbabwe was made by placing stones atop each other without the use of cement. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC and Great Zimbabwe Described and Explained by P.S. Garlake)
Earliest habitation of the site was around 400 AD. The site consists of a large main stone enclosure and many other structures built in and around it. Building probably occurred in three phases. Zimbabwe was occupied from the 13th to the 15th centuries by ancestors of the Shona. Most archaeologists agree that the Zimbabwe-type stone structures were intended to be indicators of status for the dwelling places for the elite. Modern day Zimbabwean kings, like their African ancestral counterparts in Mali, the Nile Valley and elsewhere, still possess similar dwellings. The wall of the great enclosure, pictured above, measures 244 meters in length, is 5 meters thick at its greatest point, and is 10 meters high. Interestingly, it is tapered so that it is narrowest at the top, suggesting fairly sophisticated architecture. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC)
Around 1000AD people began to build large stone buildings for their kings, positioning them away from land. Many believe this move may have occurred to escape the dangerous tsetse fly. About 150 of these great ruins similar to Great Zimbabwe exist today. Many of these have been severely impacted and almost demolished, at least 50, as a result of the hunger for gold by Europeans. The population of Great Zimbabwe, previously estimated at 1,000 before the outside dwelling areas were taken into consideration, is now believed to have been as high as 18,000. Pictured is a massive conical tower. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC)
This falcon and crocodile structure gives a glimpse of the cultural beliefs of ancient Zimbabwe. The use of animals in religious symbology has remained a continuous theme in African spiritual belief systems. Some archaeologists believe that Great Zimbabwe rose as a religious center with Shona religion making a most significant contribution. It is probable that it served as a religious center where Mwari, the supreme Shona god, was reverenced and where cults of the mhondoro (spirits of the ruling dynasty) flourished. (Photo and information courtesy of MCC and African Origins of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop)
It is also possible that Zimbabwe was a result of surplus wealth from the East African gold trade. External trade existed between Great Zimbabwe and Sofala on the southern coast of what is now Mozambique. Sofala was an important port where goods from India, China and the Islamic world were imported and then sent into the interior, which in turn exported products from inner Africa. Gold was the most sought after export, but other exports such as copper played a role also. Imports were primarily cloth, glass beads and ceramics. Items found at Great Zimbabwe include a glazed Persian bowl from the 13th or 14th century, Chinese celedon dishes, sherds from a Chinese stoneware vessel, and fragments of engraved and painted Near Eastern glass. Around the 14th century, Great Zimbabwe was probably in direct contact with the trading cities of the East African Coast. There was a sudden increase in building activity there at that time, as there was in the cities on the East African Coast. Some believe the decline of Great Zimbabwe during the 15th century was in direct relationship with the decline of coastal cities. Great Zimbabwe declined probably due to a number of factors including environmental degradation and a decline in the gold trade. The legacy of the region however attests to the ingenuity and political strength of its African ancestors, the Shona, and of Africans everywhere. (Information courtesy of The Shona and Zimbabwe by D.N.Beach)
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Friday, March 06, 2009
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